Galacticraft 🚀 - Hai, Saya mengalami masalah saat membuka game, tetapi saya tidak tahu mengapa. Saya sudah mengunduh ... | (2024)

Hai, saya mencoba mengubah opsi ini, tetapi saya tidak dapat menemukan planet dengan ID -31.


blok {
# Opsi ini akan menonaktifkan & menghapus Kompresor/Dekompresor Tingkat Lanjut
B:"Kompresor/Dekompresor Lanjutan"=true

# This option will disable & remove the Advanced Fuel LoaderB:"Advanced Fuel Loader"=true# This option will disable & remove the Advanced RefineryB:"Advanced Refinery"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic Block SmasherB:"Basic Block Smasher"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic Chemical InjectorB:"Basic Chemical Injector"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic CrystallizerB:"Basic Crystallizer"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic Decontamination UnitB:"Basic Decontamination Unit"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic DecrystallizerB:"Basic Decrystallizer"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic DensifierB:"Basic Densifier"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic PurifierB:"Basic Purifier"=true# This option will disable & remove the Basic Solar Evaporation ChamberB:"Basic Solar Evaporation Chamber"=true# Setting this option to false will remove all Slabs and StairsB:"Enable Slab & Stairs"=true# This option will disable & remove the Fire BombB:"Fire Bomb"=true# This option will disable & remove the Hybrid/Ulimate Solar PanelsB:"Hybrid/Ultimate Solar Panel"=true# This option will disable & remove the Nuclear BombB:"Nuclear Bomb"=true# This option will disable & remove the Ultimate Compressor/DecompressorB:"Ultimate Compressor/Decompressor"=true# This option will disable & remove the Ultimate Fuel LoaderB:"Ultimate Fuel Loader"=true# This option will disable & remove the Ultimate RefineryB:"Ultimate Refinery"=true# This option will disable & remove the Vehicle ChargerB:"Vehicle Charger"=true



"pengaturan peta benda angkasa" {
# [kisaran: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]
D:"Jarak Relatif Peta Planet Ceres Dari Pusat Offset"=0.0

# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Eris Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Haumea Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Jupiter Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler22 Planet Map X Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler22 Planet Map Y Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler22 Planet Map Z Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler47 Planet Map X Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler47 Planet Map Y Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler47 Planet Map Z Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler62 Planet Map X Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler62 Planet Map Y Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler62 Planet Map Z Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler69 Planet Map X Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler69 Planet Map Y Offset"=0.0# [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 0]D:"Kepler69 Planet Map Z Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Kuiper Belt Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Makemake Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Mercury Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Neptune Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Pluto Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Saturn Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0# [range: -100 ~ 100, default: 0]D:"Uranus Planet Map Relative Distance From Center Offset"=0.0



"dukungan kompatibilitas" {
# Menyetel ini ke false akan menonaktifkan & menghapus semua Dukungan Kamus Bijih untuk Bijih Planet dan Bulan!
B:"Aktifkan Penambahan Semua Bijih Planet/Bulan ke Kamus Bijih"=true

# Setting this to false will disable & remove all Ore Dictionary Support for All Ingots!B:"Enable Adding of all Ingots to the Ore Dictionary"=true# Setting this to false will disable & remove all Ore Dictionary Support for All needed Items excluding Ingots!B:"Enable Adding of all Items excluding Ingots to the Ore Dictionary"=true# Setting this to false will disable & remove Extreme Reactors Compatibility!B:"Enable Extreme Reactors Compatibility"=true# Setting this to false will disable Galacticraft Deconstuctor Machine Compatibility!B:"Enable Galacticraft Deconstuctor Machine Compatibility"=true# Will tweak ExtraPlanets Planets/Moons, to allow them to work along side GalaxySpace version of the same planets! Will rename ExtraPlanets versions of doubled Planets/Moons to have 2.0 on the end. Example: Jupiter 2.0B:"Enable Galaxy Space Compatibility"=false# Setting this to false will disable & remove the NEI Support for Custom Machines/Rockets/VehiclesB:"Enable JEI Recipe support"=true# Setting this to false will disable & remove MC MultiPart Compatibility!B:"Enable MC MultiPart Compatibility"=true# FOR THIS TO WORK YOU WILL NEED TO DISABLED ALL CONFIG OPTIONS IN THE MORE PLANETS CONFIG UNDER THE 'config_moreplanets_gc_addon_compat' SECTION!B:"Enable More Planets Compatibility"=false# Setting this to false will disable More Planets Rocket Crusher Machine Compatibility!B:"Enable More Planets Rocket Crusher Machine Compatibility"=true# Setting this to false will disable & remove the JEI Support for Custom Machines/Rockets/VehiclesB:"Enable NEI Recipe support"=true



