Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (2024)

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#641May 13, 2024 23:47:06

4 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

I already put my SWC Application on what I was supposed to. (:

#642May 14, 2024 00:39:38

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

chocolate's co-leader app (text version!) Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (4)

1. About Me

Hi! I’m Chocolate. My pronouns are she/her and I live in the wonderful timezone of PST. Some of my hobbies include playing the cello, drawing, graphic designing, and of course writing. I also just recently picked up the wonderful hobby of crocheting. I’m still a beginner though. I also love MUSIC. I have a long playlist of Taylor Swift and play cello at my school’s orchestra. As for writing, I love writing stories usually in the genres of fantasy, dystopian, and sometimes fairy tales. Recently, when I write, I usually give a lot of details in my story making sure that whoever is reading it can actually understand what I’m saying. I’ve definitely gotten better and improved my writing style throughout my life and through SWC. SWC has helped me so much with my writing and my creativity. SWC has also taught me to just keep writing and to never stop and go back. In addition, I also love doing art as my app theme probably gives it away. But anyway, I’m just super open into making anything when I have a piece of paper in front of me.

2. Experience

For experience, I have participated in SWC four times:
~ November 2022 - Fan-Fiction (inactive camper)
~ July 2023 - Real-fi (also inactive camper)
~ November 2023 - Fairy Tales (active camper)
~ March 2024 - Script! (super active camper)

this past swc session in script (the winning cabin) was super fun and I really felt like I was part of the SWC community. unfortunately, I have not led an swc cabin, but I have enough knowledge to know how to run a cabin based on the other camps I’ve lead like I led 2 SFWC sessions in the past, and I hosted WUC in April with another person so I would know how to run a cabin. As for leadership roles in real life, I have a little bit. When I do history group projects at my school, I’m usually the person who assigns jobs (what the others are going to do). I also am the person who makes sure the notes and classwork are detailed and completed in order for our team to earn points.

3. Cabin Preference
I had to remove the symbols because scratch thought it was inappropriate

I have to say that I would be ecstatic if I led got any cabin, but a few preferences I have is I prefer NOT to lead TCTWNW just because SWC motivates me to write more and I write more when there’s a tad bit of competition. I usually get pretty excited and write carefully and faster when it’s SWC season. I also would not like to lead a cabin that I’ve already been in so that I can just focus on my own cabin theme instead of using another theme from another session (if that makes any sense). Some cabins in mind that I would want to lead would be Fantasy, Mythology, and Dystopian. I feel very comfortable since I write fantasy and dystopian a lot in my stories. As for Mythology, even though I haven’t written in it, I’ve definitely learned a lot about it and can easily come up a cabin theme. Here are my ideas. For Dystopian, the theme could be an imperfect city working to be a perfect one (a utopia). like the campers are working towards a pefect world, but they are stopped by some dragons who want to keep the world the same, an imperfect one. cabin symbols could be (eye) for the dragons always watching or (swords) like the campers are battling the dragons. For Fantasy, the theme could be a magical castle that looks like a regular castle in the daytime, but in the night everything changes and magical things like fairies, talking animals, special objects etc come out and the cabin dynamic changes. cabin symbols could be ✧ for the magic of the castle at night or (crown) for when it’s daytime. And as for Mythology, the theme could be something related to Greek Mythology and Greek Gods like the campers are working towards bringing back the Greek gods, but encounter a problem along the way. Some cabins symbols could be (trident) or (heart) to represent the Greek Gods, Poseidon and Aphrodite. Alright, I know this answer is getting super long, but I promise that this is the last page. So to conclude, I would like to say that whichever cabin I am chosen to co-lead, I will be ecstatic even if it was a cabin that I’ve already been. I would just be super excited to finally be co-leading and SWC cabin. This would mean a lot to me if I was chosen. Even if I wasn’t chosen to co-lead a cabin, I would just calm down and I would do better to learn the next time I apply.

5. Time Dedication

In the month of July, I plan to dedicate a healthy 1-2 hours on SWC. I don’t believe I have anything important coming up except I will be celebrating my birthday for a day or so and I’m also celebrating 4th of July too. But missing a few days wouldn’t affect my activity at all since if I am gone, I can always check scratch on my phone. So I will be checking my messages daily around this time whether it’s on mobile or on a computer. Besides that, I know that I will just be continuing with my ordinary life. I think it’s important for me to keep a healthy balance of my scratch/SWC life and irl life which I’ll definitely be doing. If I did have something serious and major going on, I would definitely tell a host or a leader about my activity levels.

6. Time Management

Time management is definitely something that I’m still working on throughout my life, but I’m really good at turning things like homework or leader apps in on time. I’m definitely improving with this aspect of my life because I don’t wait until the last minute to get something done because I worry that if I wait too long, the window will close and I’m afraid I will only get half credit which I don’t like. I definitely do procrastinate when I’m supposed to be doing homework and I’m doing scratch or art instead, but however, during the month of July, since I don’t have many activities planned and I don’t have school, I will focus most of my time making sure that my cabin is all good and I will do daily check-ins with my leader. Even if I don’t want to do a specific task, I know I still have to do it and therefore I motivate myself to actually do it which really helps me.

7. Strengths and Weaknesses

When working with others, some strengths I have is that I can be very organized and easygoing. I usually try to get things done in a timely fashion and I don’t wait until the last minute to do something. I like dealing with structure when I’m working with other people just so that I know what I clearly am doing and what the other people are doing. I also am very easygoing since I just let other people decide things and I go with the flow. I usually don’t get into arguments and will do what other people say. I am also very responsible. As for Weaknesses, I can be very bad at making decisions. I tend to want other people to make them for me, but at the same time, I’m afraid that they’re going to make the decision that I didn’t want. I am still working on this part of my personality, but I just hope that I can get better at this later in life.

8. Leadership Qualities

One thing that I value in a leader is responsibility because you can’t just expect only one person to do all of the work and you just do nothing. If you really want a particular leadership role, you actually have to earn it by taking initiative and playing you part while others do their own part. You can’t expect someone to just do ALL of the work by themselves without helping them. If you want something really badly, you have to take ownership, responsibility, and maturity to be able to handle whatever roles you are given. I am actually very responsible because whatever role I’m given, I just go with the flow and I don’t usually complain about something. I just try to get the job done thoroughly. Another thing I value in a leader is honesty. This is super important because even though it can be very hard to be honest (especially about word counts), since it may be hard for some people because they just think that SWC is only about writing, even though it’s not. But anyway, I think that in order to be a good leader, leaders should be honest since they’re role models for the campers and however the leaders are acting, the campers should know how to behave in the cabin. One final thing I value in a leader is creativity. A leader shouldn’t just steal another leader’s work, but is expected to come up with their own cabin theme and atmosphere. Even if it isn’t creating a cabin theme, leaders should be expected though to just open up a warm and friendly environment where campers can have fun, be happy, and write either solo or collaboratively. This is what SWC is mostly about, just having a fun time writing and collaborating with others

9. Cabin Atmosphere

“A light hearted cabin with a nice balance of real life and swc/competition where campers can still enjoy themselves.”
(116 characters)

10. Checkboxes

- I am applying for co-leader only
- I am willing to share a promotional project for SWC if needed

There are no leadership responsibilities that I cannot complete Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (5)

If I suddenly go inactive, I will make sure to tell a host or leader and I will do my best to stay online for a few more days making sure the other co-leader/leader can fully handle the situation and make sure that they are equipped with what they need.

WORD COUNT: 1708 words written

Last edited by C_Yee (May 15, 2024 02:02:13)

chocolate | writer | Swiftie/singer | cellist/musician | SWC'er! <3

“You can make anything by writing”
~ C.S. Lewis


#643May 14, 2024 06:33:27

92 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024


Hey guys! Thanks so much for viewing my application! Here’s the text version of all my answers. My application follows the theme of “Les Mystères du Château de Versailles”, which is the story of a girl living in the palace of versailles. Having spent her whole life on the palace grounds, she craves mystery and lets her imagination run wild in an attempt to make her life seem more interesting. She’s slowly realising the gap between her family and the rest of the world, which is hinted at throughout the application, as it takes you through different areas of the palace through her questioning eyes. I hope you enjoy it!

The Entrance

As I peered through the diamond-shaped panes of the grand window, the world outside Versailles beckoned with its whispered secrets. A flutter of excitement danced in my chest as I spotted a figure lurking at the palace gates, cloaked in shadows. Curiosity ignited within me like a hidden flame. Who were they? What mysteries did they carry? With each passing moment, the yearning to step beyond the gilded confines grew stronger, a silent yearning for the unknown. Yet, duty bound me to the palace, a princess concealed behind veils of privilege, but beneath them, a heart that longed to explore.

About Me

Bonjour, I’m Rae, your usual history buff and avid poet! When I’m not curled up on a beanbag at my local library, I can be found walking through the halls of my school and there’s a fairly high probability that I am mid mental breakdown over IB stress. I would say that I’ve got too many hobbies and not a lot of time for them, but my art is one thing that I will always prioritize over any other work because it is the most relaxing of my hobbies and is such a great way for me to get my head back into the place it needs to be. Aside from art, I spend my free, albeit rare, time with friends at our sailing club or dance studio and when alone, I prefer sitting at the park or cycling around town! As shameful as it is to admit, many of my hobbies actually just started as a form of getting college credit, but I must say that some, like playing the Piano have really grown on me and I would certainly consider them to be my passions now! I am unfortunately still stuck on Grade 7 of the Trinity Piano because I haven’t had the chance to take the exam yet, but it is one thing I intend to strike off my list this summer!

I was born and brought up here in France, where we follow the CET time zone! Despite English not actually being my first language, I think I have gotten a lot more comfortable with it over the years to the point where it comes more naturally to me than French, especially since the main medium of instruction in my school is English too! As you can probably tell, school is a huge part of my life and it has shaped who I am more than anything else in my life and this year after being given the opportunity to choose my own subjects, my love for it has increased tenfold! I’m currently studying Psychology, Global Politics and Math at the Higher Level, with English Language & Literature, French and ESS at the Standard Level. My school was also the reason I joined scratch around eight years ago, with our ICT course actually mandating it. In 2021 I stumbled upon SWC through someone’s profile and let’s just say my life has never been the same! I mean I literally got back onto scratch 3 years later just to get back to the camp!

Outside of school though, something that has always interested me is community service and I just love the idea of giving back to people. I’ve been teaching English to students in Ukraine for around two years now, and it has honestly been one of the best decisions I have made! I am so close to all my buddies, even the ones who I am no longer teaching, and I think this connection that I have with them has made me want to form a similar one with new campers! As you can probably tell from the theme of this project, I am very interested in history, and when travelling I usually find myself drawn towards museums and palaces, trying to imagine myself living in those times! My parents have taken me to visit the palace of versailles many times in the past, and it somehow continues to impress me every time I visit it, which is why I chose it as the theme of my application!

The Masquerade Ball

Amidst the opulent splendor of the masquerade ball, masks concealed more than just faces; they hid secrets untold. Behind the guise of anonymity, whispers of intrigue fluttered like silk in the night air. From the shadows, I watched the dance of deception unfold, a silent spectator to the mysteries that swirled around me. Who wore these masks of illusion? What hidden desires lay beneath the facade of revelry? As the music wove its enchanting melody, I found myself ensnared in the web of curiosity, longing to unmask the secrets that lingered in the dimly lit corners of the ballroom, a puzzle waiting to be solved.

I first joined SWC about three years ago, and participated as a camper for 2 sessions. My first session was with Poetry in March 2021 and my second with Real-fi was in July 2021.
During Covid our school was extremely precautious and didn’t reopen until the end of 2021, which meant that we had online school for about 2 years! During that time I was ‘chronically online’ and scratch was one of my favourite sites to pass time on! I signed up for SWC on a whim and got sorted into the poetry cabin (proud peomgranate here) but had no idea what to do. I was too scared to ask the leaders for help despite how approachable they were and spent half the session trying to figure put what I had to do, before Starique came to my rescue and helped me accomplish my word goal of around 6500 words, a huge achievement for me that that time! My time in that cabin also motivated me to write more poetry, which has now become my comfort hobby!
My first session helped me get a better idea of what to do my second time in the Real-fi cabin and I feel like this session went a lot better! I was soo much more active this time and actually completed the cabin activities, dailies and weeklies and made some amazing memories! One thing that stuck to me during this session was the three word story activity, which has become a staple among my friends when we’re bored!
Last session, I had the privilege of being selected as the leader of the Hi-fi cabin, an opportunity that I really enjoyed! I absolutely loved every one of my campers and while I wasn’t very active initially because of finals, I tried to make up for it towards the end! I think this session was a huge learning experience for me, because I found out how much effort and preparation goes into making a session and that has motivated me to work as hard as possible to ensure that the next session runs even smoother!
When it comes to leadership positions outside of scratch, I think I’ve got a decent amount of experience especially in school. I have been on the school’s student council for nearly 2 years now, initially as a member of the cultural committee and now as the deputy-head of the literary committee! My stuco positions have taught me how to take the lead on initiatives and I feel that they have certainly helped me enhance my creative skills, which would be very useful when working on a writing camp.
I was also given the opportunity to be on the Organizing Committees of both our MUN and TedX events, where I was the Under Secretary General of Delegate Relations and a member of the marketing committee. These positions involved working with a large group of my fellow students and certainly improved my communications skills as I was communicating with people that I didn’t know and was trying to be supportive throughout the process.

The Crest

In the dimly lit chamber, the family crest gleamed with an ethereal glow, casting shadows that danced upon the walls like specters of the past. As I traced the intricate patterns with trembling fingertips, a whisper of longing stirred within me. What secrets lay entwined within the ancient symbols? What destinies were woven into the fabric of my lineage? Yet, beneath the weight of inherited privilege, a clandestine desire whispered in the recesses of my soul—to shed the mantle of royalty and embrace the mysteries of another bloodline. As the crest whispered of legacy and lineage, I wondered, with bated breath, what secrets awaited beyond the confines of my birthright, a mystery veiled in the shadows of Versailles.

Choosing a specific cabin that I would want to lead is pretty difficult, and I would be honored to lead any of them! If I had to choose however, I think I would like to lead fantasy or fairy tales this session, simply because it’s really different from what I’m used to and I want to try and I want to try and broaden my horizons this session! I absolutely loved what Alana did with fairy tales last session and while it would definitely be difficult to live up to the expectations that she has set, I would love to try to transport my campers to another world!
Another cabin that I would be interested in leading although it’s in my comfort zone and I said I was trying to leave it ahaha would be poetry! I think I’ve talked enough about how much I loved being a poemgranate in 2021 and how being a camper in that cabin got me started on poetry, which is why I think it would be an interesting cabin to lead, as it would give me the opportunity to impart the same experiences that I so enjoyed on someone else!
I also had a blast leading Hi-Fi last session and I would love to do the same again! I think the theme of my application is enough indication as to how much I truly enjoy history, and I feel like I didn’t do my position justice last time, which is why I think if I’m given another chance to lead them, I can put my past experiences to practice and improve the cabin and the activities!
I think epistolary, script and mythology would be some other cabins that could be interesting to lead and I would also be open to leading TCNWNW! However dystopian, tragedy and thriller are areas that I have hardly an experience with, which is why I would prefer not to experiment with them this time. Overall, I think with any cabin that I may be assigned to, I would like to have a solid storyline with optional activities outside the dailies and weeklies, to keep the cabin interesting and interactive and hope I get the opportunity to make my plans a reality!

The Fountain

Beside the murmuring fountain in the palace gardens, I stood, captivated by the rippling dance of moonlight upon the water's surface. As I gazed into the tranquil depths, my own reflection stared back, a silent mirror to the mysteries that dwelled within. In the stillness of the night, I pondered the enigma of my own identity, obscured by the expectations of royalty. Who was the girl beneath the crown, yearning for freedom amidst the confines of Versailles? As the fountain whispered secrets of forgotten wishes, I longed to dive into the depths of my reflection, to uncover the truth hidden beneath the surface, a mystery waiting to be discovered.

