UCAEE A.A2537M AIhEl/Rhh-7T ANAGERILV A THECLINICAL … · ISFJ(24.1 per cent), ESTJ(14.2 per cent), and ISTJ(12.8 per cent), out of the sixteen possible ones, accounted for approximately - [PDF Document] (2024)





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AFIT/CI/NR 82-76T A1- '' 3 TRE


A Managerial View of Myers-Briggs Personality THESIS/97 97cTffMTypes in the Clinical Laboratory " PI



Danny H. Sharon


AFIT STUDENT AT: Mississippi State



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DANNY JAMES SHARON, Master of Science, 1982.

Major: Medical Technology

Title of Thesis: A Managerial View of kMyers-Briggs Personality

Types in the Clinical Laboratory

Rank and Service Branch: Captain, USAF, BSC

Pages in Thesis: 79. Words in Abstract: 198.

Institution: Mississippi State University


The influence of personality on occupational choice and work behavior

is a widely accepted theory in managerial science. The purpose of this

study was to consider the influence of personality on selection of a

laboratory specialty controlling for certain demographic variables, and

to examine the relationship between personality and job tenure in a

sample of 141 medical technologists and medical laboratory technicians

using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as an instrument. Three types,

ISFJ(24.1 per cent), ESTJ(14.2 per cent), and ISTJ(12.8 per cent), out

of the sixteen possible ones, accounted for approximately 51 per cent of

the sample. One index of the personality, judging/perceiving, showed a

weak relationship to choice of specialty unaffected by any of the

demographic variables. Three indices, correlated weakly in a positive

direction with job tenure: introversion, sensing, and judging. It was

concluded that the clinical laboratory profession does attract a group

of individuals with a particular set of personality characteristics and

that this influence extends to selection of a specialty. In additon, an -

,individual whose personality type corresponds with that most often found

in the profession is more likely to remain for a greater length of time

in the career field.

I.. °

Accession for_


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AFIT/NRWright-Patterson AFB OH 45433

RESEARCH TITLE: A Managerial View of Myers-Briggs Personality Types in the Clinical

I ahnratnryAUTHOR: Danny H. Sharon

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A ThesisSubmitted to the Faculty ofMississippi State University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of Science in Medical Technology

in the Department of Biological Sciences

Mississippi State, Mississippi

December, 1982






Barbara H. Turner, Ph.D. ff6s D. Yarbrpugh, Phi.Professor of Microbiology in Ci4ofessor anlead ofBiological Sciences (Major Biological SciencesProfessor) (Graduate Coordinator)

James , Ph.D. Edward L. McGlone, Ph.D.

Profeifr of Statistics in Dean of the College of Artsthe Department of Mathematics and Sciencesand Statistics (MinorProfessor)

Edward K. Marlow, Ph.D. Marion T. Loftin, Associate Professor of Vice President for 'traduateManagement in the Department Studies and Research

of Management (CommitteeMember)

Carol H. Williams, M.S.Assistant Professor ofMicrobiology in BiologicalSciences (Committee Member)

December, 1982



No individual learns without the aid of others. In light of this, I

would like to thank the following people for their contribution to my

learning process. First, to Drs. Barbara Turner and James Meade who not

only guided my efforts and provided instruction, but treated me as a

friend as well, I extend my deeply felt appreciation. I particularly

thank Dr. Meade who sparked my hopefully incurable interest in

statistics. I wish to thank also Dr. Edward Marlow who patiently aided

my initial efforts to organize this research. Appreciation is also

extended to Mrs. Carol Williams for serving on my committee and

providing such a gracious editing of the manuscript. Dr. Walter

Newsome, I thank you for giving me much more than the contingency

approach to management and the expectancy theory. I thank Dr. Martin

Geisen of the Psychology department who assisted me in utilizing and

interpreting portions of the statistical analyses. Finally, I thank my

wife and children who were consistently patient and supportive of me for

the duration of this effort.


DANNY JAMES SHARON, Master of Science, 1982.

Major: Medical Technology, Department of Biological Sciences

Title of Thesis: A Managerial View of Myers-Briggs Personality

Types in the Clinical Laboratory

Directed by: Barbara H. Turner, Ph.D.

Pages in Thesis: 79. Words in Abstract: 243.


The influence of personality on occupational choice and work

behavior is a widely accepted theory in managerial science. The

literature indicates that the effect is constrained by a number of

situational factors, but it retains enough pragmatic value to warrant an

attempt by managers to create a compatible fit between the individual

and the work setting. The purpose of this study was to consider the

influence of personality on selection of a laboratory specialty

controlling for certain demographic variables, and to examine the

relationship between personality and job tenure in a sample of 141

medical technologists and medical laboratory technicians using the

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as an instrument. Three types, ISFJ(24.1

per cent), ESTJ(14.2 per cent), and ISTJ(12.8 per cent), out of the

sixteen possible ones, accounted for approximately 51 per cent of the

sample. This result concurs with earlier findings by other

researchers. One index of the personality, judging/perceiving, showed a

weak relationship to choice of specialty unaffected by any of the

demographic variables. Three indices, correlated weakly in a positive

direction with job tenure: introversion, sensing, and judging. It was

-, -J..~h..te..

concluded that the clinical laboratory profession does attract a group

of individuals with a particular set of personality characteristics and

that this influence extends to selection of a specialty. In additon, an

individual whose personality type corresponds with that most often found

in the profession is more likely to remain for a greater length of time

in the career field.




ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................... i

ABSTRACT ................ .............................

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................vi

LIST OF FIGURES ....................... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. *vii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................viii

INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF PROBLEM ............................1

Background .................................................1

Definition of Variables .....................................4

Hypotheses ......................................... p........ 8

LITERATURE REVIEW............... . ............... .. ......... 9

Selection of an Occupation. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .... .. ....... .9

Interaction of Personality and Task ........................12

Personality and Work Interaction in theClinical Laboratory ... . .. . ... * ..................... 16

Clinical Laboratory Work Environment ................. 16Personality Studies of Clinical Laboratory Workers .... 19Behavior and Attitudes of Clinical Laboratory Workers.23

Sumary. . ....................................... .27

Analyses ... . .. ..................... .. . .. .. ... 33

Description of the Sample. .. . ............ .. .. .. . ... . .. .36



Type .................................................... 56

Summary ............. o........o..............................57

DISCUSSION .... o.... ................................... o........ 58

Summary of the Results ....... .......o...........o........... 58

Limitations.......... .......... ........... .........o....63

Suggestions for Further Research ............ .............o65

CONCLUSIONS ................ o.................... o.....o..........66

APPENDIX ............ .... .....................o................. 67

REFERENCES CITED ............ o............................ ...... 75


.. .... .. ..V


Tables Page

1. List of Variables ......................................... 31

2. General Characteristics of the Sample and

Subsamples............................................... 38

3. Means, Standard Deviations, and Significance Tests forDifferences Between Mean Job Tenure of Subsamples ......... 41

4. Summary of Indices and Type Distributions in Samplesof Previous Studies and the Present Study ................. 43

5. Breakdown of Indices By Sample Characteristics,Current and Preferred Specialties, and DIFF ............... 44

6. Means, Standard Deviations, and One-Tailed T-Test BetweenThinking and Feeling Scores of Males and Females .......... 46

7. Means, Standard Deviations, and Significance TestsBetween Judging and Perceiving Scores of Current

Specialties for Sample ................................... 48

8. Correlations Between Job Tenure and Continuous Scoresof Sample Indices ........................................ 48

9. Means, Standard Deviations, and Significance Tests for

Differences Between Mean Job Tenure of Indices ............ 49

10. Correlations Between Job Tenure and Continuous Scoresof Subsample Indices ..................................... 50

11. Breakdown of Indices By Male Subsample Characteristics,Current and Preferred Specialties, and DIFF ............... 51

12. Breakdown of Indices By Female Subsample

Characteristics, Current and Preferred Specialties,and DIFF .............................................. . 53

13. Means, Standard Deviations, and Significance TestsBetween Female Judging and Perceiving Scores ofCurrent Specialties .................................... 55

14. Means, Standard Deviations, and Significance TestsBetween Female Judging and Perceiving Scores ofPreferred Specialties ..................................... 55


Figure Pg

1. Frequency Histogram of Sample Job Tenure ..................37


Appendix Page

A. Descriptions of the Sixteen MBTI Types .......... ...... 72

B. Cover Letter for the Questionnaire and the MBTI Test. .... 76

C. Questionnaire for Obtaining the Demographics, theCurrent Specialty, and Preferred Specialty of theRespondents................................................78




Studies considering the relationship between an individual's

personality and numerous other factors such as choice of occupation, job

satisfaction, job performance, motivation, and task design abound in the

literature. Since the release of the Hawthorne studies in 1923 (Case

and Zimmer, 1975), managers have been aware that one cannot exclude the

human element when considering the work environment. Argyris (1964) and

French (1974) go to great lengths to elucidate the need for fitting an

individual to his environment and the consequence of not doing so. In

addition to the pragmatic reasons they list, there is the pressure

exerted on managers to maintain and maximize the efficiency of their

human resources because of increased organizational competiton and the

humanistic concerns of our society (Clark, 1975). All this serves as a

stimulant for managers to know how an emplyee can be best utilized and


The fit of an individual to an appropriate work environment involves

several phases, but one thing is common to all these and that is

personality. Argyris (1957) states that once one comprehends why people

behave the way they do, it is easier to predict and control behavior.

Since behavior is determined largely by personality (Lewin, 1951;

Atkinson, 1981; Jaccard, 1981), it stands to reason that understanding

personality will contribute greatly to this goal. The first phase of

this process involves matching personality to occupation. Though this

interaction can be affected by factors such as job availability and



occupational information (Blau et al., 1956; Youse and Clark, 1977),

research substantiates the sizeable impact of personality on vocational

choice (Roe, 1956; Rosenberg, 1957; Holland, 1973; Holland and

Gottfredson, 1974). Roe (1956) states it well:

"I have become more and more convinced that the role ofthe occupation in the life of an individual has muchbroader psychological importance than has been generallyappreciated...Within limits, occupational choice can betaken as a self-categorization, as an indication of atleast some aspects of the self-image."

The second phase of a comprehension process is a consideration of

work behavior and attitudes once in the occupation. This has led

researchers to examine the relationship of personality with factors in

the work setting. The studies are numerous, but it can be concluded

from their results that personality has differing degrees of effect and

can yield unfavorable consequences when an incongruency exists. The

most obvious of these conditions is role stress and its many

ramifications. Perhaps the principal study in this area is that of

Kahn, et al., (1964).

All of this has not been overlooked in the field of clinical

laboratory science. Studies such as that of Colligan, et al., (1977)

give impetus to the need of clinical laboratory managers to understand

the relationship of the laboratory worker's personality and the

laboratory environment. Their study ranked in descending order 130

occupations in the state of Tennessee by incidence of reported mental

health disorders. The ranking was to serve as an index for the level of

stres occurring in an occupation. Clinical laboratory technology ranked

seventh from the top of the list. One cannot conclude that all of the

stress they observed to be associated with the occupation is due to the

personality of laboratory workers. However, based upon the evidence


regarding other worker populations, it does have some degree of

influence . The need of this study is based upon that premise.

The study will focus on two areas. First, what is the relationship

that exists between the personality of the individual who enters the

clinical laboratory profession and the specialty in which he chooses to

work? One can extend the theory that an individual selects an

occupation supportive of his behavior, abilities, and values to

selection of a specialty within that occupation in order to further

enhance the match. A previous attempt by Williams (1976) failed to

detect any significant associaton between personality and specialty

choice. However, she did not consider what influence other factors may

have had on the selection process. One of these was whether a subject

was in the specialty he actually wished to be or was placed in whatever

vacancy existed at the time of his initial employment. Other factors,

such as the demographic variables of the subjects, will also be

considered as to their influence on this relationship.