"pengaturan dimensi" {
# [kisaran: 1 ~ 10, default: 3]
I:"Kecepatan Awan di Jupiter"=3

# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Ceres Villages generationB:"Enable Ceres Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Fake Lighting Effects & Thunder sounds on Jupiter (CLIENT SIDE)B:"Enable Client Fake Lighting Effects & Thunder sounds on Jupiter"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Clouds on JupiterB:"Enable Clouds on Jupiter"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Fog Effects on Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, NeptuneB:"Enable Custom Fog Effect on Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Eris Villages generationB:"Enable Eris Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Jupiter Villages generationB:"Enable Jupiter Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Mercury Villages generationB:"Enable Mercury Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Neptune Villages generationB:"Enable Neptune Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for CallistoB:"Enable Ore Gen Callisto"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for CeresB:"Enable Ore Gen Ceres"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for DeimosB:"Enable Ore Gen Deimos"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for ErisB:"Enable Ore Gen Eris"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for EuropaB:"Enable Ore Gen Europa"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for GanymedeB:"Enable Ore Gen Ganymede"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for IapetusB:"Enable Ore Gen Iapetus"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for IoB:"Enable Ore Gen Io"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for JupiterB:"Enable Ore Gen Jupiter"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for Kepler22bB:"Enable Ore Gen Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for MercuryB:"Enable Ore Gen Mercury"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for NeptuneB:"Enable Ore Gen Neptune"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for OberonB:"Enable Ore Gen Oberon"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for PhobosB:"Enable Ore Gen Phobos"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for PlutoB:"Enable Ore Gen Pluto"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for RheaB:"Enable Ore Gen Rhea"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for SaturnB:"Enable Ore Gen Saturn"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for TitanB:"Enable Ore Gen Titan"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for TitaniaB:"Enable Ore Gen Titania"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for TritonB:"Enable Ore Gen Triton"=true# Setting this option to false will disable ore gen for UranusB:"Enable Ore Gen Uranus"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Pluto Villages generationB:"Enable Pluto Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Saturn Villages generationB:"Enable Saturn Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Real Lighting Bolts on Jupiter (SERVER SIDE)B:"Enable Server Real Lighting Bolts on Jupiter"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Uranus Villages generationB:"Enable Uranus Villages"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Basic Hideouts from generating on JupiterB:"Generate Basic Hideouts on Jupiter"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Big Trees from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Big Trees on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Candy Canes from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Candy Canes on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Cookie Rocks from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Cookie Rocks on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Frozen Nitrongen Piles from generating on NeptuneB:"Generate Frozen Nitrongen Piles on Neptune"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Huts from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Huts on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Ice Chunks on GanymedeB:"Generate Ice Chunks under the surface of Ganymede"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Ice Spikes from generating on UranusB:"Generate Ice Spikes on Uranus"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Igloos from generating on UranusB:"Generate Igloos on Uranus"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Iron Chunks on EuropaB:"Generate Iron Chunks under the surface of Europa"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Material Spheres from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Material Spheres on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Material Trees from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Material Trees on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Meteors on MercuryB:"Generate Meteors on Mercury"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove No Leaf Big Trees from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate No Leaf Big Trees on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove No Leaf Small Trees from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate No Leaf Small Trees on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Nuclear Piles from generating on SaturnB:"Generate Nuclear Piles on Saturn"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Satellite Towers on CeresB:"Generate Satellite Towers on Ceres"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Sky Feature on JupiterB:"Generate Sky Feature on Jupiter"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Slime Trees from generating on SaturnB:"Generate Slime Trees on Saturn"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Small Trees from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Small Trees on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Space Ship from generating on JupiterB:"Generate Space Ship on Jupiter"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Towers from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Towers on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Vanilla Style Dungeons from generating on Kepler22bB:"Generate Vanilla Style Dungeons on Kepler22b"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Volcanos from generating on IoB:"Generate Volcanos on Io"=true# Setting this to false will make mobs not suffocate on planets but the player will!B:"Mob Suffocation"=true# Setting this option to true will disable & remove all custom bosses and will replace them with Creeper Bosses!B:"Use default bosses for all planets"=false



dimensi {
# [kisaran: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1505]
I:"ID Dimensi Callisto (Bulan)"=-1505

# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -20]I:"Ceres Dimension ID"=-20# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -65]I:"Ceres SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-65# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -64]I:"Ceres SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-64# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1504]I:"Deimos Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1503# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -21]I:"Eris Dimension ID"=-21# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -79]I:"Eris SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-79# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -78]I:"Eris SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-78# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1501]I:"Europa Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1501# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1506]I:"Ganymede Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1506# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1511]I:"Iapetus Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1511# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1500]I:"Io Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1500# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -15]I:"Jupiter Dimension ID"=-15# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -69]I:"Jupiter SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-69# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -68]I:"Jupiter SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-68# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -22]I:"Kepler 22b Dimension ID"=-22# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -81]I:"Kepler 22b SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-81# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -80]I:"Kepler 22b SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-80# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -67]I:"Mars SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-67# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -66]I:"Mars SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-66# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -13]I:"Mercury Dimension ID"=-13# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -61]I:"Mercury SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-61# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -60]I:"Mercury SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-60# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -18]I:"Neptune Dimension ID"=-18# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -75]I:"Neptune SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-75# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -74]I:"Neptune SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-74# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1509]I:"Oberon Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1509# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1502]I:"Phobos Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1502# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -19]I:"Pluto Dimension ID"=-19# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -77]I:"Pluto SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-77# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -76]I:"Pluto SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-76# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1507]I:"Rhea Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1507# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -16]I:"Saturn Dimension ID"=-16# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -71]I:"Saturn SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-71# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -70]I:"Saturn SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-70# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1508]I:"Titan Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1508# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1510]I:"Titania Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1510# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -1505]I:"Triton Dimension ID (Moon)"=-1504# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -17]I:"Uranus Dimension ID"=-17# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -73]I:"Uranus SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-73# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -72]I:"Uranus SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-72# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -63]I:"Venus SpaceStation Dimension ID"=-63# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: -62]I:"Venus SpaceStation Static Dimension ID"=-62



"Pengaturan Umum" {
# Opsi ini digunakan untuk mengubah Tingkat Spawn Bijih Timbal [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5]
I: "Jumlah Generasi Bijih Timbal per bongkahan" = 5

# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Custom Galaxies on Celestaial Selection Screen (Note: Will get disabled by the 'Use Custom Galaxy Map/Celestaial Selection Screen' option)B:"Custom Galaxies on Celestaial Selection Screen"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove Achievements for ExtraPlanetsB:"Enable Achievements"=true# Setting this option to false will enable debug messages in to the consoleB:"Enable Debug Mode (For testing purposes and debugging bugs)"=false# This option will change all the Tier 9 & 10 Rockets models to the old typeB:"Enable Old Models for Tier 9 & 10 Rockets"=false# This option will change all the gravity of Planets & Moons back to the old style of gravityB:"Enable Old Style Gravity"=false# Setting this option to false will completely remove Lead Ore/Ingot from the worldB:"Enable generation of Lead Ore in the Overworld"=true# Setting this option to false, will disable biome types being assigned to ExtraPlanets biomesB:"Enable registering of Biomes Types for ExtraPlanets biomes"=true# Setting this option to false, will change disabled extended info panel on Custom Celestaial Selection ScreenB:"Show Extended info panel on Custom Galaxy Map/Celestaial Selection Screen"=true# Setting this option to false, will change it back to be using the Galacticraft Galaxy Map/Celestaial Selection ScreenB:"Use Custom Galaxy Map/Celestaial Selection Screen"=true



item {
# Opsi ini akan menonaktifkan & menghapus semua Alat & Armor Permata Biru
B: "Alat & Armor Permata Biru" = benar

# This option will disable & remove all Carbon Tools & ArmourB:"Carbon Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Crystal Tools & ArmourB:"Crystal Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Custom Batteries!B:"Custom Batteries"=true# This option will disable & remove all Custom Canned Food!B:"Custom Canned Food"=true# This option will disable & remove all Custom Normal/Notch Apples!B:"Custom Iron & Diamond Normal/Notch Apples"=true# This option will disable & remove Extremely Heavy & Very Heavy Oxygen TanksB:"Custom Oxygen Tanks"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Electric Rocket Entity & SchematicB:"Enable Electric Rocket"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Mars Rover Entity & Schematic & Parts needed to Craft itB:"Enable Mars Rover & Its Parts"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Venus Rover Entity & Schematic & Parts needed to Craft itB:"Enable Venus Rover & Its Parts"=true# This option will disable & remove all Kepler22b Tools & ArmourB:"Kepler22b Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Magnesium Tools & ArmourB:"Magnesium Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Mercury Tools & ArmourB:"Mercury Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Palladium Tools & ArmourB:"Palladium Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Red Gem Tools & ArmourB:"Red Gem Tools & Armor"=true# This option will change planet thermal levels to support this feature!B:"Tier 3 - 4 Thermal Padding"=true# This option will disable & remove all Tungsten Tools & ArmourB:"Tungsten Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Uranium Tools & ArmourB:"Uranium Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all White Gem Tools & ArmourB:"White Gem Tools & Armor"=true# This option will disable & remove all Zinc Tools & ArmourB:"Zinc Tools & Armor"=true