As you must have already noticed, every section of my application starts with a small paragraph that serves as an excerpt of my writing. Here’s a longer example that I wrote a couple of years ago!
Colourful umbrellas litter the beach, covering every trace of the sand, making it seem like a patchwork quilt. The different patterns, clashing colours and contrasting textures decorate the beach and smoothen the transition between land and water. The cobalt blue sea stretches endlessly beyond the horizon, while the crimson reflection of the sun bobs in the water, like a lost beach volleyball. Sandcastles lay scattered all over the beach, some regal and decorated with shells, others no more than mounds of sand, subjects to erosion by the harsh waves. The sand castles aren’t the only things the sea has been indifferent to. Broken shells are strewn across the beach, each one’s razor sharp edges telling a story of a different experience with the rough sea.
Deafening music plays in the background, almost drowning out the loud squawks of the seagulls and muting the tranquil sound of the waves hitting the shore. People walk around, chattering excitedly amongst one another, their voices barely heard over the loud music, causing them to raise their voices. Children run around, clutching cones of ice cream that are precariously close to melting, while their parents chastise them and lather on sunscreen in preparation for an intense game of beach volleyball. The lifeguards sit up in their tower, overlooking the beach. They stare out into the horizon, binoculars hanging from their necks, watching like hawks, to see if anyone is in danger.
The sails of ships seem to be so far away, they look like they are connecting the fiery sky and the dark blue water. Many boats stay tied to a dock, gently bouncing to the rhythm of the water, while a forgotten boat lays up turned on the sand, nothing more than a distant memory. The salty smell of sea water spreads across the beach, while fishermen jump off their boats, happy with their catch, leaving behind the strong stench of fish. While everyone seems to be enjoying the evening, a child stands, sobbing hysterically after losing sight of his parents, but is swallowed up by the crowd, a silent reminder that not everyone is having a great time.

The Dressing Room

In the hushed sanctuary of the dressing room, the queen's maids flitted like shadows, their whispers a symphony of intrigue. Behind the tapestries, I listened intently, a silent observer to their clandestine conversations. Their words, laden with secrets and half-truths, painted a portrait of a world veiled in mystery. What schemes unfolded within these walls, shielded from the prying eyes of court? As they spoke in hushed tones of power and influence, I couldn't help but wonder, a curious spark igniting within me. What mysteries lay beyond the silk veils of the queen's domain, waiting to be unveiled in the whispers of her maids?


July happens to be one of my favourite months of the year! Aside from perfect weather, I also find it synonymous to summer holidays, which I am simply counting the days to! With holidays going on the entire month of July, I should have a lot more free time to spend on Scratch, working on SWC stuff, which would be amazing, especially given that last session started right in the middle of my exams! While I certainly will have other school work like my Internal Assessments and Extended Essay that I need to finish as well as SAT prep and internships, I think my afternoons and evening will be pretty free allowing me to spend a decent amount of time with my cabin! I think on a daily basis I should be able to spend 3-4 hours depending on my schedule for the day, but I am someone who loooves to plan everything out so that it runs smoothly, which is what I intend to do even if I am not able to dedicate as much time to the camp as I would like!

The Throne

In the chamber of regal authority, the throne loomed like a silent sentinel, adorned with jewels that winked in the flickering candlelight. Yet, as I gazed upon it, an unsettling thought crept into my mind. Was it not just a fancy chair, crafted of gilded wood and velvet? What power lay hidden within its ornate carvings, its imposing stature? As I approached with cautious steps, a shiver ran down my spine, as if the very air vibrated with latent energy. What mysteries were whispered within the cushions of the throne, echoing the secrets of those who had sat upon it before? In the presence of such grandeur, I couldn't help but wonder, a silent question lingering in the shadows, waiting to be answered.

Time management

If there is one thing I’m truly grateful to IB for, it is definitely for teaching me time management although in the cruelest way. I think I’ve finally learnt to balance my school work with my hobbies and even though it has taken a while, I can break down my tasks into smaller pieces and get them done over time rather than stressing out at the last minute! I like to keep a daily planner with a weekly and monthly spread because it helps me divide my tasks up and makes time management a lot more efficient. I always prioritize a few hours out of my day to things I actually enjoy, like scratch, because I need some hobbies and pass times to get me through the day! That being said, I still do procrastinate sometimes (I’m only human) but it is something that I have been working on and I really want to improve, so I actually think that the camp would be a great way for me to practice!

The Cake

In the lavish banquet hall, the aroma of freshly baked cake hung in the air, a tantalizing temptation amidst the opulence of Versailles. As I savored each decadent bite, a nagging thought tugged at the edges of my consciousness. How could I indulge in such luxury while beyond these gilded walls, others struggled to procure even the most basic sustenance? The sweetness of the cake was tainted by a bitter realization, a mystery that lingered like a shadow in the recesses of my mind. What unseen forces dictated such disparities of fortune, weaving a tapestry of privilege and poverty? In the silence that followed, I couldn't help but wonder, a whispered question echoing in the chambers of my soul, yearning for answers veiled in the mysteries of the world beyond.


My favourite part of scratch has always been the people that I have met on this platform over the years and I really think that that’s what brings me back here every time I decide to take a break! I think through SWC especially, I’ve met people with similar interests and ideas and I don’t think I would have ever really met people like that in real life! I think this connection that I have with all SWCers is what makes collaborating with them so much easier for me, and makes the whole process more enjoyable. I think my one of my strengths with collaboration is that I am very open to hearing other people’s ideas, even if they don’t exactly align with mine. Growing up with siblings, I was always taught to compromise and I think I’ve brought those skills over to collaboration on other projects as well. I think I’m also good at delegating tasks and splitting up workload so that it doesn’t get difficult to manage towards the end and I can be counted on to get the work that I am assigned done, which makes it a lot easier for people to work with me!
I think aside from being able to stick to deadlines, I can also hold myself responsible for mistakes and I like to reflect on what could have been done better in the past, which helps me prevent making similar mistakes in the future. I think when working with others being able to reflect on the past is very helpful as it can serve as advice for people who are going through the same experiences that you did, bring you closer together!
Obviously, I am not without my flaws and I have struggled with collaboration before sometimes even on scratch. I found in the last session that I tried really hard not to take control of the whole cabin and get my co-leaders opinions on certain ideas, but I still felt that they were trying very hard to agree with everything I said. I learnt that I need to make everyone feel more comfortable expressing their views around me, because I truly am open to all ideas and I actually appreciate constructive criticism.

The Entertainer

In the grand hall, the notes of the violin floated like delicate tendrils of smoke, weaving their way through the air with a haunting allure. As I watched the entertainer, her fingers dancing effortlessly over the strings, a sense of mystery enveloped me. What was it like to create such enchanting melodies, to command the attention of an audience with every stroke of the bow? And beyond the music, I found myself pondering another enigma—what would it be like to earn my own fortune, to carve out a path independent of royal privilege? In the ethereal strains of the violin, I sensed a whisper of longing, a silent yearning for the mysteries of a world beyond the confines of Versailles.


I think the one quality I possess that best matches the requirements of a leader is that I’m supportive. In the past I think I’ve felt most connected to leaders who were supportive and encouraging, and I think I’ve begun to try and embody it too. I think other than words of encouragement, I’ve found that setting an example and taking the lead on a task, in this case it could be starting on the dailies, weeklies or writing comp entries, could actually be supportive and encourages the campers to do the same! Other than that I think I use words of encouragement to support campers and I check in on them every week to ensure that everything is going well with them! I think I’m a good listener and I am always ready to hear out campers and their problems, which is another thing that makes me a supportive leader along with the fact that I am always ready and eager to help! While I think I’ve got some other qualities as well that would make me suited to the role I thought this one was the most prominent!

The Queen

From the balcony, I watched as the moon cast its silver glow upon the labyrinthine gardens below. Amidst the whispers of the night, a lone figure moved with regal grace. My mother, the queen, a woman of veiled strength and unfathomable power. Yet, beneath her facade of authority, I sensed a mystery shrouded in darkness. What secrets did she hold within the confines of her heart? How far did her influence truly reach? As the breeze carried the scent of intrigue, I couldn't help but wonder, longing to unravel the enigma of her sovereignty, a puzzle hidden in the shadows of Versailles.


When it comes to the atmosphere of the cabin, I think that the cabins that I had the most fun in were always the ones that focused on friendship as well as some friendly competition! I think that while cabin leaders certainly help with motivation, so do the fellow campers, and a cabin that is friendly and welcoming is also likely to feel more comfortable competing. I really hope that the campers in my cabin leave with a lot of fun memories and friends, because that is what I personally enjoyed the most during my time as a camper! As someone who will always prioritize taking care of myself, I think I would want my campers too to understand that sometimes it’s okay to take breaks, because I know that especially during cabin wars there’s a lot going on and it can be hard to get away from it and get some rest, even though we know it’s super important! On the competition side of things I’d like to keep it more friendly so that I’m not putting much pressure on the campers and hopefully they have an awesome time!

Here’s a more concise version
A cabin where we make friends, memories, and have friendly competitions, letting imaginations run wild while participating in fun storyline based activities with the support of our leaders!
(189 characters)

The Chandelier

In the grand ballroom, the chandelier h*ng like a constellation of stars, each crystal gleaming with its own unique brilliance. Mesmerized by the intricate beauty, I found myself lost in wonderment. How could so many delicate fragments come together to form such a magnificent whole? As I traced the curves of the chandelier's arms, a whisper of mystery stirred in the depths of my imagination. What secrets were hidden within the facets of each shimmering crystal? What stories did they hold, silently suspended above the revelry of the court? Enveloped in the glow of a thousand mysteries, I longed to unravel the secrets of the chandelier, a puzzle woven from threads of light and shadow, waiting to be unveiled.

  • I am applying for both leader and co-leader this session
    I am willing to share a promotional project for the SWC
I have thoroughly gone through the FAQs and believe that I will be able to fulfil all the leadership responsibilities stated.
If I am unable to login to scratch and won’t be active for any reason, I would definitely inform my co-leaders and hosts first to ensure that the camp runs smoothly and will try to finish as much work for the camp as possible before leaving. If one of my co-leaders abruptly goes inactive I would try to get in touch with them and If I receive no response I would try to shoulder their duties until they are back. If they take an indefinite leave, I would inform the hosts of their absence and then make a decision with the other leader of the cabin to see if we could cover the work ourselves or if we need a replacement.

Thank you so much for going through my application!

Last edited by aurarae (May 14, 2024 07:00:03)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.

#644May 14, 2024 20:25:28

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

silky's swc co-leader app
a section was removed because scratch kept insisting that it was “inappropriate”


hello wonderful ikea shoppers, my name is silky and i use she/they! i am only (sadly) available in the ikeas in the planet of est, not counting when i take eventful and must i say - quite long vacations (i'm not joking i have a three week vacation coming up :eyesScratch - Imagine, Program, Share (8) i am often in front of a screen, writing digitally, on scratch, talking to my friends, listening to music, but when i'm not - i enjoy drawing and writing (on paper). my writing style is inconsistent, just like my art style, and my favorite book. why this is the case - i don't know why, perhaps it is because i'm an indecisive person in general. speaking of which, i always have difficulty deciding what books i should read. some examples including wings of fire, sherlock holmes, and more. my favorite fruit is currently lychee, its quite sweet and quite tasty. - speaking of favorites, my favorite color is lavendar, my favorite kpop group is newjeans, my favorite subject is history (even though i often forget dates and such) and i love swimming <3 it's quite fun to play in the water, and i always manage to unleash my inner child. swimming is also the only sport that i find myself decent at, i don't get cramps and i could swim quite fast. though, i must say that i'm currently learning how to play volleyball, but i'm definiently not good at it yet. practice makes perfection, i suppose, unless you start losing motivation (like most of my projects that i'm currently working on :sobScratch - Imagine, Program, Share (9) i learned the piano for 6 years until my teacher made me restart, which completly drained any motvation i had </3. i want to try pick it up again, but now i have quite the busy schedule. i'm also trying to develop a more unique pixlre style, but i don't like any of the results yet. i love planning my day, i always create a schedule to stay orgainzed. my least favorite food is anything including cheese or condiments or onions. i'm a picky eater, and i've always been that way (for some reason), my least favorite subject is definently ela (i don't understand any of the questionsss :criesScratch - Imagine, Program, Share (10), and my least favorite color is brown. i believe my personality type is INTJ-T, but it always changes, like most of my favorites and dislikes. i'm so excited for this session of swc <3, and i hope i have plently of fun, whether i'm a co-leader, or a camper Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (11)


i have participated in swc for 4 sessions i believe <3 my first session was in fairy tales, in march 2022 (so long ago :sobScratch - Imagine, Program, Share (12). i had a lot of fun that session, even if i didn't earn that many points for my cabin, or if i was a backup camper and missed out on the whole half of the session. my next session was in contemplary, where i was inactive and might've forgotten about swc as a whole :cries:. next session, i was sorted into fairy tales, where i say i was pretty active, and i still feel quite proud of myself for completing 2 weeklies. finally, i've co-leaded in the first ever epistolary with yume and nat <3 i absoloutly enjoyed it, even if i didnt do as many activities as i would've liked.

i also participated in other scratch camps though i mostly forgot all of them :sob: i really need to make a resume. i've worked with some of my friends to create a novel for fun, and a cyoa with lynx (@avacac12078). i've also attempted to enter multiple writing comps (outside of scratch which i lost :cries: /lh), and have my speech on top in class multiple times.

for leaderships outside of scratch, i've been in student council once, where i lead multiple fundraisers, and sold plenty of school merch. i also lead an event in my school where people take part in a sports event <3 i don't really have a lot of leadership outside of school mainly because i'm a really awkward person :sob:


personally, i really like all the cabins, and i feel like each one of them is special in their own ways <3 i do have a few cabin favorites, mainly those that i haven't have the chance of camping/co-leading in them yet. i also brainstormed a few ideas for each of my prefered cabins <3 (though of course, these ideas can change based on my leader or my fellow co-leader <33):

horror street - each week on horror street, something drastic happens. whether that's someone mysteriously dissappearing, or some encounter of a mystical monster. the camper's job is to survive - and perhaps discover what is going on.

a book of mythology - the campers have been trapped in a book. to escape, they have to survive the book, which includes myths about the egyptians, romans, and the greeks.

- one section had to be removed because i can't find what was “inappropriate” about it Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (13)

as for tctwnw, i'm not quite intersted in it </3 i'm mostly looking for cabins focused on competitiveness, or cabins with the right balance of competition and relaxation. i also never joined tctwnw before, and i feel like i should have more experience with the cabin before co-leading.


once upon a time, there were two best friends, the clouds and the sky. the clouds would shield the sky from danger, and the sky will host the clouds.
one day, the clouds and the sky got into a fight. the clouds thundered and stormed. the sky darken and buzzed.
the clouds and the sky continued to fight. the clouds buzzed out lightning, while the sky shot out comets. the sun and the moon started to worry. they didn't want to interfer, but the two friends were getting out of hand.
finally, the sun decided to break up the fight. the sun shined on them, blinding their eyes. but this just made the clouds and the sky angrier.
the cloud covered the sun and the moon. it started weeping horribly at the terriblle things that the sky said, tears running down. they fought and fought and fought.
the moon decided to stop the fight, but unlike the sun, she did it peacefully. she coaxed the clouds that the sky would apologize if he did. then she coaxed the sky that the clouds would apologize if she did. so, the two frenemies apologized to each other. and everything went well.
that's why there are sometimes thunderstorms. but the clouds and the sky will always apologize to each other, like the true friends that they are, though they often rely on help from the moon.

236 words


my july schedule is quite empty, thanks to summer vacation. as a result, i plan on dedicating around 1.5 - 2 hours per day to swc, and scratch in general. i will, however, go on a 3-week long vacation (the wonderful trip i mentioned earlier Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (14)) in august. as for june, schoolwork and homework will definitely limit my time online, but i don't believe this will be a problem anymore in july <3 the only minor event that will probably push back my time on scratch is studying for the next school year. in the event that i will be inactive, i'll tell my leader and the hosts as soon as possible <3.

time management

my skills in time management:
- planning : i consider planning one of my strongest habits. i love planning everything, and i always make sure to follow my plans so my time is well spent. i lay out what i want to accomplish on a piece of paper, then break the goal into smaller parts. i adjusts my plans accordingly, which i believe is how i get everything done before the deadlines.

- managing stress : i believe i could manage my stress level quite easily, so i could stay motivated. i remind myself that i'm a human being, so i could stay calm and focus on my goals one by one. i do often get stressed, so managing my stress level is quite useful for me <3

my weakness in time management:

- losing motivation : i don't know why, but my motivation always comes and goes. one day i feel like i'm ready to take on anything, the nex day i just want to sleep. managing my stress level do help with not losing any more motivation - and i always try and give myself rewards after finishing something to boost my motivation up.

- getting distracted : i often get distracted from my tasks by clicking on other tabs and forgetting my orginal goal. as a result, i often have to close many tabs out, just so my mind doesn't wander there, and forget what i'm working on.


my skills in collaboration:

- compromise : i'm quite good at negotiating and finding solutions to disagreements, which i believe will be quite essential in collaboration. collaboration is bound to have moments where people disagree, so having someone who could resolve the issue quickly would be beneficial <3

- adaptability : i'm quite adaptable, meaning i could complete tasks that are quite different from each other (does that make sense?). i believe that this could allow me to complete a fair share of tasks, including ones that people may not be quite interested in.

my weakness in collaboration:

- overcompensate : i often overcompensate what i can do, which might make my (co-)leader(s) disappointed when i realize i can't do something right before the deadline. i do try my best to avoid this by not overestimating my skills, and planning an estimate of when i could finish everything, so i won't get stressed when i can't finish something.