The second area of focus will be the relationship between

personality and job tenure. This was suggested by the findings of other

researchers that incongruencies between the personalities of the

individuals and the tasks or roles they find themselves in will yield

higher rates of turnover and attrition because of dissatisfaction or

stress (Kahn et al., 1964; Townes and Wagner, 1966; Elton, 1971; House

and Rizzo, 1972; Andrews, 1973; Showery, 1976; Bedeian et al., 1981;

Mowday and Spencer, 1981; DeFlore, Cramer and Munz, 1981). Positive

findings in this area will lend credence to the first focus area.


Therefore, the purpose of the research is to determine whether

personality will influence the propensity to select an occupational

specialty when controlled for certain variables, and to examine the

relationship between personality and job tenure. Hopefully, this will

contribute to the body of knowledge which clinical laboratory managers

can apply when dealing with their subordinates.

Definition of Variables

The personality of the subjects in this study was determined by the

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (Myers, 1962; Myers, 1976). The MBTI

is based on Jung's theory of personality types (1923). Jung believed

that behavior in humans is orderly and premeditated. The behavior

relies primarily on the means by which people prefer to perceive and

gather data from their environment, and then to analyze or judge the

data gathered. The former is referred to as perception and the latter

as judgement. The differences observed between individuals are the

result of these preferences and/or the strength of them. These

differences manifest themselves as interests, values, motivations, and

the degree they are felt by the individual.

The personality is structured by four dichotomous indices. The

first of these is the EI index. It indicates whether an individual is

extroverted (E), oriented to people and things, or is introverted (I),

oriented towards concepts and ideas. The SN index reflects the

preference for perceiving through sensing (S) or intuition (N). Sensing

implies use of one or more of the five senses to gather data. Its

dichotomy, intuition, is a preference to perceive the environment with

ideas or associations the mind places on people or things encountered.



The TF index indicates the individual's preference for judging his

perceptions. A person who prefers thinking (T) analyzes impersonally

with logic and objectivity. Feeling (F), on the other hand, implies

analysis and decisions based on the individual's personal values. The

final index, JP, indicates whether an individual relys on a judging (3)

or perceiving (P) process in his dealing with the outer world.

These indices yield sixteen possible combinations known as types

which describe the personality traits one might observe in r.

individual. A summary of the types is provided in the appendix. The

indices provide a better measure for associating personality differences

to other factors as they are more specific than the types. In this

study, main emphasis is placed on the indices with only a general

examinaton of the types.

The demographic variables on the subjects were limited to age, sex,

job classification, and the hospital in which the laboratory is

located. Age was selected because of the relationship it has shown with

personality in the development of the MBTI and in other studies (Martin,

1981). Sex was chosen since the TF index is known to be correlated with

this factor (Myers, 1962). The test is weighted to control for this

interaction and is expected to produce about 60 per cent thinking males,

40 per cent feeling males, 33 per cent thinking females, and 67 per cent

feeling females for a typical sample. Validity tests indicate that

these figures are representative of the adult population (Myers,

1962). Job classification was intended to encompass several factors.

Dietrich (1977) cites many studies that demonstrate the influence of an

individual's background on the education level he may attain. These

same factors are involved in personality development. Dietrich compared


the personalities of medical technologists, requiring at least a

baccalaureate degree and medical laboratory technicians who obtain at

least an associate degree. She found a few significant, but weak,

differences between the two classes. Because of her results, this

variable was controlled for in this study. Hospital or facility was

included to control for any effects of a geographical or cultural


The specialty in which the subject currently worked or preferred to

work was given four designations: 1) chemistry-urinalysis, 2)

hematology-coagulation, 3) blood bank-immunology, and 4) microbiology.

Any one working in nuclear medicine, toxicology, or special chemistry

was included in the first category. A person working in parasitology or

mycology was placed in the last category. The specialties were grouped

as such to correspond with the groupings employed by Williams and

because they represent the functional structure found in a majority of

clinical laboratories. The function and technology of each deprtment

places them on a continuum of task structure. Task structure is defined

as the extent that the inputs, processes, and outputs of a task are

known and predictable (Kahn et al., 1964).

Job tenure represented the subject's total accumulated work

experience not including that obtained while a student. As stated

earlier, turnover and attrition has been found to be a symptom of work

dissatisfaction or stress which may be related to an incompatible match

between the individual and the job. Tenure was selected as an index of

turnover and attrition as it could be obtained directly from the

respondents on the questionnaire. To obtain data on turnover and

attrition, personnel records would have to be obtained and screened.


Turnover rate is not seen as an acceptable measure of this effect

because it does not relate directly to the individual whose personality

is being measured, and because personnel records may not be accurate or


Job status or level occupied in the organizational hierarchy was not

included among the variables. Samuel and Lewin-Epstein (1979) showed

that job situs, which is functional location in the organization,

appeared to have a greater influence on work values than job status.

Miles (1976) found that organization level or status had no effect on

the degree of perceived role ambiguity or conflict. French and Rezler

(1976) in evaluating the personality and job satisfaction of female

medical technologists found this to be true for the most part in the

laboratory. Technologists whose duties consisted mainly of education or

administration, thereby holding a higher status than those who performed

the laboratory procedures, demonstrated few personality differences from

the clinical practitioners.

The influence of race on the personality of laboratory workers is

rather ambiguous. Hill (1974) was able to demonstrate some qualitative

personality differences between black workers in a predominantly black

laboratory in Washington, D.C. and white workers in a predominantly

white laboratory located in a small university town in Florida. Hill's

results are suspect though. He limits his sample to one hospital of

each race separated geographically and culturally. He also fails to

control for other factors which may have influenced the distribution of

the personality types. William's (1976) study included a small number

of blacks in her sample, but they possessed no particular differences in

personality traits. For this reason, race is excluded from this study

as a controllng variable.


Based on the focus and purpose of the study, the following

hypotheses were formulated.

R.I: The specialty in which an individual prefers to work is

associated with personality when controlled for certain


H.2: Personality is correlated with job tenure.

H.3: An individual whose personality type corresponds with that

most often observed in the profession has longer Job tenure

than those who do not.



This review of literature considers first the effect of personality

on occupational choice, on task/person fit, and on work behavior and

attitudes for the general population. The focus then narrows to workers

in the clinical laboratory. Their work environment is described and

defined in terms that prescribe congruent personality characteristics.

Following this, the actual personality characteristics of these workers

are drawn from previous studies. Findings from studies not using the

MBTI are rephrased into this typology to elucidate consistencies that

exist. It also allowed a synthesis of the characteristics to be made

which can be compared to the work environment characteristics. Finally,

the work attitudes and behaviors observed in clinical laboratory workers

is described and related to the findings and conclusions made about the

general population.

Selection of an Occupation

The occupation an individual chooses is the outcome of a complex

decision process. One of the main forces involved in this process is

the personality. Roe (1956) described this influence as an attempt on

the part of the individual to categorize his self image. She did not

exclude the situational factors having an effect on this decision, but

conclusively reasoned that the attraction of individuals with a

particular grouping of personality characteristics to specialized

occupations was based on pe-ception of that environment being able to

meet certain needs within the individual. Rosenberg (1957) stated that


the progressive exclusion of occupational alternatives was to a great

extent due to the individual's perception of what degree the behavioral

requirements of an occupation would harmonize with his personality

structure. The occupation an individual chooses is based on his values

and the attitudes he has towards that particular job. However,

personality does not apper to be the single major determinant of

occupational choice. Blau, et al., (1956) were able to show that other

factors such as job availability and amount of occupational information

available, also, played a key role in these decisions.

To further understand the role of personality in occupational

choice, a deeper insight into what constitutes personality is

required. Personality has already been defined for this study as the

behavioral preferences an individual has when dealing with his inner and

outer environment (Jung, 1923). However, what is it that determines

these preferences? Argyris (1957) says that personality is a "whole

created by the interrelationships of the parts..." and is labeled as the

self. These parts are identified by him as the needs of the person and

as the abilities which arise from his attempts to express and fulfill

those needs. The needs of an individual influence his behavioral

preferences as described by Jung (Eysenck, 1967; Maslow, 1970). These

preferences in turn determine the abilities which emerge from that

person. For example, an introvert will have different needs from an

extrovert (Eysenck, 1973). The preference, extroversion or

introversion, will determine what behavior will be exhibited when a

situation is confronted that leads to or prevents goal attainment. If

this behavior is successful in obtaining the goal, the preference is

reinforced and the ability is developed (Skinner, 1969). Lewin (1951)


provides a function to illustrate this process: B-f(P,E) where B is

behavior, P is personality, and E is environment. Argyris states that

as the individual becomes aware of this process within him, he develops

a self image which is a perception of his weaknesses, strengths,

temperament, and abilities. It is this self image or personality which

exerts itself at the time of the occupational choice and continues to

influence later work behavior and attitudes.

Many studies provide empirical evidence of the role of personality

in occupational choice. Holland (1973) in updating his theory of

occupational decisions based on his measure of personality, the Self

Directed Search (SDS), cites numerous studies which substantiate this

theory. Elton (1971) determined that freshman males transferring to the

Arts and Sciences school from the Engineering school had different

personality typologies than those who remained. He could not show a

difference between students in a four year institution and those in a

community college because of the diversity of the latter student's

personalities. His results supported that not only does personality

influence career paths to provide a congruent work setting, but that the

environment an individual chooses will enhance or weaken development of

personality characteristics. Brousseau and Prince (1981) in examining

the effect of task characteristics on personality development of

scientists, managers, and engineers, confirmed this latter finding of

Elton. They concluded that the effect is small, however, and that

factors such as marriage, family, and health play a larger part. A

survey of 89 adult males enrolled in night classes of a community

college demonstrated significant movement towards work environments more

compatible with their personality types than their present work


environments (Andrews, 1973). Holland and Gottfredson (1974) added

support by finding that a person's SDS typology was an efficient

predictor of the category of a later vocational choice.

To summarize, personality, constrained by other external factors,

plays a key role in determining an individual's occupational choice.

The cause of this relationship appears to be a deliberate attempt by the

person to select a work environment that is compatible with his needs,

values, abilities, and self image. The work environment in turn feeds

back to the persosality having a small influence on its continuing

development (Brousseau and Prince, 1981). The next step is to examine

this interaction extended to the task level and consider how it affects

behavior and attitudes.

Interaction of Personality and Task

Attempts to find' an appropriate task/person fit do briag about

improved quality of work life and, in some cases, improved productivity

(Huse, 1980; Hellreigal and Slocum, 1978). Perhaps the best summary for

this theory is provided by French (1974). He defines two components of

fit. The first is the degree that a person's skills and abilities match

the demands and requirements of the job. It was stated earlier that

abilities are influenced by the behavioral preferences of the

individual. The second component of fit is the degree to which the

needs of the person are satisfied in the task environment. Again, it

was concluded earlier that needs are the precursers for the behavioral

preferences. From this, one can see that personality is associated with

a propensity to choose a specific work environment and with the behavior

and attitudes exhibited in that setting.


There are a number of studies describing the effects of task/person

fit. Vroom (1960) published the results of a study which confirmed that

an individual's need for independence, the personality variable,

combined with the extent to which participation in decision-making in

his job was perceived as being allowed would determine his attitude

(satisfaction) and effective performance (motivation) for that job. The

significance of his study lies in that it was revealed that people will

differ in their need for independence and that a compatible work

environment can be found which will enhance satisfaction and

motivation. Tuckman (1968) tested 95 first line supervisors to study

the degree of satisfaction with their present job as a means of

maximizing the predictive value of personality factors. Using the

Interpersonal Topical Inventory as a measure of personality, Tuckman was

able to demonstrate a weak, but significant, relationship between

personality, job environment characteristics, and the degree of job

satisfaction. Persons prone to be anxious and needing structure tended

to be more satisfied in a structured and nurturing environment which

offered little autonomy. This relationship continued on up the

continuum. Other studies support Tuckman's findings. The location of a

person on a continuum of higher-order or growth needs predict the

satisfaction, performance, turnover, attrition, and absenteeism of the

individual in a particular work setting (Macy, 1975; Steers and Mowday,

1977; Mowday and Spencer, 1981). This relationship is moderated,

however, by other factors such as technology (Abdel-Halim, 1981), social

supportive actions within the work environment (French, 1974), and the

current labor market (Hellriegal and Slocum, 1980).