"dimensi lama" {
# Digunakan untuk migrasi internal folder Simpan Dimensi lama ke id baru
I:"Callisto Dimension ID Legacy (JANGAN SENTUH)"=-37

# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Deimos Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-35# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Europa Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-34# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Ganymede Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-38# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Iapetus Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-43# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Io Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-32# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Oberon Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-41# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Phobos Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-33# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Rhea Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-39# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Titan Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-40# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Titania Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-42# Used for internal mirgration of old Dimension Save folders to new idsI:"Triton Dimension ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH)"=-36



"dimensi utama" {
# Menyetel opsi ini ke true akan memindahkan Dimensi Legacy dengan ID lama ke ID baru! Gunakan jika dimensi bulan masih menggunakan ID Legacy (DONT TOUCH) di atas
B:"Aktifkan Migrasi ID Dimensi Lama"=false

# Setting this option to false will remove the Eris & Tier 10 Rocket with all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:"Eris & Tier 10 Rocket"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Jupiter & Tier 5 Rocket with all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:"Jupiter & Tier 5 Rocket"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Mercury & Tier 4 Rocket with all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:"Mercury & Tier 4 Rocket"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Neptune & Tier 8 Rocket with all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:"Neptune & Tier 8 Rocket"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Pluto & Tier 9 Rocket with all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:"Pluto & Tier 9 Rocket"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Saturn & Tier 6 Rocket with all the related items/block/tools/armour!/space stationsB:"Saturn & Tier 6 Rocket"=true# Setting this option to false will remove the Uranus & Tier 7 Rocket with all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:"Uranus & Tier 7 Rocket"=true



"dimensi lain" {
# Menyetel opsi ini ke false akan menghapus Callisto & semua item/blok/alat/baju besi/stasiun ruang angkasa terkait!
B: Callisto = benar

# Setting this option to false will remove Ceres & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Ceres=true# Setting this option to false will remove Deimos & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Deimos=true# Setting this option to false will remove Europa & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Europa=true# Setting this option to false will remove Ganymede & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Ganymede=true# Setting this option to false will remove HaumeaB:Haumea=true# Setting this option to false will remove IO & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:IO=true# Setting this option to false will remove Iapetus & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Iapetus=true# Setting this option to false will remove Kepler 22b & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:"Kepler 22b"=true# Setting this option to false will remove all Kepler Solar Systems and their Planets/Moons!B:"Kepler SolarSystems"=true# Setting this option to false will remove Kuiper BeltB:"Kuiper Belt"=true# Setting this option to false will remove MakemakeB:Makemake=true# Setting this option to false will remove Oberon & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Oberon=true# Setting this option to false will remove Phobos & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Phobos=true# Setting this option to false will remove Rhea & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Rhea=true# Setting this option to false will remove Titan & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Titan=true# Setting this option to false will remove Titania & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Titania=true# Setting this option to false will remove Triton & all the related items/block/tools/armour/space stations!B:Triton=true# Setting this option to false will remove all unreachable moons added by ExtraPlanets, from showing on the Celestaial Selection Screen!B:"Unreachable moons on the Celestaial Selection Screen"=true



"pengaturan tekanan & radiasi" {
# [0 = Dinonaktifkan. kisaran: 0 ~ 100, default: 6]
I:"Jumlah Radiasi pada Asteroid (dalam %)"=6

# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 45]I:"Amount of Radiation on Callisto (in %)"=45# [0 = Disabled. range: 0 ~ 100, default: 50]I:"Amount of Radiation on Ceres (in %)"=50# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 5]I:"Amount of Radiation on Deimos (in %)"=5# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 50]I:"Amount of Radiation on Eris (in %)"=50# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 45]I:"Amount of Radiation on Europa (in %)"=45# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 45]I:"Amount of Radiation on Ganymede (in %)"=45# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 30]I:"Amount of Radiation on Iapetus (in %)"=30# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 45]I:"Amount of Radiation on Io (in %)"=45# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 45]I:"Amount of Radiation on Jupiter (in %)"=45# [0 = Disabled. range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5]I:"Amount of Radiation on Mars (in %)"=5# [0 = Disabled. range: 0 ~ 100, default: 25]I:"Amount of Radiation on Mercury (in %)"=25# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 3]I:"Amount of Radiation on Moon (in %)"=3# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 42]I:"Amount of Radiation on Neptune (in %)"=42# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 35]I:"Amount of Radiation on Oberon (in %)"=35# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 5]I:"Amount of Radiation on Phobos (in %)"=5# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 30]I:"Amount of Radiation on Pluto (in %)"=30# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 30]I:"Amount of Radiation on Rhea (in %)"=30# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 30]I:"Amount of Radiation on Saturn (in %)"=30# [0 = Disabled. range: 0 ~ 100, default: 4]I:"Amount of Radiation on Space Stations (in %)"=4# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 30]I:"Amount of Radiation on Titan (in %)"=30# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 35]I:"Amount of Radiation on Titania (in %)"=35# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 42]I:"Amount of Radiation on Trition (in %)"=42# [0 = Disabled. : 0 ~ 100, default: 35]I:"Amount of Radiation on Uranus (in %)"=35# [0 = Disabled. range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5]I:"Amount of Radiation on Venus (in %)"=5# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 50]I:"Amount of Radiation reduced by Anti Rad Drinks"=50# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 10]I:"Amount of Radiation reduced by Decontamination Unit"=10# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5]I:"Amount of Radiation reduced by Sleeping"=5# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Pressure SystemB:"Enable Pressure"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Pressure System for Galacticraft Planets & MoonsB:"Enable Pressure for Galacticraft Planets & Moons"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Radiation SystemB:"Enable Radiation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Radiation System for Galacticraft Planets & MoonsB:"Enable Radiation for Galacticraft Planets & Moons"=true# Will hide the Pressure & Radiation HUD Bars for Planets & Moons & Space Stations that have disabled Pressure and Radiation or a value of 0B:"Hide Pressure & Radiation HUD Bars when not needed"=true# Format: 'modID:item:tier' (tier = Space Suit Tier) | example: minecraft:iron_chestplate:4S:"List of armour items to be considered as a space suit" < >



"skema gui id" {
# [kisaran: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5562]
I: "ID GUI Skema Mars Rover" = 5562

# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6673]I:"Schematic Mars Rover Page ID"=6673# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5564]I:"Schematic Tier 10 Electric Rocket GUI ID"=5564# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5561]I:"Schematic Tier 10 GUI ID"=5561# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5555]I:"Schematic Tier 4 GUI ID"=5555# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5556]I:"Schematic Tier 5 GUI ID"=5556# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5557]I:"Schematic Tier 6 GUI ID"=5557# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5558]I:"Schematic Tier 7 GUI ID"=5558# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5559]I:"Schematic Tier 8 GUI ID"=5559# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5560]I:"Schematic Tier 9 GUI ID"=5560# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 5563]I:"Schematic Venus Rover GUI ID"=5563# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6674]I:"Schematic Venus Rover Page ID"=6674



"id halaman skema" {
# [kisaran: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6675]
I: "ID Halaman Roket Listrik Tingkat 10 Skema" = 6675

# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6672]I:"Schematic Tier 10 Page ID"=6672# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6666]I:"Schematic Tier 4 Page ID"=6666# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6667]I:"Schematic Tier 5 Page ID"=6667# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6668]I:"Schematic Tier 6 Page ID"=6668# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6669]I:"Schematic Tier 7 Page ID"=6669# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6670]I:"Schematic Tier 8 Page ID"=6670# [range: -2147483647 ~ 2147483647, default: 6671]I:"Schematic Tier 9 Page ID"=6671



"stasiun ruang angkasa" {
# Menyetel opsi ini ke false akan menonaktifkan & menghapus Stasiun Luar Angkasa Ceres
B:"Ceres SpaceStation"=true

# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Eris Space StationB:"Eris SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Jupiter Space StationB:"Jupiter SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Kepler22b Space StationB:"Kepler22b SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Mars Space StationB:"Mars SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Mercury Space StationB:"Mercury SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Neptune Space StationB:"Neptune SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Pluto Space StationB:"Pluto SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Saturn Space StationB:"Saturn SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Uranus Space StationB:"Uranus SpaceStation"=true# Setting this option to false will disable & remove the Venus Space StationB:"Venus SpaceStation"=true


Galacticraft 🚀 - Hai, Saya mengalami masalah saat membuka game, tetapi saya tidak tahu mengapa. Saya sudah mengunduh ... | (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6033

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.