- confusion : i sometimes confuse stuff for one another, or miss something that someone else said, causing them to repeat it. to avoid this, i check everything before i post something, simply just being more careful then before.

assets i'll bring on the leading team include an average-high level of coding (it does take quite some time so just be careful on that-), my wonderful pixlre skills, and low-effort art (i'm still trying to improve my drawings <3). as i said before, i'm quite adaptable so this could change. not talking about my physical skills, i'll try my best to help lift up the cabin and surround it in a positive atmosphere <3

valued trait

i believe the most important trait that a leader should embody is optimism. optimism allows the leader to be confident in their abilities, which allows tasks to be done. without confidence, the leader won't be interested in anything, and always doubt themselves, which in result won't get anything done. optimism also allows a leader to be positive, which could definitely lift up spirits and help in the cabin overall atmosphere. i plan on being optimistic by reminding myself of the fun swc can bring, along with reminding myself of the skills i've learned over the time - which i believe help lift up my spirits.


this cabin will be a mix of everything - competitiveness, relaxation, friendship, betrayal, you name it. everything, however, will be revolved around having fun and enjoying yourself.

183 characters <3

checkboxes + more

❌ - applying for both co and leader
✔️ - applying only for co
❌ - share a promo (maybe)

n/a - i am able to complete all leadership responsibilities listed in the faq

i would tell my leader and the hosts immediately, if i was going to be inactive. i'll also tell the campers to not freak out or worry, and quickly divide + transfer ownership of tasks or studios. if my leader is inactive, then i notify the hosts, and follow all their instructions after.

1,809 words including the section that was removed <3, not including the excerpt

Last edited by starryy-silk (May 14, 2024 20:43:32)

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (15)

#645May 15, 2024 18:21:03

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Vi's co-leader application
~1.5k words total

1. Tell us about yourself! (name, timezone, etc.)
Hello there! The name’s Vi~ I’m a Christian, twin, and PSTer who uses she/her pronouns. I love reading, drawing, and, of course, writing.

I’m currently working on plotting my second novel in collaboration with my twin sister. It’s a sci-fi/fantasy book we’ve been planning for a while about a man obsessed with the stars in a time when pollution blocks them fully from view. We’re so excited to work on this project and are hoping to have it fully outlined this summer!

Like many people, my love for writing is inspired by a love for reading. Mystery books have a special place in my heart because they were some of the first books I read just for fun. Full disclosure, six-year-old me read every single Boxcar Children book out at the time (which was over 100 of them)—even as a first grader I was obsessive about these things! I started writing when I got into fantasy (thanks, Eragon! still love ya), and it’s one of my all-time favorite genres.

In the past few years, I’ve (re)discovered some of my favorite stories/fandoms ever, the X-files and Star Wars! One might say I’m obsessed; but don’t worry, I do spread the love. I have recently read and continue to adore the Cosmere, Lockwood & Co. (shocking, eh?), and Six of Crows books. Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (17) Just trust that I’m most likely thinking about fictional characters at this very moment….

Other things I love…
My dog, tea, sweet drinks (boba, lemonade, etc.), sweaters, vests, long coats, fall weather (fog <3), British accents, and musicals (especially Hadestown! my beloved).

2. Have you previously participated in SWC? (If so, in what roles? In either case, what experience do you have with writing and/or leadership positions on and off Scratch?)
I have participated in SWC as a camper many times and as co twice (March ’24 and July ’23)! This July will be my ninth overall session, which is absolutely insane and amazing to me.

I’ve been writing since I was 9 or so, often in collaboration with my sister. I’m actually planning on studying Creative Writing in college, so I’d say it’s a big part of my life, though sometimes I enjoy reading stories more than writing them. Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (18)

Besides being co twice—where I did just about everything from expanding on storyline ideas to graphic design and illustration to general tasks like adding words and notifying campers—I’ve participated in the memory book committee in the November ’23 session. I’ve also run roleplays and managed many art studios in my time on Scratch, which mostly required checking in on a regular basis to add new people, ask QOTWs, and participate generally in the studio. As for real-life leadership positions, I’ve participated in LEGO league in charge of the research and problem-solving side of it. This meant collaborating with two other leaders and the rest of my team to come up with a feasible idea to solve a real-world problem, from boats endangering whales to astronauts being exposed to radiation in space.

3. Which cabins would you prefer to lead? (Past or present, specify TCTWNW and any ideas)
I would especially love to lead a fantasy cabin, since it’s probably my favorite overall genre, but I would also love working with cabin genres like sci-fi, folklore, horror, script, steampunk, adventure, dystopian, or thriller!

While I would be fine with leading pretty much any cabin, cabins like real-fi/contemporary or poetry would not be my preferences as I don’t tend to write or read those genres and therefore wouldn’t have as many ideas for them.

TCTWNW isn’t necessarily a top preference of mine because I do tend to enjoy the competitive aspect of camp, but I would by no means be adverse to leading it.

My main idea for a cabin would be one centering around various challenges, perhaps including elements of mystery to them, where campers would investigate or fight some sort of monster(s)/ghost(s)/etc., taking inspiration from some of my favorite stories. I might include a maze as the setting, where campers would encounter these supernatural/paranormal forces, battling them by completing puzzles or prompts. This concept could fit with a variety of cabin genres such as sci-fi, thriller, adventure, horror, or even folklore, mystery, or myth.

4. Please provide an excerpt of your writing.
Moths with singed wings fluttered above my head. They flitted around the bright lamps until their black wings could not sustain them, and they fell to the ground like dark snow.
I pushed my way through the crowd, for once glad of my small size as I slipped between gaps in the rabble. Frowning, I turned around, struggling to catch a glimpse of your red hair. Amongst all the black-haired frostlings, it wouldn’t be hard to spot. You had darted away from the line of brightly dressed performers when the circus master had turned his back. I wanted to know where you’d gone.

“Who are you?” you snapped, your black eyes harsh and wide and empty like the night sky.
“My name’s Loki. What are you doing here? Why did you run?”
“Why do you care?”
I opened my mouth to respond. Before I could, a shout and riotous laughter erupted from the stand beside us, and we both flinched away from the noise.
Dark eyes met mine.
I saw you smile for the first time, a beautiful, crooked smile that meant you knew we were the same.

{ see full piece here }

5. What amount of time do you expect to be able to dedicate to SWC? (What plans do you have that could affect your activity?)
I’ll be on vacation just around the start of camp, specifically June 27th—July 5th. During this time I won’t have access to my devices. However, because school will be out for a little over a week before that, I should be able to be quite active immediately preceding this time.

The only recurring inactivity will be my lack of activity on Saturdays due to religious and family reasons. This means I can’t contribute to cabin wars as much as I’d like, although I am usually able to work on the first few wars on Friday evening.

Overall, besides Saturdays and my vacation, I expect to be able to check in with my leadership team very often, at least two or three times a day, and spend 45 minutes to an hour on work daily. If I’m busy for an extended period due to any other reason, I’ll make sure to notify my team.

6. What are your skills and shortcomings in time management?
Skill: my organization.
I like breaking tasks down; it makes setting aside time to do them easier. If I don’t have some semblance of a plan, I find being productive difficult. Luckily, after being homeschooled pretty much my whole life, and having done two years of online classwork, I’ve become very practiced at setting my own schedule and completing it.

Shortcoming: my procrastination.
Wow, this one is predictable, isn’t it? Honestly, I can tend to be a procrastinator. I can get distracted from my responsibilities if I’m not excited about completing them. However, I do try to counter these tendencies with lists and schedules, and I’m usually pretty excited about doing anything Scratch Writing Camp related, which helps, too.

Skill & shortcoming: my determination & perfectionism.
I hate missing deadlines and disappointing myself or others. Thanks to planning out my days and weeks in advance, I am almost always able to complete things such as schoolwork or similar responsibilities on time. This also helps battle with my perfectionism as my desire to get things done balances out my desire for unattainable perfection. In the end, I know my limits and my goals and strive to get things done well and in a timely fashion.

7. What are your strengths and weaknesses in working with others? (What assets would you bring to a leading team?)
Strength & weakness: I’m considerate & particular.
I’m including these together because I feel they somewhat cancel each other out. While I can get attached to ideas and often like things done a certain way (mostly stemming from my slightly perfectionistic nature), I try to balance this out with being considerate and reasonable. I know going into this that things will not always end up the way I might first envision them, and that’s okay! I’m glad to share the creative process with others and excited to collaborate.

Strength: my ability to compromise.
Thanks to a plethora of collaborative projects with my sister and others, I am well prepared to compromise with others. I can recognize when an idea I like might be too difficult to achieve or when another person’s idea or opinion needs to be deferred to for the success of the group or project. As well, I know to expect compromise, which makes anything easier for me.

Being a visual artist, I can help with things like profile pictures or anything else that needs illustration. I also like coming up with solutions to problems, streamlining and bouncing off of others’ ideas. Administrative and organizational work are some of my favorites. I love helping others by answering questions or doing any variety of small tasks. I’m ready to jump in wherever I’m needed and help polish guides, descriptions, etc. and contribute my own ideas and creativity to a cabin. As well, though I’m not the most experienced out there, I do have more than a few sessions under my belt and know my way around planning and running a cabin.

8. What one quality do you value most in a leader? (How will you embody this trait as a leader?)
Adaptability is the one quality that stood out to me, in the end. I think this trait itself requires creativity and decisiveness; to me, it means being willing to change when the circ*mstances require it. This is a trait I think I still have to work on. I like well-laid plans and predictable elements. But when working within many people’s real-life schedules, it’s important to know you can’t 100% rely on their consistent activity. Life > SWC, after all. I am glad to help wherever and whenever I am needed if I can, and I will strive to pick up the slack in case of unexpected circ*mstances impacting others.

9. What cabin atmosphere do you aim to create? (Under 200 characters.)
I aim to create a cabin with a fun yet supportive environment where my campers feel excited to write, nudged on by a bit of friendly competition. (145/200 characters)

Check those that apply.
I am applying for both Leader and co-leader. — ( NO )
I am applying only for co-leader. — ( YES )
I’m willing to share a promotional project for SWC. — ( YES, if I can handle it along with my other cabin responsibilities )

Are there any leadership responsibilities listed in the FAQ you cannot complete? If any, please elaborate.
I can complete these responsibilities.

In the case of inactive leadership (either by yourself, or by a fellow leader), what steps will you take to ensure that the cabin can still move on smoothly?
I think the main thing I would strive to do is be transparent about my abilities and constraints. I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew or tell others I’ll be able to contribute more than I can. However, I do have some experience co-leading, and I feel like I learned a lot through these experiences. So, I would make sure to notify my leadership team as soon as possible if the inactivity rose unexpectedly, and, if I knew at that point, when I might be expected back.

In the case of another member of the team falling inactive, I would streamline the story if necessary and help split up the tasks amongst the remaining members of the team. If it were during camp, I would also make sure to let the campers know, especially if we needed to postpone any of our cabin activities.

If the inactivity seemed to be indefinite and they had to drop out completely, I would talk with the rest of my team about the possibility of getting another co and, if applicable, talk to hosts and my leadership team about who should take on full leader responsibilities.

{ many thanks to eevee, crim, and rockie for their critiques! }

Last edited by violent-measures (May 16, 2024 17:48:11)

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading fan-fi march ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞

#646May 15, 2024 21:23:45

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

mabels swc leader app june ‘24
- - - - - (text ver - 2063 words)

You wake up. All hope seems lost. It feels as if someone shattered your hope, crushed it into pieces and threw it away. Your vision is blurry, you can barely see anything. A throbbing pain rushes down your throat and you spit out a couple tears. Hands trembling you rub your eyes to see yourself lying in a cave, walls enclosed tightly above you. As you struggle to swallow your fear down you get up and glance ahead. There’s some sort of light, and it’s shining towards you. You take a first step, the dizziness comes back. You can’t quite remember what just happened, all you know is they told you that you couldn’t do it. A soft drip comes down from the top of the cave and rains down into a puddle, you don’t bother to look where the water came from. Then, you see it. A singular seed lying on the ground, with one ray of hope.

About Me:
Hey there! I’m Mabel, I go by pronouns she/her. I really enjoy writing, which is most of the reason that I’ve applied to this. As you grow to meet me, you’ll find that I can be really weird sometimes - but I’m still a friendly person overall. In my free time out of Scratch, you can find me playing the piano (sometimes in enjoyment, other times in suffering Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (20)), solving the Tower of Hanoi out of boredom and painting! Even though every time I paint I always get paint stains on a white shirt (what horrible decisions to wear a white shirt) I still enjoy playing around with it. I’m living off in a spaceship in outer space dancing in the MDT timezone, I love being Canadian and even though it’s snowing the day I’m writing this which is all the way in May, it’s totally fine and I’m definitely not freezing wearing a tank top with all windows open right now! Anyways, you get the point, I love joking around and trying to be funny even though we all know I’m not. <3

Lily Pads danced on the water, you watched them flow. You waited for days and days for the seed to do something once more. Soon the seed has sprouted into something more than just a small seed. A small leaf has appeared, and so has a second ray of hope.

Yippee! This will be my official 7th session of SWC, time traveling three years back where I had nothing good to do in quarantine time, July 2021. In my 7 sessions I’ve been a co-leader 2 times, both being the last 2 sessions and a camper the other 5 times! As for writing experience, I’ve been writing ever since I was a little kid. I’ve found my passion in it and I really do enjoy it! Outside of Scratch, unfortunately I do not have as much leadership. But, in group projects I find myself trying to be a leader and helping others, obviously not just taking care of everything but helping others when they need help. Even though I can’t do this in my family since I am the youngest (and most definitely not favoritest) child I still find myself trying to be a leader. I don’t have the most experience in real life compared to others, but I am working on it - one step at a time. Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (21)

A singular petal appeared out of the darkness, it was morning now and the sun shined in through the holes of the cave. The water had stopped dripping overnight, you continued to sit there, waiting for the flower. Your fate loomed. One petal, and a third ray of hope.

Cabin Preferences:
This session my first preference would be fantasy, mystery and sci fi. (In no specific order) An idea I have for fantasy is to create an enchanted forest where campers each week discover new elements to make the forest back to its original place. An idea for a mystery that I have is an abandoned imperial palace and campers discover what happened to it in the past. As for sci-fi, I would create a futuristic nature building that collapses and the campers have to fix it. One last preference I have is thriller (my idea for this is a time machine where campers explore time periods each week). Thriller would be my last preference in terms of the four I’ve provided. This session I will not be interested in leader or co-leading TCTWNW, I think the competition motivates me so much more to write and reach my word goal.

After more days and weeks passed, another petal grew and grew. You grow stronger and stronger, you have more faith in yourself, but not enough, just yet. A second petal, and a fourth ray of hope.

I want to dedicate as much time as I possibly can to SWC. Expect at least 20-30 minutes everyday in July but most days it will be around 45 minutes except for the last week. Unfortunately, I will be going on vacation the last week of July. But, fortunately I will mostly be staying at the hotel since it is just a family road trip to a town very close to us. I will only be active 10-15 minutes everyday that week but I will make sure that my co-leaders will have everything taken care of, including storyline parts and any of my responsibilities. (Unless they aren’t allowed to do them, of course.)

The first and second petals have grown and grown, they are larger than ever now. Not only that but a third petal has sprouted and become almost as big as the other ones. Another ray of hope has appeared, you gain more trust in yourself. A third petal, a fifth ray of hope.

Time management:
Some of my skills in time management are that I try to get things done as soon as possible. This can be really easy for me when I have a clear idea in my head of what I want. If I plan out carefully with my co-leaders, I won’t have too many issues with time management. Planning is another one of my skills, I make good and solid plans that make sense to myself and most others. I’m pretty organized, I can sometimes be messy especially when I’m stressed out, but usually you’ll find me with a clean space around me. Some shortcomings I have is when I don’t have a clear idea in my head or sometimes I forget about things. Let's take the last session as an example, I completely forgot about asking campers about Most Likely To’s, and it was mostly me being forgetful and indecisive. I can forget about things really easily if I don’t write them down, and I’m really indecisive and picky on how things need to be. This session I will make sure to write everything we need to do down and I will gather my co-leaders' opinions on things so I don’t have to worry too much about being indecisive.

You gazed at the lotus for hours and hours, admiring its beauty. More petals awoke, yo turn around and look back to count six petal son the flower. It is truly gorgeous, like you - o rat least that's what they said, before it happened. Six petals, and soon came a sixth ray of hope.