Another study of Kim (1980) revealed that an individual's

personality defined as the degree of extroversion and neuroticism was

able to predict job satisfaction, expectancy, and motivation potential

of a task, but not job performance when confronted with a non-

stimulating or stimulating task. Introverts were less dissatisfied with

non-stimulating tasks than extroverts, and extroverts were more

satisfied with stimulating tasks than introverts. For stimuulating

tasks only, the extroverts and low-neuroticism individuals indicated a

higher level of expectancy and motivation potential than did introverts

and high-neuroticism individuals. No differences were observed for the

non-stimulating tasks.

Bedeian, et al., (1980) found that the personalities of 202 male and

female nurses were correlated significantly, but to a small degree, to

role ambiguity and to a lesser extent to role conflict. The more

flexible and outgoing individuals were, the less they experienced either

of these two components of role stress. The small degree of correlation

was explained by the constraining effects of education level, tenure,

professional commitment. The significance of their findings is

magnified by the results obtained by House and Rizzo (1972) who

demonstrated a negative relationship between role ambiguity and to a

lesser extent role conflict and perceptions of organization

effectiveness and job satisfaction. In addition, they revealed a

positive relationship between anxiety, which is related to role stress,

and an individual's tendency to leave a job. The implication is that an

improper match between personality characteristics and task environment

characteristics is involved in numerous unfavorable behavioral outcomes

of which role stress, particularly role ambiguity, may be the cause.

..... .... .


Bedeian et al., (1981), in a study originating from their 1980 research,

concurred with the results of House and Rizzo.

The most comprehensive study in this area from which many of the

preceding ones use as a basis is the research performed by Kahn et al.,

(1964). They listed a number of organizational, outcome, and individual

variables that are interrelated and interdependent with role conflict,

ambiguity, and overload. The individual variables include personality

characteristics such as anxiety proneness, flexibility-rigidity, and

self-esteem. Outcome variables are aspects of job satisfaction, job

related tension, and mental health disorders. Organizational variables

include such things as structure, level in the organization, role

requirements, task characteristics, physical setting, and organization

practices. One of their conclusions was that the personality of an

individual largely determines which outcome variables will occur and to

what degree they will occur when moderated by organizational

variables. Their finding has a significant impact on the later

discussion of laboratory worker's personality interactions.

To summarize, personality is known to be a significant influence in

occupational choice, task/person fit, and subsequent work behavior and

attitudes. Its influence is greatly moderated by numerous factors which

explains why at times it appears to have little or no effect. The

unfavorable consequences of this interaction are a result of stress

which occurs when an incongruent match exists or circ*mstances occur

which conflict with personality. With this as a background, the role of

personality in the clinical laboratory professison can be examined.

.. .. 71


Personality and Work Interaction in the Clinical Laboratory

The research to date indicates that persons attracted to and

remaining in the clinical laboratory profession have a consistent set of

personality traits. The discussion that follows demonstrates how these

particular characteristics and the clinical laboratory work enviornment

interact with one another. Conclusions regarding the general population

will be used to interpret results of studies that reveal the attitudes

and behaviors of laboratory workers.

Clinical Laboratory Work Environment

Concisely, the work consists of handling specimens from the human

body and the scientific analyses of constituents in those specimens. As

a whole, the work is orderly, highly regulated, and structured. It

deals primarily with facts and details, and requires rapid production of

results with extreme accuracy and precision. Most laboratories are

automated to a great extent in all or most of the departments. The two

general classifications of workers, medical technologists and medical

laboratory technicians, perform essentially the same tasks despite the

former classification requiring at least a baccalaureate degree in most

cases and the latter at least an associate degree (Reynolds et al.,

1976). Rewards are given primarily on the basis of performance and

technical competence (Day and McClure, 1980).

The laboratory, depending on the size, is usually divided into at

least four functional specialties or departments each having a degree of

task structure. Task structure is defined here as the extent to which

an individual can predict the inputs, processes, and outputs of his task

(Kahn et al., 1964). The chemistry department is the most automated and



routinized specialty. The specimens received and tests requested are

consistent and usually predictable. Procedures and outputs are highly

controlled through mechanization and quality control procedures. It has

the greatest degree of task structure. Hematology is a second

department. This speciality is also highly automated, but not to the

extent that chemistry is. Inputs, processes, and outputs are, also,

controlled and predictable, but there is slightly more variability in

the processes and outputs because of such procedures as white blood cell

differentials and special hematology. These procedures involve some

degree of subjectivity. The task structure is less than in chemistry.

Immunohematology or blood bank is a third department. The processing

phase is highly controlled by extensive standard operating procedures

and policies, but little automation is utilized. The inputs and outputs

vary greatly. This is due to the variety of procedures which may be

requested and the great fluctuations in the frequency they occur. Also,

it is due to the unpredictable nature of the specimen's constituents

being analyzed. Task structure is much less than the two previous

departments. The last department, microbiology, has the least amount of

task structure. Type of specimens received and the tests requested vary

considerably in frequency and nature. There is little or no automation

to perform the analyses, and much of what is done is subjective.

Control is maintained by standardized procedures and quality control

checks. Outputs are limited only by the large number of microbiological

organisms one may encounter.

If the theory is correct, there should be a relationship between the

personality and characteristics of the work environment. In addition,

one may expect to see favorable consequences for a compatible fit and



describe factors in the environment which will cause conflict for the

individuals in it.

To elucidate the relationship between the two, the description of

the clinical laboratory will be defined in terms provided by Holland

(1973). Holland devised six environment descriptors just for this

purpose. Roe places the laboratory technician in a scientific-technical

category. This classification corresponds to two Holland descriptors:

investigative and realistic. Therefore, a combination of these will

define the laboratory setting in terms that can be more readily compared

to personality traits.

The realistic enivronment is characterized by behavioral

requirements and opportunities that include the "...explicit, ordered,

or systematic manipulation of objects, tools, machines, and animals..."

(Holland, 1973). The environment encourages technical competencies and

achievements. It reinforces mechanical abilities and practicality, but

demphasizes human relations.

The investigative environment is represented by demands that include

the "...observation and symbolic, systematic, creative, investigation of

physical, biological, or cultural phenomena..." (Holland, 1973). It

encourages scientific accomplishments and competencies. It reenforces

people to see themselves as adept with mathematics and science, and as

being independent and rational. But, it fosters an image of lacking

leadership skills and compassion.

So what one sees is a work environment that is both scientific and

production oriented. Next, the personalities of the laboratory workers

will be examined. From this typology of the work setting, a personality



type that is a composite of the dual scientific-technical nature or one

or the other is expected to emerge.

Personality Studies of Clinical Laboratory Workers

The personality structure of workers in clinical laboratory science

has been described by a number of researchers using an assortment of

instruments. In 1966, Dunteman used the Minnesota Multiphasic

Personality Inventory (MNPI) to assess the personalities of 45 females

expressing a desire to enter a medical technology education program.

The subjects fell primarily into two groups. The first group was

described as being thoughtful, idealistic, perservering, boastful,

unemotional, and inarticulate. This typology corresponds to an MBTI

I TJ type. The second group was described as being naive, neurotic,

dependent, indecisive, high-strung, hostile, irritable, and lacking

self-control. This is similar to Myers description of I FP types.

Holmstrom (1975) conducted a longitudinal study of 9,604 laboratory

technicians (both classifications included). The subjects expressed a

preference to work with things rather than people and to make a

theoretical contribution to science. This is indicative of introverted,

practical, and detached personality traits as one would see in an IST

typology. They rated themselves high on sensitivity to criticism,

stubborness, defensiveness, and political conservatism; and low on

leadership, drive to achieve, popularity, and public speaking ability.

These latter traits are comparable to an IS J combination of MBTI


A study of 70 male and female paraprofessionals, including

laboratory technicians, who worked in a rural health care system

revealed that the subjects were conforming, conservative, submissive,



highly anxious, insecure, introverted, moralistic, undisciplined,

suspecting, and happy-go-lucky (Romero, 1975). This typology resembles

the latter group noted by Dunteman (1966) and the sample described by

Holmstrom (1975). It is suggestive of an IS P MBTI typology. The

unusual perceptive (P) index may have been associated with the fact that

the majority of the paraprofessionals in his sample were Mexican-

Americans or native Americans. This was not statistically tested for in

the study.

Dietrich (1977), using the California Psychological Inventory (CPI),

assessed the personalities of medical technology and medical laboratory

technician students and compared it with the Holland personality

typology for laboratory workers. Dietrich compiled an exhaustive

literature review of personality studies on these workers and concluded

on the basis of previous research that they fall into the investigative-

realistic sector's of Holland's schema. The investigative type is

described by Holland as task-oriented, unpopular, asocial, critical,

introverted, passive, precise, methodical, analytical, inarticulate,

pessimistic, and cautious. The realistic type is apt to be asocial,

conforming, matter-of-fact, persistent, practical, self-effacing,

dependable, orderly, systematic, and possessive of good motor skills.

The former type is suggestive of an MBTI INTJ type and the latter of an

IS J type. The results of her study revealed that there were only a few

weak differences between the personalities of medical technology and

medical laboratory technician students. Overall, the personality of the

subjects was described by the CPI as asocial, introverted, favoring

achievement through independence and autonomy, conservative in thoughts

and actions, normally responsive to the needs of others, cautious, and


self-controlled. This description leans towards the INTJ or INFJ

type. The medical laboratory technicians possessed more practical

traits similar to the realistic or IS J type.

The remaining studies to be cited used the 11BTI as the instrument to

measure personality structure. Bowling (1973) found that 57 per cent of

her sample of working medical technologists were either ESTJ, ISFJ,

ISTJ, or ESFJ types in descending order of occurrence. She made no

distinctions as to race, sex, age, or job status. Bowling concluded

that the majority of the sample favored precision, variety,

organization, and harmony in a work environment. Hill (1974) measured

the personalities of workers in a predominantly black clinical

laboratory and workers in a predominantly white laboratory. He found

that the majority of the blacks were an STJ type, which are described

as being practical, analytical, nonaltruistic and organized. Most white

laboratory technicians preferred ESFJ and most white medical

technologists preferred INFJ. This indicated that technicians are more

extroverted and realistic than technologists. However, based on mean

scores of the preference strengths, no significant differences for any

of the indices were noted between the two races. The qualitative

differences noted by Hill may possibly be explained by cultural,

geographical, or demographic differences for which he did not control.

Williams (1976) tested 306 female working medical technologists

distributed among several large teaching hospital laboratories. The

following five types in descending order of occurrence accounted for

approximately 56 per cent of the sample: ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, INFJ, and

INFP. Williams also tried to detect an association between personality

type and specialty, but found no significant relationships. A study by



French and Rezler (1976) obtained similar results. Sixty-three per cent

of 56 clinical practitioners were clustered in types ESTJ, ISTJ, ISFP,

and ISFJ. The remaining subjects who were administrators and educators,

had the same traits except for a greater incidence of intuitive (N)

preferences in place of sensing (S).

To summarize, the studies, though some of the samples are small,

appear to be describing the same personality characteristics with minor

variances. The MBTI analogies for each study indicate a consistent

cluster of types to be occuring in each sample: ISFJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, and

ESTJ. In a few studies, there is a greater proportion of intuitive (N)

and and perceptive (P) types. This would correspond to Holland's

investigative descriptor which was expected to be present. The majority

of the subjects are more realistic or a composite of investigative-

realistic. The observation that students entering the field have nearly

identical characteristics as working laboratory technicians supports the

findings of Blau et al., (1956) which stated the environment has little

effect on personality development. Rather, it supports the theory that

persons enter an occupation perceiving that it has behavioral

requirements or opportunities congruent with their personalities and

abilities. A general summation of the characteristics of these MBTI

types is as follows: realistic, practical, observant, good at working

with and remembering facts, preferring to work in a planned and orderly

manner based on facts and experience, adaptable to routine, dependable,

valuing competence, and somewhat independent. These personality traits

are congruent with the work environment characteristics of the clinical

laboratory. Based on this information, it is expected that this study

will yield a similar cluster of types. William's attempt to align


personality types with laboratory department did not succeed. However,

intuitively, one may see the possibility of a relationship between the

two moderated by the degree of task structure found in the specialty and

the strength of the individual's need for order and routine.