While working with others, I have many strengths and weaknesses. One strength I have is that I have big ideas. I can brainstorm a lot of things that could help my cabin with its storyline. I can easily come up with things especially when I can build off of other people and when others can build off of my ideas too. Brainstorming is one of my main strengths especially in things that I’m eager to brainstorm for. Meanwhile a weakness I have is sometimes taking too much work. Sometimes my brain just really is so excited (too excited) that I want to get everything done and I know I can do it well. Obviously, everyone else also does it well but I kind of have that first spark of motivation at the start of the session. I'm super excited to be chosen as (co)-leader and I really want to show my participation, but sometimes too much. To make sure I don’t do this, I will check in with my co-leaders every once in a while asking if I’m taking too much work, I will make sure all the work is split evenly and to make sure it is I will ask my co-leaders for their approval.

Leaves on the stem start to crawl up to the top of the flower, creating a vine-like stem. Another ray of hope and you wait and wait for a couple more.

One quality:
One quality I value as a leader is communication. When you're working as a leader with a bunch of other people – in this case, your co-leaders, if you don’t have communication almost nothing can work out. If you have bad communication and don’t tell your team what you're doing and just do whatever you want, why be a leader? Being a leader you have a team, you want to help others, but your team wants to be by your side helping you help others. If they want to help you and you ignore all their questions asked and what they have to do, they can get really frustrated and not want to help you. Communication is an important trait to me when I’m a leader, it makes me make sure everyone has an equal and split job that they can do and that we all help each other as a team of (co)-leaders. Everyone in the leadership team is important, including the audience - if you don’t have a good form of communication and you ignore your audience’s questions, especially when it’s something important - you need to have better communication skills. Communicating is also something that I’m good at, I’m not the best at it - but I won’t hide everything myself and not talk to my co-leaders the entire session. As a leader this session I can embody this trait by making sure I communicate with my co-leaders, campers and the hosts! Making sure I tell them that I am going to be away for the week or answering the questions as best as I can. Communication is important to me, because without it I am no leader.

You can feel it, you're practically almost there. The flower continues to grow. Your old selfish demeanor has disappeared by now, as you look up and watch another ray of ethereal light unveil from the sky. An eighth ray of hope.

I want to create a cabin with a friendly and a slightly competitive environment filled with being able to create lasting bonds with each other. (143 characters)

The lotus is almost fully bloomed now. You smile, for the first time in a while. Out of joy, happiness, realizing there are many out there that still appreciate you. Although they didn’t, that doesn’t mean others don’t.


I am applying for co-leader and leader : Yes
I am only applying for co-leader : No
I’m willing to create a promotional project for SWC : Yes

None that I am aware of.

If it happens to be me, right before I will quickly notify my co-leaders or one of the hosts that I will be inactive and make sure my co-leaders know what to do during the time I am gone. If it is someone else, for example my leader (if I am chosen as a co) then me and the other co (if there is one) will take over our leader’s responsibilities to make sure everything is taken care of. (And I will notify a host)

The last ray of hope sprays down onto you like a waterfall. A glob of water races down your face, but this time it's because you're happy. You're grinning like nothing ever happened, you still remember everything before, but you’ve adapted to it now. You sob and sob, out of joyfulness, wiping away your tears. You look closer at the lotus, it's always been amazing, never perfect but still beautiful - just like you, and this time you're confident in saying that.

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (22)

#647May 15, 2024 23:01:10

73 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

the dugout | pepper’s swc july ‘24 leader app

answers + blurbs + excerpt : 3259 words
answers + excerpt : 2667 words
answers - excerpt : 2428 words

about me • softball

the softball is one of the most important pieces of a softball game, because without it there would be no way to play!
heyo! the name’s pepper and i go by she/her. i’m a chaotic christian writer who resides in the lovely timezone of pst and i’m so excited for another session of swc! ;D right now, as you may have guessed, i’m mid softball season where i play first base, but outside of softball i play soccer and basketball <3 besides sports, i also adore camping, and you may find me writing in the woods this summer session of swc hehe ;D moving inside, i also am very passionate about writing (crazy i know xD) and wrote my very first story in kindergarten, where i created a rather interesting piece about a snowman my brother and i put together in the winter - ah the memories <3 back then, i dabbled in the art of writing every once in while, but since july of 2023, i’ve found myself in love with it more than i ever was before. i’ve dedicated a lot of my time to it, though in the months of march, july, and november i find myself producing a lot more work ;D i love how you can create anything you want by putting pencil to paper <3 although writing has comforted me through my lows, i also find an escape through reading! reading makes me feel absolutely incredible :0 feeling like you’re on the verge of tears after reading heartbreak, then being filled with the hopes and dreams of made up characters is surreal! i love how authors are able to manipulate your feelings through written words ahaha <3 my favorite genre to read is probably real fi, though i’m also a huge fan of fantasy and mystery, with the occasional hi fi mixed in ;D my top five favorite books right now, in order from favorite to also favorite but not as favorite ;D, are ‘one for the murphy’s’ by lynda mullaly hunt, ‘a mango shaped space’ by wendy mass, ‘out of my mind’ by sharon m draper, ‘the boy in the striped pajamas’ by john boyne, and ‘the front desk’ by kelly yang <3 lately, my stack of books has been dwindling, so if you have any suggestions please do tell! i’d love to hear what you’ve been reading, and love even more to add it to my ‘to be read’ haha ;D while i haven’t done a lot of art like i used to, i have been turned towards taylor swift’s music due to our lovely swc community’s convincing ;D ah yes, you heard right! your favorite pepper has been listening to the beloved taylor swift recently! my favorite album so far is 1989, with fearless and lover close behind <3 other than listening to music, i also play it! i play alto saxophone, ukulele, harmonica, piano, and recently, a little bit of recorder ;D
anyways, i’m so excited for you to see the rest of my app, it’s always so fun to put your heart and soul into an application and finally hit the share button haha

previous experience • water

ah, the classic water bottle! water is very important during any sports game. staying hydrated is a must, and replenishing with some icy cold water after sliding into home is just what i need sometimes. it’s very helpful during hot games (and hey, you could always dump the rest of it on your coach after winning a tournament ;D)
i’d say overall, i have a lot of leadership experience.
i’ll go ahead and start off with my scratch camp experience ;D i’ve been in 4 swc sessions, 2 as a camper, and the other 2 as a co-leader.
script - march 2023 - camper
tragedy - july 2023 - camper
illu fi - november 2023 - co leader
script - march 2024 - co leader
in total, i’ve participated in 20+ camp sessions across scratch, and (co)led in 10 of them. i’ve hosted one session of my own camp, cks, and will be co-hosting camp galatians (hosted by piper and kenzie <3)
offline, i am part of student council, i’ve been team captain for some of my sports teams throughout the past few years, and find myself constantly leading in group projects at school! at least once a month i volunteer with the kids at church who need a little extra help due to a disability, and i also occasionally spend time with the little little kids, supporting the adult leaders by handing out snacks or helping out with the lesson <3
i enjoy being a leader and role model for others, and gaining a unique experience each time keeps me coming back for more <3

cabin preferences • blue !

blue, aka the lovely umpire, makes all the calls on the field! they help run the game and make sure everything is fair. blue decides if the pitch was a ball or strike, and whether you were safe or out at the base you ran to! the umpire is very important when playing in a game, and it’s important to respect all their calls, even if you don’t agree with them <3
i honestly wouldn’t mind (co)leading any cabin, they all have such a unique potential and turn out absolutely stunning in the end <3 however, like everyone, i do have some that are at the top of my list ;D some of my favoriteS right now (in no particular order), are adventure, dystopian, poetry, real fi, fantasy, and myth! i have solid theme ideas for two cabins currently, with some other very rough ideas for different cabins. my favorite idea right now is for fantasy (but could also work for myth), where campers would be workers for groups under leadership by the tooth fairy, the leprechaun, the easter bunny, santa, etc. and the groups would have to work together to get rid of the monsters underneath children’s beds! i think it would turn out super cute, but the storyline would be compelling at the same time <3
my second idea is for real fi, and although it’s not very set in stone with what i’d exactly do, i think it’d be very fun to have a real fi safari type cabin, or a real fi zoo of sorts <3 there is always favorite cabins, but along with the good comes with some bad, and although i would be up to (co)leading any cabin, my weaknesses lay in steampunk, contemporary, lyric, and lit fi just because i’ve never been a fan of those genres, and still don’t really know how they work </3
as for the cabin that will not win, i’d be thrilled to (co)lead it! i feel like it’d be nice to have a more relaxed vibe this session, and even with my love of competition, it’s always nice to take a break hehe <3

writing excerpt • eye black

eye black my beloved ;D eye black is a handy dandy tool that looks like black lipstick, and is used to design your face for team spirit! (silly as i made it sound ahaha) my team always picks a matching design such as stripes, crosses, or triangles, and then share eye black so we look stunning! may as well have some style while we play Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (24)
perfection : a short story in verse

time dedication • helmet

the helmet is very useful for protecting your lovely skull! when you’re up to bat, it’s necessary to wear one to avoid accidentally getting hit in the head with a ball. it’s proven to very helpful and has saved lots of people from trips to the hospital <3
surprisingly, i am pretty free this june and july! i currently have two camping trips planned, though one is still very up in the air due my brother’s baseball tournament. at the moment i unfortunately don’t know the date of my june trip, but will of course let the necessary people know as soon as i find out. most likely, my july trip will be canceled because of baseball, and that will allow me to be more active that weekend. when i am gone camping, i’ll be in the middle of the woods so my access to the internet will be very limited. however, i have made it work in the past! i’m not sure what the charging situation for my devices will look like, but i plan to bring my phone and laptop. this trip i plan to sleep all the way there (oh the joy ;D) and balance my screen time as even as i can throughout the few days i am there. my assumption is that i will get about 30 minutes spread out throughout the day for each day i am camping (2-3 days). however, this all depends on whether or not i can access the internet at all so the majority of this is up in the air unfortunately :’) ok, now that i’m done with the long camping spiel, i’ll move on to my non camping time ;D in june, i’ll still be in school and my schedule will go a little something like the following: each day i have eight hours of school. i usually long on in the morning before i start getting ready, mainly just to respond to my mail and check on things in my cabin and the main cabin. i log in throughout the school day, in between classes, at lunch, etc. after school each day i will have either softball practice (this is on tuesday + thursday) or games (monday + wednesday)! i have about two hours in between school and softball, and spend the majority of that time on scratch. after practice or games, i head back home and usually have another 2-3 hours before i head off to bed. on those days, (monday-thursday), i plan to log on for 2-3 hours. on fridays, i usually have school in the morning and am busy with that from about 7-11am. after that, i rarely have anything scheduled, and spend a lot of that free time online. in the afternoon (4-6ish most likely), i will be with my family doing sports, eating dinner, all the normal activities, but will likely log on again before i head off to bed. overall, my fridays are my most free day, and i will be able to dedicate about 3-4 hours on scratch that day. the weekends look different every week, though for the most part i spend about 2-4 hours online. some weekends are filled with activities such as church and baseball/softball tournaments, while some are more relaxed at home. no matter how busy a day may be, i plan to at least spend 1 hour online checking in on things to make sure everything runs smoothly.

time management • bat

a bat, (not the animal ;D) is used to hit the ball when you’re up to bat. if the pitcher pitches the ball in your strike zone (chest to knees), you swing the bat with the hopes that the ball goes flying far enough to secure you a safe spot at first base, and that your other teammates on base can make it to their next base on time.
i’ll be quite honest, my pacing sucks. i absolutely love helping out in any way i can, and when i get a task, burning right through it is fun for me! however, it certainly takes its toll when i come back to finish it off Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (25)(( i find myself struggling with burnout, and although i enjoy working on a project, i need to get better at pacing myself so lack of motivation won’t come back and negatively impact the job. i also will occasionally volunteer for too many things, piling up a long list of tasks on my shoulders, only to later realize i don’t have the time to successfully complete quality work. i’m working on knowing my limits and sectioning my projects out so i don’t suffer the dreaded burnout and lack of motivation.
one of my strengths in time management (yes i do have some believe it or not ;D /lh), is i’m not much of a procrastinator! i like when things are done earlier then they need to be so i can make any final edits if necessary. when i’m not struggling with the rare case of burnout like i previously mentioned, i’m able to get things done in a timely manner and to the best of my ability.

collaboration • face shield

face shield! a face shield is used when you’re fielding (though optional), and it protects your face from getting hit with the ball. as the lovely ladies we are, wearing a face shield (also called a face mask) can keep our faces beautiful and intact ;D
unfortunately, i am a victim of perfectionism :skull: this can hinder my ability to get things done, and although i like things done on time so i can make edits, those edits tend to be tiny little things no one will notice, and when i can’t get it to look just how i want it to, it can be frustrating. i’m really trying to get familiar with the fact that nothing is perfect, and nothing, no matter how many edits, will be. what i’ve found is helpful to deal with my perfectionism is getting feedback from others! getting their point of view can really show me what is worth editing, and give me some confidence when they find that my project is looking good.
ending on a good note, i think that i bring good vibes to the leadership team, whether it be on the leader forum, or in our own planning space. bringing in those vibes to make an atmosphere inviting is something i enjoy doing, and being in that atmosphere is even better. additionally, i love to communicate and think that it’s very important when collaborating. i’m 100% open to new ideas, and i love to hear different people’s perspectives and thoughts about a topic. i always try my best to include at least a little aspect of everyone’s idea in whatever we’re working on. i try to make sure everyone is heard, and that i’m never shutting down anyone’s ideas. i also don’t let my own ideas go unheard, and i love to share what’s on my mind to better improve the task we’re collaborating on.

valued leadership quality • mitt

a mitt (or glove) is used to catch the ball when someone throws it at you. every player is required to have one on the field, and without it, you’re in for a rather painful inning. the mitt goes on you’re non dominant hand so you can throw with your dominant hand. all mitts are very similar, except for a catcher’s mitt, which is specific / modified for their position <3
there are so so many different qualities a good leader should have, but i think the one i come back to the most is passion and dedication. in order to have a cabin that runs smoothly and is an amazing experience for everyone in it, the leadership team has to be passionate about what they’re doing and dedicated enough to follow through with the plans to make it that great experience. and sure, there are totally going to be a few mistakes made throughout the session, but another thing about being passionate and dedicated, it that you as a team are ready to try your best to fix those mistakes to get everything back on track. being passionate about what you’re doing is so important to me, because if you’re not passionate, then why are you even here in the first place? i know so many swcers who literally pour their hearts into cabin planning and the session as a whole, and although life comes before swc, that is the passion i love seeing every session, and that is one of the many reasons i love collaborating with this incredible community. i will do my best to embody this trait as a (co)leader this session by showing my dedication and passion through the work that i put into my cabin. every time i produce something that connects with our storyline or edit a page on canva, i will be doing my absolute best and showing maximum effort in the process <3

cabin atmosphere • batting gloves

batting gloves are just what they sound, gloves used for when you’re up to bat! these are optional, and mainly for gripping the bat better and absorbing some of the shock from hitting the ball so you’re hands don’t feel tingly afterwards. i personally don’t like them and choose not to use them, though plenty of people i know enjoy having them and helps when they’re up to bat! <3
if i were selected to (co)lead, my goal for the atmosphere of a cabin would be something like,
“ an upbeat cabin with fun energy and a nice touch of competitive spirit while focusing on campers’ writing goals and improvement “
127 characters <3

final checks • cleats

cleats are lovely shoes that make running on the dirt and turf much more easier. they also help with grip! they are a pair of athletic shoes with little spikes on the bottom (some plasti-y and some metal <3) and are required to play in most other sports, though sometimes softball can be a little more flexible (especially if you’d rather wear tennis shoes on a turf field!)
part a
i am applying for both leader and co-leader
i am applying only for co-leader
i am willing to share a promotional project for swc

part b
nope! i will be able to complete everything listed <3

part c
if i were to go inactive, i would immediately notify the hosts and my leadership team, doing all i can to not leave until they can find a replacement or a way to keep the cabin running smoothly without me. if someone on my leadership team went inactive, we would find a way to make sure the storyline and needs of the cabin / campers were able to be fulfilled, whether it be by changing our leadership roles around, finding a replacement by going through leader apps again, or making a plan on how to continue without their presence.

- thumbnail drawn by me, title on canva
- all pieces of equipment drawn by me with reference images from google, and some rough tracing on one or two because my softball art skills are a womp womp :')
- answers slides drawn by me along with some format design on canva!
- sienna, poppy, veni, and more for cheering me on throughout this whole process! ily <3
- kit ( @KitVMH ) for uploading background music! (Take Me Out to the Ballgame by Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
- sienna for her lovely music suggestion :>
- the incredible hosts for running swc so smoothly each session <333
- all of you for participating and making swc so amazing each session <333

i just pasted the credits from my app desc if you couldn't tell ;D

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (May 16, 2024 18:33:42)

pepper | she/her
chaotic christian writer <3
script ftw!

#648May 15, 2024 23:33:14

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

tell us about yourself
hi there! i’m Crim, a Christian artist and writer who is incredibly obsessed with fandoms. some of my favorites right now are The X-Files and Star Wars: The Bad Batch (as you could probably guess from this application haha).

however, i also love reading fantasy with dystopian and science fiction elements such as all of Brandon Sanderson’s works (my favorite series being Stormlight Archive), The Inheritance Cycle, Six of Crows, and Lockwood & Co. this is the genre i tend to gravitate towards writing as well!

i love listening to music and building playlists for writing. some of my favorite artists are Sleeping At Last, Novo Amor, half•alive, Death Cab For Cutie, Raynes, Cadence Floria, Noah Kahan, Thomas Austin, The Arcadian Wild, and more. I also adore the musical Hadestown.

some miscellaneous things i love include: the rain, boba, cheesecake, the french language, writing in all-lowercase, characters with long coats, sweater vests, and the found family trope (again, a shocker giving my app theme! /sarc).

i live in PST! i also happen to be a twin and you’ll probably see my twin sister, vi, around.

have you previously participated in SWC?
I have participated in eight sessions of SWC so far! These sessions include March 2020 (in Fantasy), March 2022 (in Sci-fi), July 2022 (in Adventure), November 2022 (in Script), March 2023 (in Folklore), July 2023 (in Real-fi), November 2023 (in Dystopian), and March 2024 (in Fantasy). Of these sessions, I’ve mostly campered. However, I co-lead Real-fi in July of 2023 and Fantasy in March of this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed these chances to go behind the scenes of camp. Additionally, I served on the Memory Book Committee in November of 2023, which was another great experience that allowed me to work with an even larger team.

Other leadership or team-based activities i’ve participated in include LEGO league (i helped to lead the project side of things) and debates for school.
I’ve been writing for around 8-9 years, and my sister and I finished the first draft of a novel we’ve been working on last year! now we’ve been focusing on planning another novel and working on some fanfics on the side.

which cabins would you prefer to lead?
I would prefer to lead cabins such as Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure, or Dystopian because these are genres I’m more experienced in writing and/or reading. (So I would be more helpful in coming up with storylines in these genres). Additionally, I’d love a Paranormal cabin (i mean, who doesn’t love ghosts?). The cabins I’d be least excited about leading would be Real-fi or Poetry as I have little to no experience or interest in these genres. (However, this only really would affect how much I’d be able to contribute to the story, so if you’re leading one of these cabins and have a solid storyline idea and direction, I wouldn’t protest to helping out.)

For a cabin such as Adventure or Science Fiction, I think a Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse themed cabin would be a blast! The campers could come together to design a Spider-person (or perhaps a team of Spider-people?) and figure out their origin story.

I’d be willing to co-lead The Cabin that Will Not Win, especially as I do have some greater time constraints this session than previous ones.

please provide an excerpt of your writing

He’d told them he enjoyed the rain. He wouldn’t need a ride home, but thank you for the offer.

Now, as Kieran stood alone on the sidewalk, he scowled at the sky and wished for any sign of the sun.

He trudged along under the clouds, rain smeared over his glasses, hands stuffed in his pockets. Kieran schooled his face into a smile each time he encountered a passerby. He couldn’t have said whether any of them returned the gesture.

Though he’d have preferred to put it all behind him, Kieran couldn’t help but dwell on the workday.

No matter how far away Kieran’s feet led him, his mind was still stuck back there, in his too-small cubicle.

So far that day he’d spilled coffee on the carpet—no coffee tomorrow—and he’d had to ask for help with the printer. After an entire week on the job! Then, he’d lost track of time and been late to his meeting—his only meeting that day.

The offer to drive Kieran home had been a polite gesture on his co-workers’ part, nothing more. They couldn’t still want him, not after all that. Besides, they couldn’t see his apartment. The shabbiest, cheapest place he could find, in the worst neighborhood in the city. Kieran didn’t want to see their pitying stares when they realized the hour-long walks he underwent each day.

When Kieran finally arrived and unlocked the door to his apartment, he had to squeeze by the bike he’d abandoned in the hallway. The red paint was peeling, the tires in desperate need of filling, and the chain snapped. How long had he let it sit there, gathering dust? Kieran couldn’t quite remember.

(Excerpt from “Out of Sight, Never Out of Mind”, my competition entry from last session. Full work can be found here.)

what amount of time do you expect to be able to dedicate to SWC?
what plans do you have that could affect your activity?
On average, I would probably dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes per day. (Throughout June and July both.) However, I do have some plans in the last week of June and first week of July (June 27th to July 5th) that will unfortunately prevent me from using Scratch at all. However, I will do my best to help my team accommodate for this disappearance and there shouldn’t be anything else that’s going on to greatly limit my activity.

what are your skills and shortcomings in time management?
Overall, I am good at managing my time. I have been homeschooled for most of my life, which has required me to learn this skill. I won’t lie: I do procrastinate at times, but often on things that don’t have big time constraints. With something such as SWC, the time-reliant aspect of it prevents me from procrastinating too much. In fact, during sessions, I will often procrastinate on something else by turning to SWC. However, if I’m not feeling inspired to work on SWC related things, it can lead to me procrastinating on replying to messages and things like that. I don’t think this affects me too much, but it is a failing I try to keep in mind. I perfectly understand what is required of me in this role, and I always do my best to push through any lack of motivation to fulfill it.

what are your strengths and weaknesses in working with others?
what assets would you bring to a leading team?
My main strengths would be that I am good at brainstorming with others and building off of ideas. I like coming up with many ideas to give options for others to choose from, and I’d say that I am a pretty creative person.

My main weakness when it comes to working with others is how I tend to like to be in control. However, I would say that in practice I am a very accommodating team member because I do not like to be seen as controlling. So I would say that this mostly impacts my own experience rather than others around me. I can also deal with flagging motivation, making it difficult for me to work up the energy to even reply to messages.

Something I’d say is a strength is my ability to offer constructive criticism and edit things. I enjoy taking something someone else has worked on and showing them ways it could be improved or simply offering another perspective.

what one quality do you value most in a leader and how will you embody this trait as a leader?
This question is by far the hardest for me to answer. There are a lot of traits that make a good leader, and sometimes you can have a good leader without all of them. One that I particularly value, though, is being organized! A good leader is well-organized and is able to communicate clearly as a result. I will embody this because, as a detail-oriented person, I am not prone to be chaotic. I like to be organized, and I have a great affinity for lists.

what cabin atmosphere do you aim to create?
I would hope to foster an atmosphere of learning and community where campers focus on sharpening their writing skills and growing together with a smidgen of competition dashed in for flavor Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (27)

three part question
check all that apply:
I am applying for both leader and co-leader ( ),
I am applying only for co-leader ( X ),
I’m willing to share a promotional project for swc ( X )

are there any leadership responsibilities listed in the FAQ you cannot complete? if any, please elaborate
There are not!

in the case of inactive leadership (either by yourself or by a fellow leader), what steps will you take to ensure that the cabin can still move on smoothly?
If and when I face inactivity (as I will for the first week of July), I would make sure to work doubly hard around this time to complete my responsibilities. I’d do my best to communicate with my fellow leaders in order to delegate anything that I cannot complete to anyone that is available to help out.

If any of my fellow leaders face inactivity, I would make sure to fill in any gaps I’m able to (such as communicating with the Memory Book Committee, Hosts, etc. about any deadlines). If necessary, I’d do my best to help them rework our cabin planning/cabin schedule as well.

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (28)

#649May 16, 2024 03:43:22

43 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Leader Application SWC July 2024
May 15, 2024

(1) About Me

Hey! I'm Kelia! My pronouns are she/her and I'm in the PDT timezone. I love any form of art, hence the theme! I especially enjoy drawing and digital art. I also really love writing and am currently writing one.
And I love Lord of the rings memes.
Just thought that was important to add.

(2) Experience)

As a matter of fact, I have! So far, I've only been a camper. I participated in SWC during March 2022, July 2022 and July 2023. I've had a lot of experience with writing, starting since I was young. I started seriously writing during 2021, with a book and then started another book in 2022, which I'm currently writing now. I've also written quite a bit in school with research papers, monologues, scripts and more. I typically take up the leadership position in group projects and I'm also the strategy lead in my robotics team, continuing my role from 2023. Previously, I was the Design lead in 2022.

(3) Cabins

I would prefer to lead Adventure or Action. I love action-packed books and stories about adventures. I'm also interested in Mystery. I love the Cabin that Will Not Win, and the idea behind it but I'd prefer to lead a more competitive and story-based cabin. I love the idea of a storyline or plot for a cabin and I think it'd be really cool if for the adventure cabin, there could be a choose your own adventure plot, where the campers could pick which direction they want to go or what treasure they want to attempt to retrieve. For action, there could be a battleground, where points could be gained which increase fighting abilities and where campers could “battle” each other and winners would gain prestige or part of a crown that would ultimately result in the end of the war, with one camper being crowned ruler. That may be a tad too competitive though, so the campers could instead “battle” a enemy, the ruler of a enemy nation perhaps, and they have to win a certain number of times to defeat the enemy. For mystery, I was thinking a murder mystery or a clue-themed mystery, in which something is stolen or someone is killed and campers must gather clues, solve complex puzzles and cross-examine witnesses and each other. I'm aware something similar to this has been done before but I think it would be really fun to have a more immersed and exciting story to follow, with more clues! I also have another idea for Thriller, where the campers could be trying to escape an escape room, and there could be puzzles, codes to solve, riddles and multiple endings!

(4) Excerpt

Nyx closed her eyes, trying to let the memories flow past here. Stay in the present. The present is silence. Don’t chase the memories. They’re in the past. The past doesn’t matter anymore. Don’t listen.

The past seemed to laugh at her, cruel, dark and piercing. Her breathing quickened as darker and darker images flew past her eyes. She couldn’t let go. How much would she lose? Thrashing figures, blood, screams and pain melted out of the shadows, leaping at her. Nyx tried to let them go, let them dissipate but they only grew louder and louder and louder.

She gasped for breath as she was sucked down into an endless cycle of reliving moments over and over again. As her memories came to life in horrible symbols, she tried to pull away, wake up and escape but she couldn’t move, couldn’t think. Glaring eyes tore through her. Fire crackled at her feet, threatening to burn her up. Clawed, dark hands erupted out of the ground, grabbing at her, tearing into her skin.

The ground underneath shattered into glass shards, cutting her with the jagged edges. Her blood seeped out of the wounds, curving and painting itself onto the shadows. As a clock began to form, time seemed to slow exponentially.

Nyx tore her gaze away from the blood and looked around, gazing into the void’s darkness. She couldn’t feel anything, see anything, hear anything. Here, she couldn’t feel the passage of time, had no sense of self and could barely think over the blaring silence. She tried to move but something unknown froze her in place. It felt as if there was nothing around her and yet she was surrounded by water. Some part of her mind registered that she was sinking rapidly, downwards into darkness that was somehow even darker than before.

The red blood sank with her, still slowly forming the clock. But this clock was different. Nyx could feel it. There was no ticking to indicate passing of time. There were no moving hands. There were no hands at all. A chill ran down her spine. Her breath grew colder. The blood slowed down, closing the circle.

She fell farther. Deeper. Darker.

She could still see the clock. She tried to look away but her gaze was fixated on the clock.

The broken clock with no hands to speak of.

No way to tell if time was passing at all.

Stuck in the same moment.

Reliving it over and over again.

Unable to let go of the past.

Nyx closed her eyes. It’s time to let go. She took a deep breath for courage and released her grip on the memories, the longing, the fear, the grip that she didn't know she'd been tightening all the while. The hands let go of her and she was finally free, upwards falling until she burst through the surface.


(5) Time

I will be able to dedicate a majority of my time during july to SWC. I am doing a summer program, volunteering at an aquarium but I'll have most days free to fulfill the duties of a cabin leader, since my shifts are only on wednesdays. I'll always have my nights free to check in and take care important tasks. Since it's the summer, I won't have any schoolwork or assignments to do. I plan on going to bed at nine every night. I'll also be taking about an hour out of three to five days a week to exercise/workout/bike.

(6) Time Management

I've come a long way in terms of time management and can now confidently say that I have instilled in myself enough drive to complete my tasks without too much procrastination. I've been able to finish my work on time for the most part. However, I still struggle with procrastination and forgetting things and as a result, am sometimes cutting things close(this app for example). I often underestimate how much time I will take to complete a task. My skills in time management include organizing my time efficiently, breaking tasks down and I'm also skilled at cutting things that I don't need to do or can push off to a later date without any consequences.

(7) Strengths and Weaknesses


My strength lies in communication and connections. I'm very good at communicating with others and making sure everyone knows important information. I love talking with people and asking questions to develop stronger relationships! I'm really good at finding connections with people, through sports or books or interest in topics like paleontology or art.

I'm really open to new ideas and other people's opinions. Even if I disagree with someone, I'll hear them out in full and wait for them to finish. Then, and only, then will I present my opinion. It's easy for me to maintain an impartial stance, which also really helps me be a peacemaker. I’m also a very considerate person so I always try to include everyone.


I tend to push things off, such as projects, studying and assignments, even if it's urgent. I also tend to, if I don't want to do something, wait until the last minute to finish a essay or narrative. Thankfully, I have a lot of time on my hands so it hasn't been a huge problem. I've become a lot better at motivating myself but it's definitely something I need to work on.

I tend to get a bit stubborn when I have my heart set on something or, more often, when I get annoyed. Typically, I’m able to control this and am able to let others have their way, especially when it doesn’t matter as much (like during projects about color palletes and things like that). Sometimes, if I really want something, I’ll go through with it even if it’s a hassle or completely unnecessary.


(8) Values
I value kindness the most in a leader because I believe it's important to listen to others and be considerate. As a cabin leader, I would do my upmost best to treat everyone with consideration, patience and understanding. I would approach everyone with enthusiasm and kindness. I would also make sure to not rush other people or ask questions in a manner that may seem rude.

(9) Atmospheres
I aim to create a atmosphere geared towards self-improvement, friendly competition, respect and kindness, where campers can present their work without feeling inadequate or like they'd be judged. (195 characters)

(10) Final Questions

I'm applying for both leader and co-leader. I'm willing to share a promotional project for SWC.

i believe I'll be able to complete any and all leadership responsibilities necessary. In the event that I am unable to be active, I would let either my fellow leader and/or the session’s hosts know in advance, when I’ll be inactive, what I will be unable to do and what tasks must be completed for the cabin to continue running smoothly. I would then request another leader or a trustworthy camper to take over my duties and detail what must be done. I would do my best to answer any questions and provide as much support as possible while I’m inactive. If a fellow leader were to be inactive, I would do my best to temporarily take over their duties. I would allocate more time towards SWC without jeopardizing my sleep schedule or personal health in order to fulfill any additional tasks.

Last edited by CatOrchid (May 16, 2024 03:59:27)

➵ Christian | Programmer | Tennis
➵ Artist | Violin | Piano | Writer

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16

#650May 16, 2024 17:05:03

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Recca's SWC (Co)Leader Application

Total word count: 1290 words (including excerpt)
Please note that I'm on a time crunch and a terrible laptop. As a result, I might have missed a few questions in the word count Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (31)
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1. About Me

Hi! My name's Recca. I use she/her pronouns and I live in IST. I'm a creature of habit (emphasis on creature), firm believer in the idea of “if it ain't broke, don't fix it” (this is the third time I'm introducing myself like this) and a huge fan of reusing old jokes until a very long time after they stop being funny (in my
defense, YOLO woohoo).

I spend too much time online, consume stories in whatever form available, and I always enjoy a nice happy ending. Two of the loves of my life are green grapes and beauty sleep.

And I suppose that's just about all that's there to say!


2. Experience

I believe this will be my seventh session of SWC - the first five sessions as a camper, and the last two as co-leader.

Co-leading Script and Poetry in my last two sessions have been nothing short of wonderful, and they've given me a lot of insight into what it takes to be a leader. Apart from that, I've also helped run fairly large studios on Scratch. Offline, I've often led and organized group projects, but I still think managing my kid relatives has taught me the most about leadership by far.

As for writing, it's something I've been doing nearly all my life. I wouldn't call myself particularly experienced, since it's mostly for my own amusem*nt, but I enjoy it very much.


3. Cabin Preference

My main idea for this session has been a comedy cabin, with the campers all being a part of a clown circus. I still don't have the entire plotline fleshed out yet, but the main idea is that campers can complete tasks that contribute towards their word counts as well as camp-wide activities (eg. dailies) to
generate enough laughter for their show to be a hit. I've been thinking of incorporating a sort of side-plotline, where everyone's magical clown noses have gone missing, and once the cabin's reached a certain goal, we earn them back.

My second preference would be a Hi-fi cabin based off of the Regency era, heavily inspired by Pride and Prejudice. The campers are all a part of the household staff, stuck in a time loop of some kind, and their goal is to allow the events of the bo k to proceed while causing as little interference as possible. Unfortunately, I've thought this out much less than my first idea, which is why I don't have much else to offer as of yet.