Behavior and Attitudes of Clinical Laboratory Workers

It was noted earlier that a number of studies substantiate the role

of personality in interacting with environment to determine work

attitudes and behavior. Personality serves not only as a moderator in

reacting to stress, but as a source of stress when the person/task fit

is incompatible. Kahn et al., (1964) provided the most comprehensive

study and basis for subsequent studies of this effect. From their

observations, a dichotomous personality trait was described which had

much to do with this influence: rigidity-flexibility. Their definition

of rigidity was a person who liked an orderly process, clear standards,

and deadlines. They place great importance on precision and excellence

of the work they performed. Recogniton for good performance and

expertise-achievement needs served as their primary motivators. Rigid

persons experienced two fundamental work environment stressors: 1)

deadlines that interfere with an orderly process for completing an

assignment within the prescribed standards of precision and excellence;

and 2) work situations that are not clearly structured, responsibilities

that are not sufficiently and clearly defined, and a lack of order in

the work routine. In general, they have a low tolerance for

ambiguity. Inversely, a flexibile personality wouid And these

conditions, if present, to be restrictive and stressful. They prefer



Kahn et al., (1964) collected their data from an industrial setting,

yet their description of the personality and compatible work environment

characteristics for rigid persons are strikingly similar to those of the

clinical laboratory. The researchers went on to say that the presence

of these stressors was likely to cause perceived task ambiguity for a

rigid person. The ambiguity experience led to tension and anxiety with

a corresponding reduction in the person's ability to meet the work

demands and requirements, as well as an increase in stress related

mental and health disorders. Job dissatisfaction and a sense of

futility were likely to occur. From the previous studies, it is known

that dissatisfaction can be directed at perceptions of opportunities for

advancement, recognition, autonomy, supervision, and intrinsic job

satisfaction (House and Rizzo, 1972; Steers and Mowday, 1977). This

evidence leads to the supposition that occurrence of stress,

dissatisfaction, turnover, attrition, or absenteeism in the clinical

laboratory could be due to this personality-environment interaction.

Showery (1976) surveyed 300 student and working laboratory personnel

and found that 49.5 per cent of them would not choose their profession

again if given a choice. The two reasons cited most often as the cause

of their dissatisfaction was lack of recognition and respect as well as

constant disruption of orderly work processes by emergency requests.

French and Rezler (1976) found that clinical practitioners in their

sample were dissatisfied with pay and promotion opportunities. They

found no relationship between personality and job satisfaction. A

common source of frustration for them was poor communication which is

related to task ambiguity and structure.


Williams (1976) found that medical technologists, particularly those

who were thinking types and who worked in chemistry, were dissatisfied

with pay, promotion opportunities, co-workers,, and the job itself. She

found no other relationships between personality and job satisfaction.

That she discovered a small association between personality and job

satisfaction whereas French and Rezler (1976) did not, indicates the

specific task environment in which the individual is placed must be

considered when examining this interaction. This is consistent with the

theory that environment serves as a moderator of the influence.

Colligan, et al., (1977) ranked occupations in the state of

Tennessee as to the incidence rate of diagnosed mental health

disorders. The ranking was to serve as an index for the amount of

stress experienced by occupational incumbents. Of 130 vocations,

clinical laboratory technology ranked seventh highest. Though the

researchers listed reasons other than a greater occurrence of stress as

possible causes of their findings, they still concluded that the index

would serve its intended purpose adequately.

Love (1977) noted an interesting paradox in attitudes of laboratory

workers. The workers indicated a desire for their supervisors to use

their authority to provide order, clarify specifications of work

methodologies and role definitions, and structure their tasks. However,

they, also, saw the supervisor's use of authority as limiting their

autonomy and creativeness thereby lessening their satisfaction with work

content. Love concluded that medical technologists prefer a supportive,

well-structured environment that allows them an opportunity to maintain

some degree of control over their work enviornment through



Harting and Oliver (1978) found that medical technologists were most

dissatisfied with rewards for work performed, fulfillment of

occupational ambitions, and recognition for good performance by persons

external to the laboratory. They noted that the workers were quite

satisfied with the job itself and the physical environment. Oliver

(1978) contributed to those findings by adding that technologists who

valued doing what is socially correct, following regulations closely,

doing what is accepted and proper, and being a conformist were most

satisfied with their rewards, with the extent to which they felt a part

of the total health care team, and with public recognition. Individuals

who valued independence and recognition (esteem) were most

dissatisfied. The parallel of these results with those of Kahn et al.,

(1964) is obvious.

Griffin and Klun (1980) asked working medical technologists to rank

order a list of stressors that they had developed from literature review

and personal experiences. Overall, the three most significant stressors

in descending order were 1) the failure of physicians to understand the

laboratory situation, and/or pressing them for rapid return of test

results; 2) emergency requests which disrupt the normal work routine,

and 3) the pressing need for extreme accuracy. All of these correspond

to the stressors Kahn et al., (1964) listed for the rigid person.

Myers, et al., (1982) surveyed 175 medical technologists, most of

whom were clinical practitioners, and found that the majority were

dissatisfied with their job. The sources of dissatisfaction were lack

of promotion opportunities, lack of recognition by other health

professionals, job stress, and low pay.


Hajek and Blumberg (1982) surveyed 83 medical technologists who had

left the profession. Respondents who had not left for domestic reasons

cited lack of promotion opportunities, inability to fully apply their

skills and abilities, routineness of their job, and lack of supervisory

support in motivation. Hajek and Blumberg concluded that technologists

are over-trained for their current responsibilities. This may be true,

but their conclusion fails to include the findings of other researchers

already cited that indicate technologists with equivalent training, but

congruent personalities do not have a problem with these factors.

To summarize this section, it is concluded that laboratory workers

whose personalities are congruent with the behavioral characteristics of

the work environment will experience less stress and dissatisfaction

than those who are not. Subsequently, this fit should manifest itself

in either decreased turnover, attrition, or absenteeism.


The role of personality factors in occupational choice, work

interaction, and work behavior and attitudes have been described for the

general population and for the clinical laboratory. Overall the

laboratory worker is seen to have a personality characterized as

realistic, practical, observant, prefering to work in a planned and

orderly manner based on facts and experience, adaptable to routine,

dependable, valuing competence, and somewhat independent. These

characteristics are compatible with the environmental characteristics.

Persons who do not have this personality typology and enter the

occupation are likely to be dissatisfied and possibly leave the

profession or exhibit other dysfunctional behavior. In addition,



situations which alter or constrain the environmental characteristics

are likely to be stressful to the majority of the occupation's






The subjects were medical technologists and medical laboratory

technicians or an equivalent classification employed in the clinical

laboratories of three metropolitan teaching hospitals: Baptist Memorial

Hospital (BMH) and Methodist Hospitals of Memphis Central (MHMC) in

Memphis, Tennessee; and Mississippi Baptist Medical Center (MBMC) in

Jackson, Mississippi. All employees of each laboratory were informed of

the study in advance through the program director of the medical

technology school located in the hospital. All participants were

volunteers induced with an appeal to contribute to this body of

knowledge, a confidential report and description of their type, and a

summary of the study results to be distributed by the school of medical

technology program director. A copy of the cover letter bearing this

information is in the appendix. No distinctions were made as to the

race of a subject, work shift, or job title (clinical practitioner,

educator, or administrator). Students were not tested as the inferences

made in this study apply to working medical technologists and medical

laboratory technicians.

The original sample was composed of 151 subjects. From this, ten

were deleted because they either indicated their specialty as a

generalist or classified themselves as being over 55 years of age. This

small number of individuals who met these criteria interfered with the

statistical analyses by causing more than 20 per cent of the cells in

the contingency tables to have an expected cell frequency of less than

1.0 (Mainland, 1948; Lancaster, 1950; Cochran, 1954). The final sample


consisted of 141 subjects representing a finite population of medical

laboratory technical workers in large laboratories of metropolitan

teaching hospitals.


Personality was measured using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(IBTI), Form G (Myers, 1962; 11yers, 1977). The test consists of 126

forced-choice questions which produces a personality typology consisting

of four dichotomous indices and their corresponding score or strength.

The indices and type are explained in detail in the introduction. The

MBTI was chosen for this study to allow easier comparison with earlier

studies and because the type descriptions correspond to the work

environment characteristics. A secondary reason for using the MBTI is

the ease with which it can be applied in the work setting without

extensive psychological expertise. The Form G, developed in 1975, is

the most current instrument. It was selected because it can be

administered and hand scored easily, requires less time to take the

test, and has been updated to improve the validity of the test. In this

sample, subjects required an average of 25 minutes to complete the test

and the attached questionnaire.

The questionnaire (Appendix C) consisting of five items 4as designed

specifically for this study. The items identified the subject's sex,

age class, current job classification, total non-student work

experience, current and preferred specialty. The variables were chosen

to fulfill the purpose of the study.


Table 1 lists the operationalized variables for the study. The

indices were operationalized in three ways. First, there was the

dichotomous, qualitative preference of the index alone, for example


Variable Type of DescriptionName Variable

SEX Dichotomous Male-I, Female = 2

AGE Ordinal Age Groups: 20-25=1, 26-30=2, 31-55=3

CLASS Dichotomous Job classification: Medical Technologistor equivalent=1, Medical LaboratoryTechnician or equivalent-2

CURSPEC Nominal Current Specialty: Chemistry-Urinalysis-i,Hematology-Coagulation=2,Blood Bank-Immunology-3, Microbiology=4

PRESPEC Nominal Preferred specialty: same coding as for


FAC Nominal Hospital: BMH-I, MHMC-2, MBMCf3

DIFF Dichotomous Desire to change specialty as indicated bya difference between CURSPEC and PRESPEC:yes-i, No-2

JOB Continuous Accumulated laboratory tenure excludingstudent experience

El Dichotomous Extrovert/Introvert indexContin'uous

SN Dichotomous Sensing/Intuitive indexr


TF Dichotomous Thinking/Feeling indexrContynuous

JP Dichotomous Judging/Perceiving indexTrCont nuous

TYPE Nominal Sixteen four letter codes derived fromthe indices describing personalitystructure

_ __ _


either E (extrovert) or I (introvert). Second, there was a dichotomous,

quantitative preference score of the index to measure the strength of

that preference for the individual. The ranges for the scores are as


E 52 . . . . 0 . . . . 58 IS 67 .... 0 . . . . 51 NT 49 . . .. 0 . . . 51 F (males)T 61 . . . . 0 . . . . 49 F (females)J 55 . . . . 0 . . .. 61 P

Third, there was a continuous score for each index which is derived by

adding the quantitative score to 100 if it is I, N, F, or P and by

subtracting the score from 100 if E, S, T, or J. The first two

variables are used to determine whether a subject's membership in a

sample or a difference originating from personality traits is due to the

simple preference alone, due to the strength of the preference, or due

to both. Myers suggested that the continuous score cannot be used for

this purpose as it confounds the effects of frequency and strength of

preference. Therefore, the continuous score is restricted to

correlations with other continuous variables, and is supplemented with

statistical analyses of the qualitative preference of the quantitative

preference score to obtain a full understanding of the effects of the


Type (TYPE) was analyzed as a nominal level variable. Statistical

analysis other than an examination of the frequencies could not be

performed due to the small number of subjects in several of the

typologies. Age (AGE) was classified into three categories for two

reasons. First, it was assumed the effects of age on personality would

be more pronounced in this manner than as a continuous variable. The

ages of the subjects were so widely spread that the effects would be too



small to generalize about the sample as a whole. Secondly, it was

assumed that the sample would be roughly distributed evenly among the

age categories. Sex (SEX), facility (FAC), and job classification

(CLASS) are self-explanatory.