Overall, my goal is to create a cabin much like last session's Poetry - not too plotline-heavy and more focused on creating an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

When it comes to co-leading, I have no preference as such. As for TCTWNW, I would prefer not to lead it ^^


4. Excerpt

Let’s play a little game, you and I.

When we fight on Tuesday, we won’t talk to each other. Then, on a post-it note, I’ll scribble it out: Raindrops splashing. Crackling fire. A warm mug in my hand. All it’s missing is you. I’ll stick it on your bedroom door, and you’ll find it and fold it up and neither of us will say anything, but you’ll get your own mug and snuggle up next to me.

Maybe a week later, I’ll come home after a bad day and I won’t say anything but you’ll notice anyway. So you’ll get me a mug of coffee and on a carefully stuck post-it note you’ll write: If someone invented a time machine, I’d always go back to the moment we met. I’ll scribble on the back: No you won’t. You’d go to Hawking’s party. But I’ll smile and you’ll snort, and I’ll fold it up to keep it safe.

Five days later, you’ll lose a gig and you won’t say it bothers you but I’ll notice anyway. The next day you’ll find it folded up with your lunch: Forget Mona Lisa, you’re the real masterpiece. You’ll laugh and your day gets a little brighter.

After a breakup: All the stars in the night sky couldn’t hold a candle to your brilliance.

When I snag a win: I don’t know which I fancy better: your bravado or your brains.

Stuck onto your mirror: Lightning never strikes twice, but your smile never fails to electrify me.

What we really mean: I’m sorry. It’ll be better soon. You were right. And always, between the lines: I love you. On and on and on—all our love on yellow squares of paper. Sometimes we won’t have any for months. Sometimes we’ll do it every day. It’ll go on forever—and forever won’t be so bad after all.


5. Availability

I do not think I'll be having any plans in the month of July, apart from school and maybe the occasional road trip on a weekend or two. I should be able to dedicate about half an hour to SWC every day, at the very least.


6. Time Management

Time management has always been a bit of a weak spot, but I've gotten much better at it recently. I often find it hard to prioritize, so I come up with flexible timetables for myself to stick to. Sometimes, I tend to procrastinate, especially with tasks I find stressful. I try to avoid this by planning out my work in advance, and reducing any possible distractions. On the other hand, I often tunnel-vision on some tasks and work on them non-stop, forgetting anything else I might have to do. Again, I do my best to reduce this by setting timers or deadlines for myself.

All in all, while I'm hardly perfect at managing my time, I've learned to adjust so that I still get my work done.


7. Collaboration

Working with others has always been one of my strong suits. I'm reliable and resourceful, and compromise is something that comes easily to me. I tend to go with the flow as much as possible, and as a result I can adapt to changes easily and offer quick solutions to any problems that may come up.

When it comes to my weaknesses, I can be very indecisive, which can cause a lot of frustration. Apart from that, I've found that I don't communicate my ideas properly sometimes, and then proceed to nitpick when the final outcome doesn't fit perfectly with my original vision. However, I do make a conscious effort to avoid such scenarios to the best of my ability.


8. One Quality

One quality I like in a leader would be relatability. A lot of times, I've felt this gap between a leader and their teammates. There's a stiltedness to every interaction. I think it's important that a leader should be someone you can relate to, at some level. Otherwise, they just become a figurehead who has the
final say in any decisions.

I think the best way for a leader to be a relatable one is simply to interact with their teammates. To talk with them and get to know their interests. And that's how I hope to embody this trait as a leader myself.


9. Cabin Atmosphere

Lighthearted and welcoming – focused largely on creating an enjoyable experience for all campers involved, with an engaging but easy-to-follow storyline.

(153 characters)


10. Checkboxes

( / ) I am applying for both leader and co-leader
( ) I am applying for only co-leader
( ) I am willing to share a promotional project for SWC

B. None. I believe I'll be able to complete all the responsibilities listed.

C. In case I go inactive, I'll make sure to contact the hosts and my own leader team in advance, as well as prepare contingencies before the
session starts. If a fellow leader goes inactive, I'll reach out to them first and inform the hosts if I don't get a reply in a few days.

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (32)

#651May 16, 2024 18:09:58

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ˖˚₊‧ ꒰ა ꄗ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˖ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

the key to our dreams ִֶָ˚˖ꄗ·₊⠁Yume's SWC leader app
~ text version ~

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door 1 ✽ the awakening

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1 ⋆ about me - 511 words

hello there! I’m Yume, and I go by the pronouns she/her. currently, I reside in the est timezone, with daylight saving turning the clocks an hour early. is this foreshadowing? probably yes, but we’ll get to that later. first and foremost, let me introduce yourself.

and one last thing before we get into it- I did say last time that my app was going to be overflowing with the recollection of past memories. to past Yume, I guess you- no, we really had no idea how far this idea would get in the now-present future, didn’t we ^^
I’m an avid writer of many genres, ranging from many writers’ go-tos, fantasy and dystopian, to smaller, or lesser-known ones like epistolary and fantastopian (as in a combination of the two previously said genres). I’ve been writing for quite a long while now, and although I was never a huge fan of essay writing, one thing I know for sure is that I’ve always had a love for songwriting. often times I like reading my old notebooks to cheer me up and provide motivation. I really did go through many of those over the years, but one thing they all have in common is, you guessed it: songs. maybe it’s an excerpt of lyrics, or notes written in solfege, and often times even both. to me, songwriting and journaling have been and still are what help me get through all that I have in life, and I can’t imagine where I’d be now if I never found the interest to. writing can change your life, and all of us SWC-ers are living proof that it’s true.

besides all these forms of writing, some of my other hobbies include singing and graphic design. music in general has always been a huge passion of mine, whether that means singing in the shower, during choir, recording a song cover, building songs with loops, or my attempts on teaching myself piano. I love designing thumbnails and slides for my projects or studios, and that’s really come in handy for cabins as well.

if you have an obsession with project sekai like I do, (maybe even as a pjsk and overall rhythm game addict,) I’m assuming you got the reference before clicking into this app- perhaps that’s what brought you here in the first place. the title of this app, ‘the key to our dreams’, also known as ‘yume no kagi’ in a not-that-exact japanese translation, is based off of ‘momoiro no kagi’, or ‘the peachy key’. I like to choose app themes that represent who I am, and this song really has a special place in my heart. the past few months have really been tough due to family trust issues, growing distance between old friends, and internal conflicts, but scratch, all of SWC, and this very specific song, helped me get over it. the lyrics, especially, resonated with me a lot. I could write a whole essay explaining the connections, but to keep it simple, it provided reassurance and reminded me that I’m truly not alone.

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2 ⋆ experience - 407 words

I’ve been a camper in SWC since march 2021, but truth be told, I wasn’t in every in-between session and only participated again in march of 2023. that session though, was a life-changer, as I decided to apply for leader the next session. so far, I’ve participated in a total of five sessions, with july marking the sixth.

camper-ing is super fun on its own, but after my second time camping, I discovered that there was more to a writing camp than just writing and earning points for your cabin- don’t get me wrong though! those are important too. still, I wanted to do more to help the SWC community, and that determination has led me back here once again, having made three previous apps and led fairy tales and epistolary in the two past sessions. and of course, quoting past Yume again: “resilience and determination are the keys to success.” wait- ‘keys’ to success? how, that’s literally perfect- :00

leading a cabin is seriously one of the best things I’ve ever done. getting to learn more about how the camp works and experience the behind-the-scenes for yourself is truly a rewarding experience. the bonds you form with your fellow (co)leaders and campers is just really special. I wanted to lead in the hopes that I could inspire SWC-ers new and old (by no means am I forcing people into SWC- more like introducing them to it ;)), and I’m truly delighted and grateful that I’ve been able to accomplish this goal of mine. <3

as of recently, I’m a part of a rhythm game collab called Kokoro Beats. despite all the obstacles we’ve run through, the team managed to get past each and work together towards our end goal. I’ve also been given the role of managing a smaller group within the team. it’s a new experience for me, and I’m more than happy to try it out. so far, I think communication throughout the departments has become significantly easier, which is really great!

as for outside of scratch, I joined a programme in back in grade 4 which taught me essential leadership skills such as teamwork, initiative, and taking responsibility. the programme really helped with my fears of public speaking and believing in myself, and I also met a few friends along the way, though unfortunately we lost contact afterwards. still, it was a really meaningful experience, and I’m sure I won’t ever forget it.

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door 2 ⭒ constellations

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3 ⋆ cabin preferences - 233 words

as both an avid SWC-er and a project sekai enthusiast, it’s only natural that this idea has occurred to me before. yes, it’s about time- a SWSekai cabin. back in the november ‘23 session, the idea struck me for the first time while leading fairy tales. after that, various people have brought up the idea to me, and my response was something along the lines of “it would be a bit hard to pull off, but maybe one day”. what I didn’t expect was that there were in fact a lot of sekai fans amongst the SWC community, which was proven when I created the SWC proseka club and released my march ‘24 leader app- sekai. as this will be a fandom-based cabin, I would most prefer fan-fi for this idea.

if I don’t get selected for fan-fi, I would most prefer script or utopian next. for script, my idea is to set the storyline on bringing a stage back up from the dust. inspired by wonderlandsxshowtime’s main story? ahh, I had to- yes, for my hopes and dreams of a project sekai cabin, but I do like this story idea a lot, pjsk aside.

and of course, TCTWNW! I wouldn’t mind leading it, though I do gravitate more towards leading a more competitive cabin since one of my favorite parts of SWC are cabin wars and all the chaos that it brings ^^

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4 ⋆ excerpt - 1685 words

“i can’t believe i didn’t even know i messed up the weekly part due date,” yume said to herself, typing away furiously at her laptop, “oh well, i’m completing this weekly anyways. fourth weekly is almost always the best, right? brings back the most memories when you look back at it. i remember the heavy procrastination i went through for last session’s last weekly like it was yesterday…” to yume, recollecting past highlights always brought a smile to her face. last session was yu’s first appearance in her writing thread too.

“isn’t the weekly literally called memorieswc?” yu, who was currently filling in for yume’s job, asked from the reception desk. “and you might want to hurry, the deadline is in less than a week.” yu logged letter after letter dropped off in front of her, tossing them into piles that were to be delivered to the sorting room.

the reminder only made yume even more anxious than before. “yeah, it is. but that just makes it extra memorable, so i need to finish this!” scratch writing camp, a triannual virtual writing camp, runs in the months of march, july, and november. the 31st of march was creeping closer with every passing second, and it didn’t help that the terminal was going through a very busy day indeed. so many distractions, and a weekly worth more than three thousand points on the line. “oh no,” she suddenly remembered, “binary said she had something she wanted to do with me at the end of the month when i mentioned the session’s end yesterday- now i’m just piling more stress on myself, aren’t i,” she realised, letting out a sigh. she played around with the small metal key on her desk, trying to come up with ideas to write about.

finally, the lunch bell rang, and the sign on the main entrance was flipped to show ‘closed’. the terminal workers rushed to the dining area, what they called the ‘relaxing room’, and prepared for their long-awaited meal when suddenly, they heard a cry. “the mangoes are gone!” everyone gasped in shock at the news, including yume. how in the world did their three hundred and fourteen crates of mangoes just disappear into thin air? to make matters worse, the letter sorters reported that some of the letters that were scheduled to be delivered for the day were gone before they could even get sorted. with that, panic and chaos broke out through the terminal.

we have to get to the bottom of this, yume thought as she scanned the crowd to find yu. “yu, we should investigate what’s going on here,” she suggested.

“what? obviously not! are you being serious?” she led yume to a quieter place in the terminal, away from the relaxing room. “you can’t just leave the terminal hanging like that, you know. people are already in panic, you don’t want it to worsen, right?”

“if they’re already worried, there’s no reason we should drag them into this,” she protested, “the best way is if we go alone. besides, nat and silky will still be here, they’ll calm everyone down and the terminal will run as usual again.” yume did have a point, and from what yu’s been told, nat and silky were indeed amazing leaders of their respective groups.


- the very same story, in yu’s perspective -

just after yume left to tell the other two leaders what was going on, i spotted a letter tucked behind a counter from the corner of my eye. what was it doing here? i thought, confused, shouldn’t the letters be sent to the sorting room after they’ve been registered? what shocked me the most, however was the name the letter was addressed to. “yume wouldn’t mind, right?” i asked myself, “besides, it’s addressed to me anyways,” so i opened the letter and read.

dear yu,

hello again! how have you been, and how’s the future doing? all questions aside though, i sent this letter just wanting to make sure you’ll be here for cabin wars- i know it’s your favorite part about swc, and i wouldn’t want you to miss it for anything. as you probably know by now, my letters are usually much longer than this, but work in the terminal is really quite busy, so i don’t have much time. the first cabin wars, which are also letter rushes in the terminal are on march 9th, so be sure to set your time machine to sometime before then. if you’d like to help out at the reception desk- definitely much appreciated, since we’re getting a lot more than usual these few days, just tell me once you get here. i’ll make sure to get you prepared for it, so don’t worry!

best wishes,

so the letter never got delivered, i realized. if it had, i would have set the date much earlier. partially my fault for forgetting there was swc in march though. even still, yume kept her promise- she didn’t have to arrange me for a full makeover if i were to continue hiding in her room during sessions. after all, the community knows about me now, plus my hair, with added mango yellow highlights, is now curled and worn in a ponytail. i put the letter in my pocket for safekeeping. i’ll find a better place to put it later.


yume made her way back to where yu was, and the two began the search. upon their visit to the bird enclosure, a dove, divela, agreed to help them on the mission. the trio split up and searched around the terminal for clues. yume looked around the crates that once held the glorious mangoes. surely the culprit would have left some clues behind? she felt her pocket for the key. it wasn’t there. panicking, she retraced her steps. at the corner of a beanbag, she spotted a glinting object. “my key!” she hurried to get it, but before she could reach her hand out to grab it, a familiar-looking turtle took it by its mouth and quickly hurried off. without a moment of hesitation, yume took off after the turtle, who was somehow running- very impressive for a turtle. yu felt the wind rush past her. looking closer, she saw a familiar figure. was that- “yume?” she heard her friend calling out gurtle’s name, and so yu joined in the chase.

gurtle, however, did not stop. the key in his mouth, he ran outside the terminal and only kept going. tired as they were, yume, yu, and divela followed. finally, gurtle stopped in front of a large contraption- the mango machine. “no, no, no, not the mango machine,” yu muttered worriedly. the turtle stepped onto the time machine.


“where are we…?” yume’s voice trailed off as the door slid open. was this… the epistolary letter terminal? it did look a lot like it, but this one seemed a lot more… futuristic.

“welcome to the future,” yu sighed, “it would be a lot more exciting if it weren’t for- wait, where is gurtle??” turns out, divela had already taken off after the speedy turtle, and the two girls had no choice but to follow them. they ran through the terminal, which was now filled with new equipment to sort letters with, conveyor belts which carried them through the different stations, and lots more. they followed gurtle as he hopped onto a floating device that took them to the sci-fi database, now even better protected against traitors and ai’s of all sorts. they wandered through different fairy tales, which evolved into versions suitable to the era they were in, and the fully functioning society that the dystopian ruins had become.

finally, they were back at the terminal. gurtle ran through the automatic doors of the entrance. no one could stop him now, right? he hurried to a once empty storage room, now filled with a large pile of mangoes. the turtle took a few steps back, collapsed, got up again, and spit out the key. it was no match for mangoes anyways.

yume and yu stood in front of the door. “y-you have n-nowhere to run now,” yume said between breaths, “we-we’re going home.”


“so- it was partially my fault?!” yu implied, “yume, remember when i led you away so we could talk somewhere quieter? maybe it was then…” her voice trailed off as she realised her mistake.

“don’t worry about it,” yume reassured her, “at least we’ve found our culprit- and the stolen mangoes. come on, we should probably head back. hopefully no one in the main cabin has noticed gurtle missing yet.” bending down, she picked up the key. “good to know he’s not off eating links now…”

or was he?


“here, help me deliver this,” yume sealed the envelope shut and held it up to divela, who took the letter with her beak and fluttered off. “wouldn’t hurt to ask for an extension, wouldn’t it.” she took a bite out of the mango in her other hand. “might as well get to working on the weekly again- why am i so tired…”

“well, we’ve just been running through thirteen cabins in their future state to chase down our mango culprit. who wouldn’t be exhausted from all that chasing?” yu popped a mango cube in her mouth. “mmmph, delicious.”