The subject's current specialty (CURSPEC) and preferred specialty

(PRESPEC) were designated as four categories: 1) chemistry-urinalysis,

2) hematology-coagulation, 3) blood bank-immunology, and 4)

microbiology. The variable DIFF was created by indicating an

affirmative response if there was a difference between the subject's

current specialty and preferred specialty, and a negative response if

there was not. The purpose of the variable was to provide an index

which would indicate to what extent subjects in the sample were placed

in the specialty they wished to be. Tests of independence with this

variable and the indices would detect a personality cause for wanting to

work in a different specialty, but would not indicate which specialty.

Job experience (JOB) was measured as a continuous variable since its

primary function in the study was to serve as a dependent variable.

Inferences made about this variable would need to be as specific as

possible. With the variables defined operationally, the statistical

procedures used to analyze the data can be explained.


The analyses were carried out in three parts using the Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Level 8). (Nie et al., 1975). In

the first part, the sample and subsamples were examined descriptively by

computing the frequencies of each in the categories of the demographic

variables, by the current and preferred specialties, and by DIFF. The

.... ..


purpose of this analysis was to identify the nature of the sample from

which inferences would be made, to identify the specialty distributions

of the sample, and to determine whether the subjects in the sample and

subsamples were placed in the specialty they wished to be. The

subsamples were created in order to isolate any effects related to

sex. At least one, an association with the TF index, was expected.

The second part of the analyses involved testing the qualitative

form of the indices for independence from the sample and subsample

demographic variables excluding job experience, current and preferred

specialty, and DIFF. These tests were performed by constructing

contingency tables and computing the raw chi square as a measure of

significance. Raw chi square rather than Yeates corrected chi square

for continuity was utilized in all cases as it is believed by this

researcher that tly: latter provides too conservative a test (Cochran,

1954). This would cause some existing associations to be overlooked.

Probability of a Type I error was held at the 0.05 level. The magnitude

of any significant associations was determined with asymmetric lambda

(Blalock, 1979) or in one case with the uncertainty coefficient (Theil,

1967; Theil, 1972; Nie et al., 1975). The simple Pearson product moment

correlation was utilized for the measurement of the magnitude of

association between job tenure and the continuous scores of the

indices. Any significant associations between these variables were also

examined by testing the mean difference scores of the indices for the

purpose of determining whether the effects were qualitative or


The third part of the analyses involved a non-statistical

examination of the frequencies of each type and a comparison with


earlier studies. a statistical analysis could not be performed because

of the small number of subjects in some of the types.




Description of the Sample

The sample consisted of 141 male and female medical technologists

and medical laboratory technicians or an equivalent classification. The

male and female subsamples were composed of 18 males and 123 females.

The small number of male subjects proved to be a problem later when

statistically testing the subsample's characteristics for associations

with the indices.

The ages were distributed evenly when one considers the large range

of the last age category. This was anticipated and stood as one of the

reasons for selecting these particular classes. The 20 to 25 year age

group numbered 27 per cent of the sample, the 26 to 30 group 32 per

cent, and the 31 to 55 group 41 per cent. It was noted that 59 per cent

of the sample was under 30 years of age indicating a young work force.

The distributions of the ages of both subsamples were approximately

equal to one another and to the sample. This illustrated that the young

age of the work force was most likely not associated with sex though it

was not statistically tested.

The distribution of medical technologists and medical laboratory

technicians in the sample was disproportional with the former greatly

outnumbering the latter. There were 115 medical technologists and 26

medical laboratory technicians which is approximately 82 and 18 per cent

respectively. The uneven distribution may be partially due to the

presence of active medical technology schools in all three hospitals.

Presumably, graduating students would be encouraged to become employees

of the hospital in which they received their training in order to














sIJ 5.0




*1 .0 1234568901112 1314 151617181920212223242526272829JOB TMIE (YEARS)




N % N % N

AGE20-25 38 27.0 5 27.8 33 26.826-30 45 31.9 6 33.3 39 31.731-55 58 41.1 7 38.8 51 41.5


MT 115 81.6 17 94.4 98 79.7MLT 26 18.4 1 5.6 25 20.3


Chem-Urin 39 27.7 7 38.9 32 26.0Hem-Coag 36 25.5 2 11.1 34 27.6BB-Immun 33 23.4 5 27.8 28 22.8Micro 33 23.4 4 22.2 29 23.6


Chem-Urin 28 19.9 5 27.8 23 18.7Hem-Coag 38 27.0 2 11.1 36 29.8BB-Immun 30 21.3 5 27.8 25 20.3Micro 45 31.9 6 33.3 39 31.7


BMH 64 45.4 6 33.3 58 47.2MHMC 45 81.9 4 22.2 41 33.3MBMC 32 22.7 8 44.4 34 27.6


YES 24 17.0 4 22.2 20 16.3NO 117 83.0 14 77.8 103 83.7

TOTAL 141 18 123

- . J


compensate for the costs of the schools. In addition, the students may

wish to be employed by an organization with which they are familiar.

Classification distributions among the male subsample were more

asymmetrical than the sample or the female subsample. Of the males, 94

per cent were medical technologists and 6 per cent were medical

laboratory technicians. Among females, roughly 80 per cent were medical

technologists and 20 per cent medical laboratory technicians.

Each specialty in which the subjects' were currently working

accounted for approximately one quarter of the sample. The chemistry-

urinalysis department contained 28 per cent of the sample, hematology-

coagulation 26 per cent, and both blood bank-immunology and microbiology

23 per cent. When placement in a specialty was based on preference of

the subject rather than where he was currently working, the distribution

changed considerably for two specialties. Chemistry-urinalysis dropped

from 28 to 20 per cent while the percentage in microbiology increased 23

to 32. The percentages in blook bank-immunology and hematology remained

relatively the same. Microbiology was the most pereferred specialty and

hematology the next. For the female subsample, the distributions among

the current and preferred specialties were nearly identical to those of

the sample. However, the males had a unique distribution in both

categories. A much greater proportion of males worked in chemistry-

urinalysis, 39 per cent, and a lesser one in hematology-coagulation, 11

per cent, than for the sample or the female subsample. A statistical

test of this association was not possible because of the small number of

males. The shift in distributions from current to preferred specialty

for males occured in the same manner as for the sample and the females,

but the magnitudes of the decreases in chemistry-urinalysis and the


increase in microbiology were much greater. The number of males in the

former department dropped 11 per cent while the number in the latter

department rose 11 per cent. It was not a one to one exchange. This

implies that a sex related personality trait may be responsible for this


Neither the sample nor the subsamples were evenly distributed among

the three hospitals. BMH accounted for 45 per cent of the subjects,

MHNC for 32 per cent, and MB1IC for 23 percent. The female subsample was

roughly equivalent to this, but in the case of the males, HIBMC had

proportionately more, 44 per cent, than the other two hospitals. This

is suggestive as it is the smallest of the three. It either implies a

greater proportional number of males at MBHC or more males that were

willing to take the test. Regardless, it may become significant in

interpreting the results if a sex related personality trait is

associated with choice of specialty or job tenure.

In the sample, only 17 per cent indicated a desire to change

specialties. Among the females, 16 per cent indicated a desire to

change, but among males, 22 per cent expressed this desire.

Figure 1 shows the histogram of job tenure for the sample.

Approximately 60 per cent of the sample had 7 years or less work

experience. This corresponds to 59 per cent of the sample being 31

years or younger. A slight peak was noted in the 11 to 15 year range as

well, accounting for approximately 17 per cent of the sample. From

Table 3 it can be seen that the same job tenure for the sample was 8.2

years. For the males it was 7.0 years and for the females 8.4 years. A

t-test revealed that there was no significant difference between the






Sample Male Female t

N 141 18 123Mean 8.2 7.0 8.4 0.83(S.D.) (6.7) (5.7) (6.9)

Overall, the sample consisted mainly of female medical technologists

under 31 years of age with a mean job tenure of 8.4 years. The females

were evenly distributed among the four specialties, but many expressed a

propensity to shift from chemistry-urinalysis into, primarily,

microbiology. The majority wished to remain where they were. A

minority of the sample consisted of male medical technologists under 31

years of age with a mean job tenure of 7.0 years. Proportionally more

males were found in chemistry-urinalysis and fewer in hematology-

coagulation than females. The males demonstrated the same directional

shift as the females, but did so in a greater magnitude.




The distribution of the dichotomous personality indices for the

sample closely resembled those of Bowling (1973), French and Rezler

(1976) Williams (1975) and Williams (1976). The findings of this study

and those mentioned are summarized in Table 4. The only significant

difference lies in the El distribution of Bowling's study, but her

results do not agree with the majority and may be due to sample

differences unaccounted for. In this study, Extroverts constituted 38

per cent of the sample, introverts 62 per cent, sensing 73 per cent,

intuitive 27 per cent, thinking 43 per cent, feeling 57 per cent,

judging 78 per cent, and perceiving 22 per cent. The SJ combination

with 60 per cent of the sample was the most prevalent preference.

Thinking and feeling preferences were distributed almost evenly.

Table 5 shows the results of the breakdown and tests of independence

for each index by the sample characteristics, current and preferred

specialty, and DIFF. There were few significant associations. Sex was

related to the TF index, as expected, with a chi square of 7.43

significant at the 0.01 level. The SN index was associated with

facility with a chi square of 9.15 significant at the 0.01 level.

Finally, and most importantly to the purpose of this study, the JP index

was associated with the current specialty of the subject with a chi

square of 12.53 significant at the 0.01 level.

It was already noted that the TF index was expected to be dependent

on sex. For this study, asymmetric lambda was 0.133 with TF dependent

on sex. Lambda has a proportional reduction in error (PRE)

interpretation, (Leonard, 1976; Agresti, 1979), therefore, in this case,





IN Bowling Williams French-Rezler Williams Present% 1973 1975 1976 1976 Study

E 60.7 43.9 39 36.9 38.3I 39.3 56.1 61 63.1 61.7S 73.2 62.2 77 62.1 73.0N 26.8 37.8 23 37.9 27.0T 48.2 49.3 55 36.3 42.6F 51.8 50.7 45 63.7 57.4J 75.0 65.5 71 66.0 78.0P 25.0 34.5 29 34.0 22.0


ENFJ 5.3 2.7 4 5.6 4.3ENFP 1.8 6.1 4 4.9 1.4ENTJ 7.1 8.0 2 2.9 3.5ENTP 1.8 2.0 ... 2.6 2.1ESFJ 10.7 7.4 7 8.5 8.5ESFP 8.9 3.4 2 4.6 3.5ESTJ 21.4 10.8 21 5.9 14.2ESTP 3.6 3.4 .. 2.0 0.7INFJ 3.6 3.4 ... 7.5 5.7INFP 3.6 6.8 5 7.5 4.3INTJ 1.8 4.7 7 2.9 5.0INTP 1.8 4.1 2 3.9 0.7ISFJ 14.3 14.9 10 19.3 24.1ISFP 3.6 6.1 12 5.9 5.7ISTJ 10.7 13.5 20 13.4 12.8ISTP ... 2.7 4 2.6 3.5

TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100 100.0 100.0

N 56 148 56 306 141

Source: Adapted from M. R. Williams (1976)

+All but Present Study included only medical technologists; French and

Rezler (1976) and Williams (1976) excluded males from their sample.