“but still, how was gurtle able to get all the mangoes to the future terminal? there’s no way he could do that all by himself, right? does that mean he knew about your time machine?” yume slammed her head against the keyboard. “i just have so many questions…”

“it’s okay, we’ll find out someday. hopefully by the end of the session. for now, your weekly seems like a pretty big priority if i do say so myself.”

yume felt the weight of the key in her pocket. this moment was sure to link to many more…

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door 3 ʚїɞ fairy tale academy

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5 ⋆ time and dedication - 284 words

ah, yes, so it was foreshadowing after all. might as well get it out there- i’m going back to my home country for the entirety of july, which means that I won’t be in est or edt, but rather gmt+8. you might be asking, “wouldn’t twelve whole hours ahead be really confusing for you, Yume?” don’t worry, I’ve been there ^^ I joined my first session of SWC back in that timezone after all, so it should be fine. ahh, nostalgia.

by now, you’re probably worried about the real concern. no, it isn’t about the daily update times. since this is still a vacation, i’d probably be a bit less active in activity completion than in usual sessions. I’ve had the idea of a travel log for months, so SWC and my trip overlapping make it the perfect occasion to put my plan to action. my current speculation is that i’ll be online for at least 1-2 hours per day during the session, but it really does vary depending on what I do that day. anywhere from 1-4 hours makes sense, since I am devoting to actively writing during the month.

as I’ve experienced, the real magic of SWC happens behind the curtains. well, most of it, at least. ; ) time to actually get to the point, since with this point stated. if I get accepted as a (co)leader, I will dedicate 3-4 hours of time to SWC. this is usually comprised of the time I have after I finish schoolwork for the day and impatient Yume checking scratch during school once in a while as well. I do lose access to my laptop sometime around 10 pm, once again depending on the day.

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6 ⋆ time management - 132 words

I’ll just put it out there- I’m definitely not perfect at time management. still, I try my best at prioritising tasks so I can get everything done on time with the best quality possible. I’m sure we’ve all been through procrastinating on weeklies or other large tasks- I know I have. yes, it often feels stressful to finish such a large portion of work at once, so one way I use is splitting up the workload, assigning an amount of time for each specific task and work towards finishing it within that time, so everything can be done for the day. of course, that also includes SWC activities, but as always, life > SWC. it couldn’t hurt to speedrun a few dailies, and perhaps a weekly or two, if time is sufficient, right? ; )

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door 4 ⬦ sekai
(or should i say swsekai? ;D)

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7 ⋆ cooperation - 211 words

as usual, starting with weaknesses. I’m a bit indecisive at times, which is why I usually finalise decisions with the others I’m working with. I get hesitant to share my ideas and opinions that I don’t think are good enough because of the worry that they’re indeed not good enough. what I’ve learned though, is that even if an idea doesn’t seem polished at first, putting it out there for your teammates to pitch in can help you get to something that everyone can agree on.

as for strengths, I take initiative on tasks, and try my best to complete assigned work with the highest quality possible within the time given. I do think I’m an understanding person, and take everyone’s opinions and ideas into account before making a decision, so that what we come up with is something we’re all happy about. getting everyone together is also important, so I often try to make conversations as natural as possible to get everyone engaged, and hopefully, create lasting bonds with each other. it’s hard, I know, but I believe that if someone’s willing to take that first step, whether it’s starting a conversation, or supporting a newly established collaboration, it can start a chain reaction that leads to a lot more.

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

8 ⋆ quality of a leader - 134 words

in my opinion, the most important trait in a leader, or any person in general, even, is compassion. you might ask, “why compassion out of absolutely everything else you could have said?” even though having patience with your teammates and having the flexibility to adapt when unexpected challenges arise are important traits amongst all others, no collaboration can go along smoothly if you don’t take the time to understand others’ opinions and feelings. this is important not only during brainstorming ideas and splitting up work, but also when it comes to conflicts related to scheduling and unforeseen circ*mstances that could affect the activity levels of your (co)leader or camper. after all, the need to focus on life outside camp is important, and you should never feel bad for taking care of yourself. <3

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ˖˚₊‧ ꒰ა ꄗ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˖ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

door 5 ⸙ epistolary letter terminal

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

9 ⋆ cabin atmosphere - 33 words

a supportive, welcoming place for you to work towards your goals with engaging activities and a hint of friendly competition in the mix, all while creating lasting bonds and memories within the cabin.

(200 characters)

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

10 ⋆ checkboxes + 3-part - 115 words

a. check all that apply:
| ✓ | i am applying for both leader and co-leader.
| | i am applying for co-leader only.
| ✓ | i’m willing to share a promotional project for SWC.

b. no, i’m confident that i can fulfill all the leadership responsibilities listed.

c. in the case of inactivity, I’ll inform the other leaders in my cabin in advance, as well as Moonlit, or the other hosts if needed, and help come up with a solution to work with for the time being. if someone in the team has to go offline for any reason, I’ll willingly fill in for them where possible. if it involves a (co)leader in a different cabin, I’ll reach out to them and see how I can be of help. I’ll also make sure to let the campers know beforehand and that they can continue to add words while I’m gone.

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ˖˚₊‧ ꒰ა ꄗ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˖ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

Last edited by yumetopia (May 17, 2024 22:41:55)

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (34)

#652May 17, 2024 03:34:41

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

“WHAT!?” I shout, setting my phone down on the table and running my fingers through my hair out of stress. “I just did a stupid thing and I couldn’t undo the stupid thing, so now I have to-"

“Whoa, calm down. It’s okay… Let’s work through this together, okay? We can do this, and we’ll make it better.”


(Inspired by me losing all of my application progress, so here’s a rushed <30 minute application!)

1. Hey hey hello, welcome to the Show! I’m Ember, your wonderful host! Don’t mind me, I just came from crying backstage, uhm… Anyways! Use any pronouns to refer to me, I honestly don’t care. Uh, spin a wheel, pick a card! I reside in the PST (or PDT) timezone, and I am a left handed artist who loves writing and reading. I’m a proud owner of a little universe of original characters and the Shadow and Bone trilogy. I WILL hold it up like ,y most prized possession ever, yes. I also love rhythm games!

2. Five sessions of SWC going on six! I have many co-leading experiences, one of my most notable experiences being co-leading an SRC cabin! I also co-led an SMC cabin back in April of last year, and have applied for SAC a couple of times. Uhm, I won’t get into the specifics about one time I applied, the story isn’t worth telling. But a fun fact that IS worth telling is that one of my original characters is named after a constellation! Bonus mangoes if you figure out which one!!!

3. I would say that my lowest of the low are any cabins I have already been in. TCTWNW is in its own little box, mostly because I love competitive cabins. Cabins I have no ideas for but made The List are Adventure, Hi-Fi, and Myth! Poetry, Tragedy, and The Cabin Who Must Not Be Named *COUGH COUGH* THr*ller… Made almost the top of the list! My top three are Folklore, Steampunk, and Bi-Fi! If the previous genre gets cut, feel free to replace it with… Poetry, Mystery, or Thr*ller, heheh.

4. “…Look, I don’t have time for this. Just tell me what happened…” I sigh, covering my microphone with my hand as I look at the empty stage.

“Oh, nothing TOO crazy. Just the fact that she’s IN THE AUDIENCE. You know who I’m talking about…”

“Are you serious.” I ask, clearly looking for confirmation. I bury my face into my hands, overwhelmed already.

“Hey, don’t worry.” He places a hand on my shoulder, they take a few deep breaths to try and let the weight off of my shoulders. I start laughing softly, feeling my face get all warm.

“You’re too sweet.”

5. Inactive Days: June 16th or 17th-20th
Possibility of July 16th (BIRTHDAY!!)

6. My worst enemy, the time management gods. I love procrastinating, but I will not let them take me down. I would definitely attempt to find a way to get around time zones when it comes to being paired with a (co)leader. Using a time zone converter and their schedule if they provide one, I’ll find my best hours and find a way to make it work!

7. When it comes to collaboration, I tend to bring a lot of ideas to the table. I can look at a genre and immediately think of a few ideas, they kind of just pop into my head. But negatives here! I’ve learned to not take all of the workload, an experience learned co-leading in May with a wonderful Book Dragon who is disguised as a Mouse(y <3).

8. A good quality of mine is either ideas or how I can listen to others and help them expand on their own idea. I can’t exactly find the word to describe this explanation but it definitely seems to explain it well. Apologies for the short response, it would be longer if I didn’t lose my progress.

9. I aim to create a relaxing but competitive and chaotic (in a good way) atmosphere which aims to help campers enjoy the experience of writing with individuals they can interact and the company of them. (200 EXACTLY!)

10A. I am applying for both leader an co-leader. I am also willing to share a promotional project for SWC to open the door for aspiring new writers in this area of Scratch! (THIS IS SO UNNECESSARILY FORMAL.)

10B. I believe I am capable of completing the leadership responsibilities stated in the FAQ.

10C. I’ll make sure to notify a host and my (co)leader if I am inactive, or they are.

#653May 17, 2024 05:23:51

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

piper’s swc july app text version <3 (total of 1,721 words including writing exerpt)

1. about me - 380

hello there ya'll! my name is piper, i use she/her pro-nouns, and i live in the pst/pdt timezone! <3a bit more about myself; i've been a catholic from birth and at the end of last april i actually celebrated my confirmation which felt absolutely incredible! i'm also very active in my youth group and i hope to next year be come a youth leader! another one of my biggest hobbies is musical theater! i've been doing theater since i was 8 years old and in that time have performed in 10 shows! some of my favorite roles i've performed are fiona in shrek and captain hook in peter pan! some of my favorite musicals to watch/listen to are ride the cyclone (i just got into that recently so i'd love to discuss it if any of you know it <3), legally blonde, and EPIC (yes ik that's a concept album but it still counts xD). as for writing, i LOVE writing and i have been writing since i was probably in 4th or 5th grade. i started out writing some pretty ridiculous stories (as i think we all did as kids lol) and the first actual story i wrote that i felt was really good was probably a fanfic i wrote over COVID! i'm also homeschooled and currently attend a private hybrid program that allows me to go on campus twice a week and complete the rest of my work at home. this semester i also got the opportunity to take a community college english/compositon class with the dual-enrollment program which has been SO FUN! (my writing exerpt is actually an assignment from that class hehe). in addition to writing i LOVE reading; i've been a huge bookworm for basically my entire life haha. some of my favorite books include hunger games, divergent, between shades of grey, and the red queen series! my favorite genres are dystopian, fantasy and hi-fe <3 i'm always looking for new book recs so if you have any i would love to hear them! i participate in a lot of scratch camps (i've been in several sessions of swc, sac and src, probably others and i currently host jwc (w/ em + ris) and camp galatians (w/ kenzie, sienna, pepper and lily)!

2. previous experience - 325 words

i've participated in several scratch camps before. i believe (if i didn't forget anything) i've been a part of swc 6 times (4 times as a camper, 2 as a co-leader), sec 2 time s (1 time as a camper, 1 as a leader), sac 3 times (all as a camper), jwc 3 times (once as a leader, 2 times as a host), and src 4 times (once as a leader and 3 times as a camper).

as for offline leadership, i've been a part of girls scouts since kindergarten which has given me plenty of opportunities for leadership experience. specifically; i've been a girl scout cookie captain for 4 years. as a cookie captain me and my team of other captains went to new daisy &/or brownie troops (girls who had never sold girl scout cookies before) and taught them the basics of selling. to do this we planned different activities (such as bingo to learn their cookie flavors or role playing activities to practice their cookie pitches). in addition, i was a girl scout national council delegate which meant that i was representing my council at the girl scout national convention. as a delegate, i collected information from the girls in my council so that me and the other delegates could accurately represent our council during voting at ncs (national council session). this was a good opportunity as i got to practice my coordination, planning and public speaking skills; it was such a fun experience. one last girl scout leadership experience is that i was a cit (counselor in training) for 4 years. as a cit at camp, i was working under one of the counselors and was put in charge of a group of campers; i made sure that they had their ideas for camp heard and that they were all safe and having a good time. i also planned and led several activities on my own as part of my training.

3. cabin preferences -96 words

i'm pretty much alright with leading any cabin, but some ideas that i have for genres i would enjoy leading would be

script: i would definitely make it musical themed, either having campers working towards landing a broadway audition or working on completing a show
fantasy: i think i would make it themed around a sort of fairy garden or mythical forest as i feel like that's a really fun theme to explore with the campers

i will definitely flesh out these ideas and others much
more if i am to be accepted with my co-leaders

4. writing excerpt - 381 words

the following is an exceprt from my final essay for my community college class; which was about bluey <3 (i love college sm because this like the best assignment i've ever gotten)

“Bluey” has often been applauded for the diversity they show in their cast of characters. They show children with different disabilities and different family dynamics, giving more children a chance to see themselves in the show. For example, in the episode “Fairies” we are introduced to Bluey’s friend and next-door neighbor Judo and her mom, Wendy. Later on in the episode “Ragdoll” we learn that Wendy is a single parent and it is implied Judo doesn’t always live with her, suggesting that maybe Judo is a child of divorced parents with shared custody. There are also two other former single parents in “Bluey”. These two being Winton’s dad, Cornelius, (who we meet in the episode “Markets” and learn is divorced in the episode “Helicopter”) and the Terriers mom, unnamed, (who we meet in “TV Shop”). We learn the Terrier’s mom was a single parent until it is shown she has started a relationship with Cornelius, giving “Bluey” its first official blended family. This representation is so important in children’s TV, as it gives children who grow up in these kinds of families someone to look to and realize that there are other kids just like them. As for diversity among the children, there are two main episodes to discuss here. The first of these is “Turtleboy”, in which we meet a new character named Dougie. Dougie is deaf and is shown throughout the episode communicating with his mom using Auslan, Australian Sign Language. This portrayal not only adds diversity to the show's cast but also educates viewers about Auslan and the experiences of deaf individuals. By including characters like Dougie, “Bluey” promotes inclusivity and empathy among its young audience, fostering a more understanding and accepting society. In addition, Bingo and Dougie (despite never meeting each other) play very similar games despite Dougie being deaf, the show demonstrates that children, regardless of their abilities, share common interests and can engage in activities in similar ways.
This portrayal challenges stereotypes and assumptions about how children with disabilities interact and play. It also emphasizes that inclusion isn't about treating individuals with differences as separate, but rather acknowledging their similarities and shared experiences. By showcasing Dougie and Bingo playing similar games, “Bluey” reinforces the idea that everyone deserves equal opportunities for fun, play, and friendship.

5. time + dedication - 105 words

i do have a couple of camps and things in june (during planning) and a little bit during july when camp is happening. in june i will be going to church camp from the 17-21 (i will have minimal access to my phone if any, so i will not be able to do much planning). in july, i have girl scout camp in the morning (9-1) from the 8-12 & theater camp (also 9-1) from 15-19. other than those camps i do not have much that is currently planned for the summer and i should be able to dedicate 2-4 hours a day on planning + participating

6. time management - 108 words

i will be the first to admit that my time management skills are something that i am actively working on improving. oftentimes i switch between hyperfocusing on a task or forgetting about it for a couple of days. what i have found works for me to help me try and combat this issue is planning out my day; which i have started to do. as i have began to plan i have seen my time management improve a little bit.
so ultimately, while i am still working on my time management skills, i am improving at being able to focus and commit to finishing a task on time.

7. collaboration - 162 words

i do think that i am quite good at working with others. i've had a lot of expierence working with others during girl scout events and school projects. i do my very best to make sure that everybody on my team is heard and gets to have input on the things that we are planing as i have had expeirences where teams to not take my ideas/voice into consideration and i want to ensure that everyone else i work with can help with decisions.

one of my shortcomings is probably trying to involve everyone in everything that we do, which isn't always the best course of action since it leads to people having a lot on their plates. what i'm trying to get better at is making sure that nobody is taking on too many things (including myself, since i often take on a lot of roles in planning). i think i've gotten better at it even though i'm still working.

8. leadership quality - 77 words

one quality i value most in a leader is empathy. empathy allows leaders to understand and connect with their team members on a deeper level, leading to stronger relationships, better communication, and increased morale. as a leader, i will embody empathy by actively listening to my team members' concerns, acknowledging their perspectives, and taking their feelings into consideration when making decisions. i will strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels heard and valued.

9. cabin atmosphere - 31 words, 195 characters

i aim to create an easygoing atmosphere in my cabin that is geared towards improving camper's writing abilities while still fostering healthy competition to motivate campers to do their very best

10. checkboxes, responsibilities, inactivity (56 words)

a) i am applying for both, i am willing to share a promotional project
b) no, i can complete all the responsibilities that are listed in the FAQ
c) in case of myself needing to become inactive, i will make sure to alert the hosts and my cabin (co)leaders. if anyone else goes inactive, i will alert the hosts and try to reassign their responsibilities, or get another leader if needed

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw
Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (37)

#654May 17, 2024 06:44:46

34 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Lemon's Leader Application

1. About me
Hi! My name is Emily, however
I also go by Lemon or Clementine
I am currently 11, however by the Time SWC
starts, I will be 12. I live in Eastern Australia,
meaning my Timezone is AEST. Currently I'm
working on 2 books, however they are quite
dark, so I figure I shouldn't describe them.
My favourite music artist is Cavetown, and
I love the song ‘Lemon Boy’. Anyhow, since
I've been working on my writing I'm hoping
to be either a leader or a co-leader for the
July SWC session.