Male 9 6.4 9 6.4 1.96 14 9.9 4 2.8 0.234Female 45 31.9 78 55.3 89 63.1 34 24.1


20-25 18 12.8 20 14.2 30 21.3 8 5.726-30 20 14.2 25 17.7 32 27.7 13 9.231-55 16 11.3 42 29.8 41 29.1 17 12.1


MT 44 31.2 71 50.4 82 58.2 33 23.40.00 0.965MLT 10 7.1 16 11.3 21 14.9 5 3.5


Chem-Urin 12 8.5 27 19.1 29 20.6 10 7.1Hem-Coag 14 9.9 22 15.6 2.44 25 17.7 11 7.8 0.396BB-Immun 16 11.3 17 12.1 25 17.7 8 5.7Micro 12 8.5 21 14.9 24 17.0 9 6.4


Chem-Urin 10 7.1 18 12.8 21 14.9 7 5.0Hem-Coag 15 10.6 23 16.3 0.143 26 18.4 12 8.5 0.669BB-Immun 12 8.5 18 12.8 23 16.3 7 5.0Micro 17 12.1 28 19.9 33 23.4 12 8.5


BMH 27 19.1 37 26.2 42 29.8 22 15.6MHMC 16 11.3 29 20.6 0.761 31 22.0 14 9.9 9.15**MBMC 11 7.8 21 14.9 30 21.3 2 1.4


Yes 11 7.8 13 9.2 0691 19 13.5 5 3.5 0.550No 43 30.5 74 52.5 84 59.6 33 23.4

**p < 0.01


TABLE 5. (Continued)



Male 13 9.2 5 3.5 13 9.2 5 3.5 0.404Ml13 92 5 7.43** 68..26 18.

Female 47 33.3 76 53.9 97 68.8 26 18.4


20-25 16 11.3 22 15.6 28 19.9 10 7.126-30 16 11.3 29 20.6 1.68 33 23.4 12 8.5 2.4131-55 28 19.9 30 21.3 49 34.8 9 6.4


MT 52 36.9 63 44.7 89 63.1 26 18.4MLT 8 5.7 18 '2.8 21 14.9 5 3 5


Chem-Urin 17 12.1 22 15.6 34 24.1 5 3.5Hem-Coag 14 9.9 22 15.6 1.82 32 22.7 4 2.8 12.53*BB-Immun 12 8.5 21 14.9 25 17.7 8 5.7Micro 17 12.1 16 11.3 19 13.5 14 9.9


Chem-Urin 12 8.5 16 11.3 24 17.0 4 2.8Hem-Coag 14 9.9 24 17.0 2.28 34 24.1 4 2.8 7.19BB-Immun 11 7.8 19 13.5 21 14.9 9 6.4Micro 23 16.3 22 15.6 31 22.0 14 9.9


BMH 4 17.0 40 28.4 50 35.5 14 9.9MHMC 3 16.3 22 15.6 2.07 32 22.7 13 9.2 2.93MBMC 3 9.2 19 13.5 28 19.9 4 2.8


Yes 11 7.8 13 9.2 19 13.5 5 3.5No 49 34.9 68 48.2 0.127 91 64.5 26 18.4 0.022

**p < 0.01


it can be inferred that a knowledge of the subject's sex would cause a

13.3 per cent reduction in error when predicting whether the subject

preferred thinking or feeling on the average. The significance of this

relationship led to a one tailed t-test between the male and female

thinking and feeling scores to determine whether the effect was due to

the strength of the preference or the qualitative nature of the trait

alone. These results are summarized in Table 6. The mean thinking

score of 31.2 for the males was significantly greater than the mean

thinking score of 19.6 for the females at the 0.05 level. The mean

feeling score of males, 13.8 and the mean for females, 16.9, were not

significantly different.



Index Male Female t

N 13 47Thinking Mean 31.2 19.6 1.87*

(S.D.) (21.6) (11.7)

N 5 76Feeling Mean 13.8 16.9 0.84Score (S.D.) (7.8) (10.9)

* p< 0. 0 5


The association between the SN index and facility was not

expected. Lambda took on a numerical value of zero in this case because

of the large differences in the marginal totals (Blalock, 1979). For

this reason, a coefficient of uncertainty was calculated to interpret

the strength of the association (Theil, 1967; Theil, 1972; Nie et al.,

1975). This test is interpreted similarly to the lambda, but does not

represent PRE. It denotes the decrease in uncertainty regarding

information that will be received which is in this case the knowledge of

which facility the person will be attracted to because of perceived

characteristics compatible with this portion of his personality. The

uncertainty coefficient for the SN/facility relationship was 0.038,

indicating that a knowledge of an individual's SN preference will reduce

the uncertainty in predicting which hospital he is likely to be found by

3.8 per cent. This is a very weak association and is of no practical

value. For this reason, the relationship will be disregarded in this

study (Gold, 1969).

The Association between the JP index had an asymmetric lambda of

0.088 with current specialty dependent on the index. This is a fairly

weak association as well, but as will be seen in the discussion, there

are some highly probable explanations for the diminished strength of

this relationship which might justify its continued practical

acceptance. The results show that judging types tended to be located in

chemistry-urinalysis and hematology-coagulation. Perceiving types were

found primarily in blood bank-immunology and microbiology. Table 7

shows the mean judging and perceiving scores for each specialty. A one-

way analysis of variance indicated that there were no significant

differences between the scores. This indicates that what dependency



exists for specialty choice on the JP index is due to the qualitative

nature of the trait and not upon the strength of it.



Index Chem- Hem- BB- Micro FUrin Coag Immun

N 34 32 25 19Judging Mean 25.2 31.4 25.2 27.8 1.57(S.D.) (14.1) (11.8) (13.3) (13.1)

N 55 4 8 14Perceiving Mean 39.0 28.0 28.5 17.0 2.37

Score (S.D.) (15.8) (10.1) (14.00) (19.5)

Job experience was the last sample characteristic to be compared

with the indices. Correlation coefficients and coefficients of

determination are shown in Table 8. The SN and JP indices were

sigificantly correlated with job tenure at the 0.05 level, and the El

index at 0.01 level. The El index accounted for 4.8 percent of the

variation in job tenure, SN index 2.4 percent, and JP index 1.9

percent. T-tests between mean job tenure in years


Sample E1 SN TF JP

r 0.22** -0.16* -0.09 -0.14*

r2 0.048 0.024 0.009 0.019

*p < 0.05 **p < 0.01

* * .-Now


for the dichotomies of each index are summarized in Table 9. Only one

significant difference at the 0.05 level emerged. Introverts with a

mean experience of 9.0 years stayed on the job longer than the

extroverts with a mean tenure of 6.9 years. The judging preference,

though not significant, did show a higher mean tenure than those who

prefer the perceiving index.




Extrovert Introvert

tN Mean (S.D.) N Mean (S.D.)

54 6.9 (6.3) 87 9.0 (6.9) 1.80*

Sensing Intuitive

tN Mean (S.D.) N Mean (S.D.)

103 7.3 (5.2) 38 8.6 (7.3) 0.98

Thinking Feelingt+

N Mean (S.D.) N Mean (S.D.)

60 7.8 (6.4) 81 8.8 (7.2) 0.85

Judging Perceiving

N Mean (S.D.) N Mean (S.D.)

110 8.6 (7.0) 31 6.8 (5.5) 1.30

+ Two-tailed test, all others are one-tailed.

p '0.05



The subsamples were examined in the same manner as the sample;

however, due to the small number of males, chi square could not be used

to test for associations with the indices. The breakdown of the male

subsample indices by the demographic variables, current and preferred

specialties, and DIFF are summarized in Table 11. Table 10 shows the

correlation coefficients and coefficients of determination for job

tenure of the subsamples and the continuous scores of the indices. The

SN and JP indices approached significance in the expected direction for

the males. Small sample size is the cause for the lack of

significance. Within the female subsample, two indices were found to be

significantly correlated: The El index at the 0.01 level, and the SN

index at the 0.05 level. The JP index approached significance with a p-

value of 0.09. The degree of association was similar to that of the

sample however.



r -0.05 -0.27 -0.12 -0.26Males r2 0.00 0.07 0.013 0.065

Females r 2 0.25** -0.15* -0.12 -0.120.064 0.022 0.015 0.015

*p 0.05 **p < 0.01

K ~





20-25 3 16.7 2 11.1 4 22.2 1 5.6 3 16.7 2 11.1 3 16.7 2 11.126-30 4 22.2 2 11.1 4 22.2 2 11.1 3 16.7 3 16.7 3 16.7 3 16.731-55 2 11.1 5 27.8 6 33.3 1 5.6 7 38.9 0 0.00 7 38.9 0 0.00


MT 8 44.4 9 50.0 13 72.2 4 22.2 2 66.7 5 27.8 12 66.7 5 27.81 5.6 0 0.00 1 5.6 0 0.00 1 5.6 0 0.00 1 5.6 0 0.00


Qvm-rin 4 22.2 3 16.7 4 22.2 3 16.7 4 22.2 3 16.7 5 27.8 2 11.1Hami-Coag 1 5.6 1 5.6 2 11.1 0 0.00 1 5.6 1 5.6 1 5.6 1 5.6BB-Im .n 3 16.7 2 11.1 5 27.8 0 0.0 4 22.2 1 5.6 5 27.8 0 0.00Micro 1 5.6 3 16.7 3 16.7 1 5.6 4 22.2 0 0.0 2 11.1 2 11.1


Cht-Urin 3 16.7 2 11.1 3 16.7 2 11.1 3 16.7 2 11.1 3 16.7 2 11.1Hem-Coag 1 5.6 1 5.6 2 11.1 0 0.00 1 5.6 1 5.6 2 11.1 0 0.00BB-Inmm 2 11.1 3 16.7 4 22.2 1 5.6 4 22.2 1 5.6 5 27.8 0 0.00Micro 3 16.7 3 16.7 5 27.8 1 5.6 5 27.8 1 5.6 3 16.7 3 16.7


IsH 4 22.2 2 11.1 5 27.8 1 5.6 5 27.8 1 5.6 4 22.2 2 11.1t m 1 5.6 3 16.7 1 5.6 3 16.7 3 16.7 1 5.6 2 11.1 2 11.1MEM 4 22.2 4 22.2 8 44.4 0 0.00 5 27.8 3 16.7 7 38.9 1 5.6


Yes 3 16.7 1 5.6 3 16.7 1 5.6 2 11.1 2 11.1 3 16.7 1 5.6No 6 33.3 8 44.4 11 61.1 3 16.7 11 61.1 3 16.7 10 55.6 4 22.2


The breakdown and tests of independence for the female subsample are

summarized in Table 12. As with the sample, current specialty was

dependent on the JP index with a chi square of 13.81 significant at the

0.01 level. Perceiving types tended to gravitate towards blood bank-

immunology and microbiology. Judging types were found more often in

chemistry-urinalysis and hematology-coagulation. Asymmetric lambda was

0.101 which is slightly better than the sample's lambda of 0.088. One-

way analysis of variance (Table 13) demonstrated no significant

difference between the mean preference scores indicating the effect is

not due to the strength of the index.

The preferred specialty was dependent on the JP index as well. The

chi square was 8.79 significant at the 0.05 level. Asymmetric lambda

with preferred specialty dependent on the JP index was 0.048. No

significant differences were noted in a one-way analysis of variance

(Table 14).

Facility was associated with the SN index as it was in the sample.

Chi square was 6.61 significant at the 0.05 level. Asymmetric lambda

was zero in 'is case for the same reasons as the sample, therefore, the

uncertainty coefficient was calculated. This value was 0.030 which is

even weaker than that of the sample. For the same reason, this

relationship will no longer be considered for this study.

To summarize, the males in the sample tended to prefer the thinking

index more than the females and the females preferred the feeling trait

more often. Males were more strongly thinking types than thinking

females, but there was no difference between the strengths of feeling

preferences of males and females. Within the sample and the female

subsample, those who preferred the Judging index had a propensity to be






20-25 15 12.2 18 14.6 26 21.1 7 5.726-30 16 13.0 23 18.7 3.28 28 22.8 11 8.9 1.0431-55 14 11.4 37 30.] 35 28.5 16 13.0


MT 36 29.3 62 50.4 69 56.1 29 23.6 0.916MLT 9 7.3 16 13.0 20 16.3 5 4.1


Chem-Urin 8 6.5 24 19.5 25 20.3 7 5.7Hem-Coag 13 10.6 21 17.1 3.08 23 18.7 11 8.9 0.922BB-Immun 13 10.6 15 12.2 20 16.3 8 6.5Micro 11 8.9 18 14.6 21 17.1 8 6.5


Chem-Urin 7 5.7 16 13.0 18 14.6 5 4.1Hem-Coag 14 11.4 22 17.9 0.591 24 19.5 12 9.8 1.16BB-Immun 10 8.1 15 12.2 19 15.4 6 4.9Micro 14 11.4 25 20.3 28 20.8 11 8.9


BMH 23 18.7 35 28.5 37 30.1 21 17.1MHMC 15 12.2 26 21.1 0.805 30 24.4 11 8.9 6.61*MBMC 7 5.7 17 13.8 22 17.9 2 1.6


Yes 8 6.5 12 9.8 0.120 16 13.0 4 3.3 0.697No 37 30.1 66 53.7 73 59.3 30 24.4

*p < 0.05

-~-~ -.


TABLE 12. (Continued)



20-25 13 10.6 20 16.3 25 20.3 8 6.526-30 13 10.6 26 21.1 0.603 30 24.4 9 7.3 0.65231-55 21 17.1 30 24.4 42 34.1 9 7.3


MT 40 32.5 58 47.2 77 62.6 21 17.1MLT 7 5.7 18 14.6 20 16.3 5 4.1


Chem-Urin 13 10.6 19 15.4 29 23.0 3 2.4Hem-Coag 13 10.6 21 17.1 3.08 31 25.2 3 2.4 13.81*BB-Immun 8 6.5 20 16.3 20 16.3 8 6.5Micro 13 10.6 16 13.0 17 13.8 12 9.8


Chem-Urin 9 7.3 14 11.4 21 17.1 2 1.6Hem-Coag 13 10.6 23 18.7 2.22 32 26.0 4 3.3 8.79*BB-Immun 7 5.7 18 14.6 16 13.0 9 7.3Micro 18 14.6 21 17.1 28 22.8 11 8.9


BMH 19 15.4 39 31.7 46 37.4 12 9.8MHMC 20 16.3 21 17.1 2.91 30 24.4 11 8.9 1.88MBMC 8 6.5 16 13.0 21 17.1 3 2.4


Yes 9 7.3 11 8.9 16 13.0 4 3.30.467 0.019No 38 30.9 65 52.8 81 65.9 22 17.9

*p < 0.05 **p < 0.01




Chem- Hem- BB-Index UnCogMicro FUrin Coag Immun

N 29 31 20 17Judging Mean 25.6 31.1 25.7 27.8 1.08

(S.D.) (14.4) (11.9) (13.7) (13.7)

N 3 3 8 12Perceiving Mean 46.3 29.0 28.5 19.2 2.21

Score (S.D.) (3.1) (12.2) (14.1) (20.3)



Index Chem- Hem- BB-Urin Coag Immun

N 21 32 16 28Judging Mean 26.5 30.4 25.6 26.9 0.631Score (S.D.) (13.3) (12.2) (14.2) (14.5)

N 2 4 9 11Perceiving Mean 48.0 32.0 27.0 19.7 1.73

Score (S.D.) (1.4) (20.9) (13.9) (19.2)

- -


in either chemistry-urinalysis or hematology-coagulation. Those who

preferred the perceiving index were most often located in blood bank-

immunology or microbiology specialties. The associations are not very

strong, yet there is evidence which will be discussed in the next

section that supports a further examination of these associations before

they are disregarded. Job tenure was weakly correlated with the El, SN

indices for the females. The directions of the correlations indicated

that the laboratory workers whose personality traits included the

introverted, sensing, and judging indices will have a longer job tenure

than those who are not. The correlations among males failed to reach

significance due to small sample size, but appeared to simulate the

results found in the sample and the female subsample.


Because of the small number of subjects found in some of the

categories, no statistical evaluation of the type was attempted. The

frequencies are summarized in Table 4. The studies, including this one,

concur with one another fairly well taking into consideration the

difference in their sample characteristics. For this study, the most

common types were ISFJ (24.1 per cent), ESTJ (14.2 per cent), ISTJ (12.8

per cent) and ESFJ (8.5 per cent). These 4 types out of the 16 possible

ones accounted for 60 per cent of the sample.



The sample consisted primarily of female medical technologists under

31 years of age with a mean job experience of 8.4 years. Most of the

subjects preferred to remain in the specialty in which they were

currently working. Tests of independence revealed a weak dependency of

current specialty on the JP index for the sample and the female

subsample. There was also a weak correlation between job tenure of a

subject and whether he preferred the introvert, sensing, and judging

indices. The inverse was true for those who preferred the extrovert,

intuitive, and perceptive indices. The sex related TF index had no

effect on either specialty or job tenure. The most frequently

encountered types were ISFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ and ESFJ in descending order of




Summary of Results

The results indicated that this sample of laboratory workers

possessed for the most part a set of personality traits usual for the

profession. The characteristics of the four types ISFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, and

ESFJ can be summarized as dependable, practical, realistic, preferring

to work with details in an orderly and prescribed manner, adaptable to

routine, and desiring to maintain some degree of control over their

environment. These types confirm the results of previous studies cited

earlier and support the theory that persons in the occupation possess

traits which correspond with the behavioral requirements of the work


It was surmised that the effects of these personality

characteristics would extend to selection of a task environment within

the occupation and that the criteria may possibly hinge on the

environment's degree of task structure. This turned out to be true.

The JP index was associated with the specialty in which a person

worked. Judging types prefer more organization and order in their work

environment and are less tolerant of ambiguity and change. On the other

hand, perceiving types are more adaptable and flexible tolerating

ambiguity and change to a greater extent. The results demonstrated that

laboratory workers who preferred judging tended to be located in the

more structured specialties, that is chemistry-urinalysis and

hematology-coagulation. Perceiving types were found more often in the

less structured departments such as blood bank-immunology and

microbiology. One would expect from the theory that the strength of a


preference would also relate to the degree of task structure; however,

this did not occur. The data indicated that no differences existed

between the scores of judging and perceiving types among specialties.

Therefore, for this study, one must conclude that the effect of the JP

index is limited to the qualitative traits of the factor alone and is

not affected by it's perceived strength.

None of the other indices had any significant impact on specialty

choice. One may conclude that none of the demographic variables did

either because of the absence of any significant relationships with the

JP index. Controlling for sex enhanced the association slightly, but to

no practical degree. The selection of a task environment then may be

considered to be to some extent a result of the individual's desire to

find a setting that is perceived as having a task structure that is

compatible with his desire for orderliness and tclerance of ambiguity.

There are a number of possible reasons why personality played a

small role in this choice. One possibility considered and controlled

for in this study was whether the individual has a choice in selection

of a specialty or whether he was placed in whatever department had a

vacancy at the time of employment. The results indicated that the

majority of the workers were currently in the specialty they wished to

be and would not prefer to work in another. An analysis, not shown in

the results, indicated that workers with seven years or less of tenure

more frequently expressed a desire to transfer than those with more than

seven years; even so, they were still in the minority. This suggests

that most workers are able to enter the specialty they desire at some

point of their career and those who do not frequently resign themselves

to whatever specialty they are in after committing a number of years to


it. Since laboratory workers shun uncertainty and extol competence and

expertise, this finding is not surprising. Once an employee has

developed a level of expertise in a specialty, it is unlikely that he

would risk the feelings of uncertainty and ambiguity associated with

being a novice in a new department just to gain some degree of task

structure. The perceived benefits do not outweigh the costs.

Another possibility to consider is to what extent the departments

actually differ in their task structure. They were presumed to differ

in this study, but no measurements were accomplished.

Two other potential causes related to the environment of the

specialties are the perceived status of the department and the physical

surroundings. Blood bank, immunology, and microbiology because of their

lack of automation are perceived as requiring more personal competence

and expertise to perform the tasks. Automation is seen by members of

this occupation as limiting the professional application of skills and

abilities and reducing the job to a simple production assembly line.

Because of laboratory workers' emphasis on personal competence,

chemistry-urinalysis and hematology are seen as low status, less

professional tasks than the other specialties and possibly as

constraining promotion opportunities. The physical surroundings played

a key role in specialty choice as well. In one particular hospital, it

was noted that nearly one-half of those in the chemistry department and

over 20 per cent of those in hematology-coagulation who participated in

the study wished to leave their current specialty. Of these, 85 and 100

per cent, respectively, wanted to transfer to microbiology. Noticeably,

the majority of these persons were judging types who were expressing a

desire to move into a more unstructured task environment. This pattern

6 6. . .L , J . , , - l


was unique to this one hospital. An interesting fcaure of the three

departments involved was the difference in their physical work

settings. Chemistry and hematology were long, rectangular rooms.

Chemistry was crowded and arranged such that the workers were isolated

from one another. Hematology was less crowded and more open, but the

workers appeared to be spaced far apart. Microbiology, in contrast to

both of these departments, was a square, open room with circular work

benches. The workers could communicate freely with one another. The

immediate impression one received when entering chemistry was

oppressive. In hematology, the atmosphere was more relaxed but

remote. However, upon entering microbiology one felt immediately a mood

of warmth and sociableness. Hall (1966) delivers .-i excellent

discussion of the effects of physical features of an environment on the

psychological and physiological elements of humans. Hall states that

conditions similar to those described in the chemistry and hematology

departments of this hospital could produce dysfunctional outcomes,

whereas, those like the microbiology specialty could produce favorable

ones unless other factors such as supervisory support are able to

obscure their effects. This is not to say that the physical features of

the environment were the only causes of this desire to transfer to

microbiology, particularly when one considers the perceived social

status of the departments. It does suggest, however, that it may have

had a strong influence in this case.

Interpersonal relationships cannot be excluded as possible causes of

an individual's specialty choice. Any number of reasons under this

heading would dilute the influence of personality on either job tenure

or specialty choice.

- ---.- p .. e


The last possible reason for the weak relationship is the proportion

of judging to perceiving types. The former outnumbered the latter in

the sample by almost four to one. This imbalance would explain the

large number of judging types found in the blood bank, immunology, and

microbiology specialties. Since the occupation is overall a highly

structured one, persons of this preference are attracted to it, but once

in the profession, because of the sheer numbers and the factors cited

above, many find themselves in the less structured specialties.

Because the weak relationships between the JP index and specialty

choice can be explained by these factors it is not disregarded as having

no practical implications. Yet it does imply the need for additional

studies controlling for these factors.

The results supported the hypotheses regarding job tenure and

personality, however, the simple correlations were rather weak. Persons

who were either introverts, sensing, or judging had greater job tenure

than those who were extroverts, intuitives, or perceiving. In addition

to an incompatibility of the latter individual's personality traits with

the work environment, DeFiore et al., (1981) indicated that these more

outgoing and flexible people were willing to tolerate the uncertainty of

leaving one job and finding another. A primary potential cause for the

weak relationships is that separately the personality traits could not

account for enough of the variance when competing with the numerous

other factors such as job markets, reluctance to relocate, compensation,

and family influences. Jaccard (1981) developed and validified a

multiple regression model that utilized an individual's attitudes

towards performing a behavior as predictor variables and intention to

perform the behavior as the dependent variable. He defined attitudes in*1i



a manner similar to the definition of personality traits. Mowday and

Spencer (1981) developed a multiple regression model to predict turnover

rates. The predictor variables included task characteristics measured

by Hackman and Oldham's (1975) Job Diagnostic Survey, personality traits

which only included need for autonomy and achievement, a covariance

term, and a quadratic task characteristics term. Both studies were

successful in predicting their appropriate dependent variable, but

Mowday and Spencer obtained weak magnitudes of correlation. This does

not imply that the model is not useful, but that their measures of

either personality or task characteristics were inadequate. On the

basis of the findings of this study, their measure of personality is


That a relationship was found between the introvert, sensing, and

judging personality traits and job tenure supports the theory that

persons of this type are more likely to be satisfied in a laboratory

work environment because of a congruent match in characteristics. There

is an implication, however, that the traits may interact with one

another and with the work environment to influence an individual's

decision to remain in the profession.


There are several limitations which must be applied to the

inferences contained within this study. The first is the small number

of males and particularly male medical laboratory technicians in the

sample. Though neither sex nor classification were seen to have any

significant effect on specialty choice or job tenure, for the sample or

the female subsample, one cannot ignore the fact that no statistical

- - , ..- -


Another limitation is that only three hospitals were surveyed.

Though this variable impacted on only the SN index and very weakly, it

is hard to determine what unaccounted influences attributable to the

hospital may have affected either specialty choice or job tenure. A

good example of this is the effect that the physical surroundings

probably had in one hospital on the worker's desire to change


The sample size preventing statistical tests for associations

between the 16 types and the other variables was an additional

limitation. Failure to do so frustrates attempts to perform a more

individualized examination of the personality and work characteristics

interaction. Though comparing the indices and specialties provides a

general support of the theory, a practical clustering of types among the

specialties would allow a direct application to each individual case

with which a manager may be confronted.

The final limitation to be mentioned is the fact that the MBTI is a

self-reporting personality test with all the inherent difficulties of

its kind. The results obtained by the MIBTI are subject to error arising

from several sources. One may be the test itself. Though the most

current and valid form was utilized, one cannot assume that it is

statically relevant in a dynamic society whose norms and attitudes are

in a state of continuous change. Second, is the individual taking the

test. A person may respond to the questions based on what he wants to

be or how he perceives others view him rather than how he actually

behaves. A final source of error is in the evaluation of the tests by

the researcher. Tcsts scored by hand are prone to contain some degree

of random error.


Suggestions for Further Research

The foremost need of further research is to replicate this study

using a much larger sample size. Doing this would eliminate several of

the limitations noted above and provide a broader base from which

inferences could be made.

Another topic of research is to identify those factors involved in

specialty choice and job tenure in addition to personality

characteristics. Hajeck and Blumberg (1982) have already taken a step

in this direction, but the factors need to be analyzed as to the weight

they carry in these important behavioral decisions. Factors internal

and external to the work enviornment need to be identified. One

specific topic in this area to investigate is the impact of the physical

work setting on laboratory workers' attitudes towards their job and

effects on interpersonal relationships.

It would be useful to find or devise an index which could measure

the degree of perceived or objective task structure in each specialty.

This index could be tested for correlation with the personality indices

and the types in order to provide support or a rebuttal of the theory.

A final area of useful research would be to devise a multiple

regression model based on relevant factors such as personality and task

structure which would predict outcomes including turnover, absenteeism,

stress, incidence of job related injuries and so on. Such models would

be highly useful to managers in identifying the more significant causes

of these dysfunctional outcomes and in predicting and measuring the

effectiveness of actions taken to alleviate them.



The data and subsequent analyses revealed a number of facts. The

set of personality characteristics for the sample were consistent with

findings of previous personality studies performed on laboratory

workers. The majority of the subjects were the types ISTJ, ESTJ, ISFJ,

and ESFJ. No personality differences were attributable to age or job

classification, but the thinking/feeling index was related to sex. The

index was not associated with either job tenure or choice of

specialty. For this reason, the sample can be considered as a

hom*ogeneous group for the purpose of this study.

The specialty in which an individual prefered to work depended upon

the judging/perceiving personality index alone. This index is an

indication of the individual's need to have orderliness and structure in

his environment and his tolerance to ambiguity. Judging types, who

desire the most structure and tolerate the least ambiguity, were most

often attracted to chemistry, urinalysis, and hematology specialties.

Perceiving types, on the other hand, were attracted to the less

structured specialties of blood bank, immunology, and microbiology. The

data also revealed that most subjects were in the specialty which they

desired to be rather than being in one they were compelled to choose.

None of the other demographic variables interacted with the personality

influence on this decision.

The indices El, SN, and JP were correlated with job tenure.

Individuals who possessed the introverted, sensing, and judging traits

tended to have greater accumulated laboratory experience than those who

possessed the extroverted, intuitive, and perceiving traits.






Descriptions of the Sixteen MBTI Types

ESTJ: Prefers to use thinking to organize and direct immediate

environment as much as possible; abhors confusion, ineffiziency,

and anything aimless and ineffective; a realist, matter-of-fact,

pra-tical; ludges too hastily; prefers to work with ideas and

plans based on fact.

ENTJ: Similar to ESTJ but less realistic; sees the possibilities of a

situation; has more insight and tolerance of theory.

ISTP: Prefers to use thinking to analyze environment, but not direct

it; organizes facts -.rd ideas, not people or things; unsociable;

a realist; great capacity for facts and details; good at applied

science; likely to be patient, accurate, and possess good motor


INTP: Similar to ISTP but not a realist; values facts only for their

relation to theory; good at pure science or research; impersonal;

likely to have insight, ingenuity, quick understanding, and

intellectual curiosity; more interested in finding solutions than

putting them into practice.

ESFJ: Concerned chiefly with people; sociable and sympathetic; likes

to hav! matters decided and settled; persevering, conscientious

and orderly; practical, realistic, matter-of-fact, conerned with

the present; adapts weLl to routine.

ENFJ: Similar to ESFJ but has more curiosity for new ideas, more

insight, and concern for the future; able t. express himself well

verbally and in writing.


ISFP Realistic, sympathetic, compassionate, tolerant, open-minded,

flexible, and adaptable, sees the needs of the moment; works well

at jobs requirng devotion.

INFP: Similar to ISFP but less of a realist; dislikes details;

interested in books and languages; visionary and possesses a gift

for self expression.

ESTP: An adaptable realist; good-naturedly accepts and uses the facts

around him; attentive to details; patient and easygoing; adept at

working with machinery; not particularly dependable.

ESFP: Also an adaptable realist but has more tact and sympathy; likes

to work with details; not very disciplined with himself or

others; morE artistic.

ISTJ: Super-dependable; practical and realistic; remembers and uses

facts and previous experiences; has a low tolerance for

ambiguity; systematic, hard-working, and patient with detail and

routine in his work; emphasizes analysis, logic, and


ISFJ: Similar to ISTJ but emphasizes loyalty, consideration and the

common welfare; has more tact and sympathy.

ENTP: Impersonal; an enthusiastic innovator; adaptable and tolerant of

ambiguity; independent; a non-conformist; dislikes details and

often fails to complete a task; insightful.

ENFP: Similar to ENTP but more enthusiastic and more concerned with

people; skillful with dealing with people; deeply insightful and

artistic or creative.


INTJ: An outstanding innovator in the field of ideas and principles;

visionary and a hard driver towards those goals; perservering and

impersonal; independent; a relentless organizer who dislikes a

lack of order and an unsystemized approach; unconcerned with


INFJ: Equally outstanding innovator but less individualistic; more apt

to win cooperation from others rather than demand it; sympathetic

and skillful with dealing with people; also perservering and an

effective organizer.







Cover Letter for the Questionnaire and the MBTI Test

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for voluntarily participating in this study. The attachedquestions will be used in my thesis research. With your cooperation,I will be able to determine if medical technologists and medicallaboratory technicians prefer to work in a laboratory specialty thatmatches their personality. This information can be used by anyoneassociated with the medical laboratory, including yourself, forexamining career choices, job satisfaction, motivation and much more.

Your participation will be beneficial to all of us. Please be honestwith your responses and answer all questions. Please read theinstructions carefully before starting. The test will take no longerthan 20 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers, justselect the one that describes you best. To insure completeconfidentiality, DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THE TEST BOOKLET OR THE ANSWERSHEET; rather make a note of this number . This code number willallow you and only you to obtain the results of this study and know towhom they apply. If you wish to know your personality type and adescription of that type, please check here and this informationwill be sent to you through the medical technology program director hereat your hospital when the analyses are complete. Remember, only youwill know your number, so please don't forget it. A short summary ofthe research findings will be sent to the program director whencompleted for distribution to those who are interested. Thank youagain.


Danny J. Sharon, M.T.(ASCP)

---- --- - - - - -








Answer these questions before proceding to those in the booklet.Respond to every question as they are all important to the study.

1. Sex: Male Female

2. Age: 20-25 25-30 31-55 over 55

3. Current Job Classification (check one)

Medical Technologist (or equivalent)

Medical Laboratory Technician (or equivalent)

Other (specify)

4. Indicate your total amount of laboratory work experience in years.Do not include time as a student in the laboratory.

5. What specialty are you currently working in (check one)





6. Based on what you know about a specialty, which one would you preferto work in if given a choice? (Select one even if you are not surethat you prefer any one specialty. Select your current specialty ifthat is what you prefer.)





You may now proceed to the question booklet. Read the instructionscarefully before responding. Thank you.



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UCAEE A.A2537M AIhEl/Rhh-7T ANAGERILV A THECLINICAL … · ISFJ(24.1 per cent), ESTJ(14.2 per cent), and ISTJ(12.8 per cent), out of the sixteen possible ones, accounted for approximately - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the difference between ISTJ and ESTJ personality type? ›

ESTJs are concerned with staying on the right track; it's an internal focus. They like to remain clear about where they and others stand. This involves a straight line. ISTJs, by contrast, are much more concerned with all the things that could go wrong – things that could impact that straight line.

What is the body language of ISTJ? ›

ISTJs and ESTJs tend to have more fixed/tense upper lips according to typologist Erik Thor. They also tend to have more blunt and succinct movements – head nods and gestures tend to be quick and precise.

Who are ISTJ compatible with? ›

At PersonalityPage, we call these types "natural partners." The natural partners of ISTJ are ESFP and ESTP types. The ISTJ's dominant function of Introverted Sensing pairs naturally with Extraverted Sensing types.

Is the ISTJ personality type rare? ›

ISTJ is by far the most common of the 16 MBTI® personality types. Almost 16% of the global population identifies as ISTJ.

What is the personality type of Intj and ISTJ? ›

INTJs and ISTJs are both strategic thinkers who value efficiency and logic. However, their communication plans can differ. INTJs are more conceptual and future-oriented, while ISTJs prefer clear instructions.

What is the love life of an ISTJ? ›

While their reserved and structured nature can make dating ISTJs challenging, people with this personality type are truly dedicated partners, willing to devote tremendous thought and energy to ensure stable and mutually satisfying relationships.

Who is the best soulmate for ISTJ? ›

Some of the best matches for an ISTJ romantically include:
  • ESTJ — Fellow “executives” who will respect each other's strong work ethic and traditional values.
  • ISFJ — Kind, dedicated partners who also enjoy routine and shared values.
  • ESFJ — Caring, responsible partners who thrive when helpfulness is reciprocated.
Dec 25, 2023

Who is the best wife for ISTJ? ›

ISTJ's most likely soulmates are ISFJ, ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISTJ, and ESTJ. ISTJs are loyal, practical, and reliable, so they adore partners who can commit long-term and give them the stability they crave. ISTJ's most challenging matches include INFP, ENTP, ENFJ, and ENFP.

What personality type is the opposite of ISTJ? ›

ISTJs prefer to spend time alone, focus on details, process logically, and follow a plan, while ENFPs usually draw energy from others, consider hypotheticals, express themselves emotionally, and desire a sense of spontaneity.

What is the difference between ISTJ and ESTJ reddit? ›

Example: If faced with a tough decision, an ISTJ may take more time to reflect and consider their own personal values before making a decision, while an ESTJ may quickly analyze the facts and make a decision based on the most logical choice.

What is the difference between ESFJ and ISTJ? ›

ISTJs, however, prefer to spend time alone and base decisions on logical thinking, while ESFJs enjoy spending time around others and considering the emotional impact of an issue. ISTJs should avoid criticizing ESFJs, focusing instead on sharing affirmations and encouragements.

What is the opposite personality type of ESTJ? ›

INFP is the opposite personality type of ESTJ. Other similar personality types include INTP and ENFJ.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.