2. Prior experience
I have participated in SWC as a camper in every
session since the November 2021 session.
In the many times I've auditioned for
a leader position I have not been accepted.
Despite this, I do have writing
experience as I've gone to workshops
(school-run/sponsored), and I
am a member of my school's Reading and
Writing club. Leadership wise, I have led a few
Scratch camps, such as SMC, and AAC, but I
haven't led since 2023, I do still lead my school
group projects often. Overall, I have quite a bit
of experience.

3. Cabin preference
I would be 100% on board with (co)leading
the Cabin that will not win. However I wouldn't
mind any cabin Some preferences would be
Fantasy or folklore, where I do have a few ideas!
For fantasy, it could be ‘Fantasy Realms’ in which
campers attempt to meet some challenges in
order to gain keys, that allow them to
find a new dimension/realm! For folklore, it
could be the folklore library, where the campers
could be searching for a book with the way
out of the library, by completing challenges
they can find the way out.

4. Writing excerpt
When the virus started Stacy didn’t know what
to expect. All she could do is hold her little
brother as the 8-year-old trembled in her arms.
“Stacy! Mumma is sick!” The boy cried out. After
hearing this, Stacy would’ve run to her mother
and hugged her, but she knew why her Mum was
sick, the virus.
Years later, she was holding a girl, no older than
14, both of them sobbing in their shared bunker.
“Darling, Clementine, she chose to save you. It’s
your fault, it never has been.” Stacy sighed. If
Clementine Sandy got infected, she’d never
forgive herself, and that meant she had to be a
safe person for the girl. The virus destroyed both
of their families, they only had each other, and
if staying together meant having to isolate from
humanity, if you could even call it that, she
was willing to do it.

5. Time dedication
I will be able to dedicate around 2 hours a day
(Weekdays) and another 4 hours on
weekends! There isn't anything other than
school that should affect my activity. On a
scale of 1-10, I'd say my activity would be
around an 8/10, which I'd say is pretty

6. Time management
I'd say I have pretty good time management
skills, I have to get lots of school
assignments done, so I have quite
a bit of experience with staying on top of
things. Though I do sometimes have a
bit of forgetfulness when it comes to
certain things! Thankfully I set reminders
and my memory has become a
lot better over time.

7. Teamwork
I'm quite strong in my collaboration
skills, but I do tend to take charge
by accident, something that I'm working
on stopping but other than that I can work well
in groups! I easily can listen to others ideas,
and can take them into consideration. I find
teamwork to be one of my best character
strengths. Combined with my ability
to bring new ideas to the picture,
I'd say I'm someone who's pretty good
in teams.

8. Values
When it comes to leading a cabin
I'd say my main values are
trust, kindness, and respect, mainly I
think respect, as it implies
almost all of those. To go with this I would probably
only befriend people who I can trust, and I
definitely believe everyone deserves to be
treated with respect. I personally think I
embody this trait already, because I attempt to
treat everyone with respect, by being open to
ideas, conversations and just general politeness.
Though, I hope that one day I can be better than
I currently am.

9. Cabin atmosphere
I strive to create a cabin atmosphere that is
competitive, chaotic, yet somewhat laid back,
allowing campers to enjoy themselves.

10. Multi-part

I am applying for both a leader and co-leader position
I am willing to post a promotional project for SWC
I should be able to complete all of the
leader requirements!

I am sure that I won't go inactive, but
if for some sudden reason I do, I will be
able to contact the other leaders, allowing
them to know what to do, and alerting
people. I'd also attempt to complete what I
could before going inactive.

Last edited by Cherryblossom211 (May 17, 2024 06:47:58)

Hiii I'm Emily and I like bees and I’m happyScratch - Imagine, Program, Share (39)

#655May 17, 2024 07:42:39

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Hi there <3 I’m Amethyst (she/her), and I’m a Christian Australian AEST-er. I’ve been interested in writing ever since I was introduced to it 7 years ago, and have adored this website for 6 years, spanning many accounts and far-too-many embarrassing attempts at coding a game.

Question 2 – SECRET LIGHT
I have been in 5 sessions so far. Last session, I was a member of the memory book committee, panelist, and co-leading the epic Fairy Tales alongside absolutely incredible Alana and awesome Sienna. This session, I am part of the daily team coordinators – people who decide upon, and construct the dailies and weeklies to be used in July. I won the Juniors category for SWC two sessions ago, and I also held a major leader role in my old school at the same time. I have also been in many irl writing camps, but unfortunately, cabin wars does not exist in those Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (41)

Question 3 – Willow
Although I love a variety of genres, I would like to steer clear of TCTWNW, and any themes in the likes of Horror and Bizzaro Fiction. Cabins such as Tragedy, Thriller and Mystery are all fine, though. If in doubt, please ask in the comments – I’ll be happy to answer ^^

Fairy Tales last session was incredible – so much fun, so much collaboration, and the end result was well-worth it. But the storyline was also super complicated, and now that I am in a variety of other commitments within SWC, I would prefer a cabin that’s storyline doesn’t require excessive, hours-a-day planning. I am totally fine with a storyline that has some depth or complexity – in fact, I revel in those kinds of cabins. If you are unsure of what this means, please let me know <3

Question 4 – Golden Wasteland
Tihati was the first one to spot Ocean. It perked up, its spearhead glimmering softly in the morning sun, and started twirling excitedly around Michelle. “Is that it?” whispered Mel, pointing towards the horizon.
Atlas narrowed his eyes against the sunlight. Something reflected off to him, something grey, and big, and wide. That can’t be Ocean. Ocean is meant to be blue, with lots of little rivers and bridges…
But as they approached, Atlas realised how very wrong he was.
Ocean wasn’t a lakeland of water and land. It was an endless, neverending expanse of grey, restlessly tumbling and running and sliding everywhere. Little white pebbles clung onto the edges of each sheet of water, snaring around each wave before scattering into a million tiny pieces.
Michelle’s eyes, haunting and black, narrowed. Her jaw clenched, but she remained silent.
“Are we… waiting for something?”
Crabs scuttled across the shallow water. Red eyes glimmered softly at them, but they didn’t slow down. They disappeared beneath the darkness of the water.
Rhea unsteadily held her spear in front of her, her hands shaking like leaves in the wind. A gale swooped down on them, and Atlas shivered. The triumph at reaching their destination was starting to fade away.
But finally, Michelle said something.
“Tihati,” she murmured in the old language. “Search for Olex.”
The spear launched itself into the air, travelling so fast it was barely a blur. Water rushed away from it, as though fearing it, and Tihati left water dividing behind it. Michelle sighed, but she didn’t seem too worried.
“Michelle, who’s Olex?”
Again, she stubbornly refused to answer.
The sun had nearly climbed to the top of the sky by the time Tihati returned. It spun around Michelle excitedly, wiggling and trembling, as it pointed towards the horizon.
“Olex is coming?” Michelle asked. The Qaret jerked its spearhead in a motion that meant yes. “Well, that’s… relieving.”
A blot appeared against the sun. A little shape hovering– no, on the water. Atlas gasped, but Michelle didn’t react at all.
The blot grew into a dot, then distinct features started to jump out - the hull of the boat, oars pumping through the water, the waves that rolled against the wood.

Question 5 – History Things
Tying back to Question 3, I would rather not spend more than 2 hours a weekday exclusively on the cabin planning and making. Although I am totally fine with going over this limit a few times throughout the planning stages, and a few times throughout the camp (especially on days like cabin wars and the first few days), I’m hoping I won’t need to allocate more than 2 hours just to plan.

Again, I absolutely LOVE planning, but I noticed my schedule was getting super cramped last year and I was spending time on SWC when I should’ve been doing homework (cue desperately doing homework last minute). This limit is totally fine to be stretched to 4 hours on weekends, although I doubt that there will be enough to dedicate that much time without finishing whatever I’m working on. I will be going to a real (gasp?) camp for 4 days in July, where we are not permitted to take electronics.

Although this is unfortunate, I would be more than happy to take a pen and paper and brainstorm or work on the weeklies and dailies in my free time there, as well as brainstorm or work on writing something in SWC. No camp will ever be better than SWC >Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (42)

Question 6 – TLDR
Alas, time management. I run on the do-things-you-don’t-want-to-do-first schedule. You know how you eat the stuff you don’t like first so you can savor the delicious things without worrying about having to eat the stuff you don’t like– oh? You don’t understand the analogy? (frankly I don’t blame you. The only person I’ve ever seen do this is my dad. Lol i wonder where my analogy came from)
Essentially, I like doing the annoying things – the stuff I don’t want to do, or dislike doing – so I can enjoy being able to do the things I enjoy, without, well, feeling guilty. This analogy unfortunately does not translate over to the more urgent things – just things I dislike more. So, instead of working on that weekly which is due tomorrow, let’s work on the homework that is due next week – after all, I love doing weeklies and dailies, but homework is *ugh*. It’s the literal definition of a double-edged sword.

TLDR; I do things I dislike or don’t want to do before things I enjoy, however I will do the thing I dislike ASAP.

Question 7 – LYRICS
Strengths: I love people, especially SWC-ers. I’d consider myself an extrovert without much social anxiety – the one my friends ask to talk to strangers for them. I have no problem being direct but polite about my intentions. I revel in making canvas and writing… well, anything. I’m also super passionate about SWC, as you may be able to tell from the things I signed up for whilst I was co-leader last session. As a co, I will definitely do more than what I’m asked to do, simply because I enjoy doing it!
Weaknesses: Relating to my time management point, if things are fun, I will push them back to do the not-so-fun things first! I find working on canva and designing things super fun, so I won’t work on that before getting the gritty stuff done.

Question 8 – koko
I believe that engagement is one of the most important leadership qualities there is. If a person doesn’t have a passion or isn’t willing to do their part, the productivity of the entire team drops drastically. Although I do have trouble with valuing what’s most urgent over what’s more enjoyable, I will always try my hardest to do the least enjoyable things as quickly as I can if there is something more enjoyable that is also more urgent.

Question 9 – writing
The atmosphere that I aim to create is a competitive and supportive cabin. A cabin that cares for, uplifts and encourages fellow campers in times of low motivation is the best kind.

Question 10 – watercolour
A: I am applying for only co-leader. I am willing to share a promotional video for SWC.
B: I can complete all of these leadership responsibilities. The only issue would be a 3 night camp in the middle of July, in which I will only have 2 days cut off entirely from SWC.
C: In the case of inactive leadership done by others, I will be more than happy to step in and cover for them until they return. If they do not come back within a timeframe that can be discussed between the two of us, we could take a look at other leader applications and choose a (co)leader to step in until they return. If I am the one causing inactivity without notice, it is almost certain that there is something preventing Internet use entirely. Although it would be worthwhile to check if there are any power outages in Australia (which rarely happens), it would be great if it is decided to allow another person to take my role until I return.

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (43)

#656May 17, 2024 14:10:53

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Willow's Leader Application Forum Version - July 24

About Me
Hey there! I’m Willow, an Aussie-Malay teen who is constantly lost in melodies of music, or words printed on the pages of books! I use she/her pronouns and live in the Australian Eastern Standard Timezone (AEST).

After falling in love with the art of reading at a young age, I was quickly lost in the world of writing. A place where I could make all my thoughts and ideas come to life. Some of my all-time favourite books are The Hunger Games, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Schindler’s Ark, Chain of Gold and The Inheritance Games. These books have been the main inspiration for me to read, and continue writing! The genres I write in (not limited to) are Dystopian, Poetry, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Sci-Fi and Romance.

When I’m not reading or writing, I’m listening to music. I listen to it every single day with my AirPods—which I never go anywhere without. I’m currently listening to it right now, whilst writing this. Music is one of my favourite things, even since I was young when I used to sing Disney tunes, but now I listen to Billie Eilish (I’m going to the HMHAS tour so I’m so excited!!), Lana del Rey, Renee Rapp, Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams and Sabrina Carpenter. Along with listening to music, I enjoy playing the trombone, an instrument I’ve learnt since I was 9, I also self-teach myself Bass Guitar, Guitar and Piano.

As well as the things listed above I love art, another form of expressing creativity. This session, I’m planning to write a Poem a day. This is a challenge I’ve set to fulfil my goal of writing a Poetry Book!

It’s a pleasure to meet you if I haven’t already! I’m truly excited for this next session!

This upcoming session will mark my 14th session! I feel so old…

Here is a summary of all the sessions I've participated in, new to old.
March 2024 - Tragedy - Co-Leader (daily team)
November 2023 - Steampunk - Co-Leader (daily team)
July 2023 - Illu-Fi - Camper (late signup)
March 2023 - Sci-Fi - Co-Leader (MBC)
November 2022 - Fan-Fiction - Leader (MBC)
July 2022 - Fan-Fiction - Co-Leader (MBC, Workshop Writer)
March 2022 - Mythology - Camper
November 2021 - Poetry - Camper
July 2021 - Fairy Tales - Camper
March 2021 - Dystopian - Camper
November 2020 - Adventure - Camper (old account for the rest <3)
November 2019 - July 2020 - Inactive Camper/Records Lost
I remember one of my favourite sessions as a camper, it was Dystopian 2021, I’ve referred to this session a lot as the session that inspired me to continue SWC. Birdi, Mira and Vienna led it and did a fantastic job. The storyline was a work of art and encouraged campers to create friendships and memories. And boy, did I create memories. I’ll never forget it.

Skipping forward, to my first session as a co-leader. I co-lead alongside, Wari, Katie and Hope. The Fan-Fi Republic was more than a cabin, it was a community from constantly being at war with Poetry >Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (45) to creating Fan-fi-themed parodies to deck the halls, I learnt so much about leading. And would do anything to go back to it <33.

My most recent session was amazing, I co-led tragedy with Em and River. We didn’t make it out of the woods, I mean I disappeared into the woods, but the others didn’t make it out… regardless trying to escape with y’all was so fun. Cabin Wars especially, where river sent so many wars it’s crazy… but it was so fun.

Outside of SWC, I participate in other camps such as SRC (2x Host, 3x Leader), SAC (Co-host, 2x Leader), JWC (1x Leader), SNC (1x Host, 1x Leader, 1x Co-leader) and a few other scratch camps.

Outside of scratch, I have held roles such as class captain, band captain, student rep, and debate team leader. In terms of writing, I've achieved awards such as a High Distinction in writing (top 1% of AUS), currently, I am enrolled in the highest-level English class and shared the spot for the highest grade in English with another person. I am also a part of a charity for my school and help the school with charity work.

Before listing my actual cabin ideas/storylines. I’ll list my preferences to make it easier to follow etc.

Regardless of being a co or leader, I do not mind which cabin I get to put in, whilst I do have preferences they are not strict in any way. I am quite flexible and will be able to adapt to whatever cabin I receive if I am accepted. Continuing, my preferences would be (in order); Poetry, Mythology, Dystopian, Folklore, Classics and Solarpunk.

Now it’s time for cabin themes and storylines…

Let me just put this out here… Poetry could be the Tortured Poets Department. The storyline would revolve around the department of course, but something would happen. For example, the chairperson going missing (one of the leaders) and there are clues as to who took them through poems or lyrics. Personally, I love this idea and would love to make it happen.

For folklore and mythology, I would love to further explore folklore and myths around the world and use them for storyline. One for mythology that I would love to further unpack would be Pandora’s box. Having someone open it, and then it releases all sorts of challenges that the campers would have to work together to complete. I would also love to create a storyline using Australian ‘dreamtime’ stories.

Dystopian would centre around a storyline locked in a vault. Not a money-keeping vault, but a vault filled with people who are said to restart civilization after the world is bombed. Taking inspiration from ‘Fallout’, the experiment of this vault would be something about writing or even something more dystopian-like, with the citizens believing weird and obscure things. The campers, of course, will have to find out what is happening as the (co)leaders aren’t helping them.

Finally, to give my opinions about TCTWNW, I am open to (co)leading in this cabin. However, It is not that high up on my list and would prefer to have a cabin with a competitive aspect and one with a storyline I planned above.



June and July are pretty much vacant months for me. Both are partially in school holidays for me, and I will not be going on any holidays or road trips at this time, meaning I am able to dedicate a good amount of time to SWC.

June takes place at the end of my current school term. I've checked my assessment calendar, and all the assessments are due at the end of May or the first few days of June. I know that this will not affect my capabilities in any way. The rest of the school term will be quite relaxed, and I can plan efficiently without any obstacles that could cause me not to fulfil my duties as a (co)leader. I will also be able to check messages on scratch at school, which will enable me to respond quickly. One thing that I do have, is Scratch Art Camp, as I just started as a co-host in the camp, although this won’t be the first session where I balance more than one camp, I believe I can do both.

July takes place in the last half of my holidays, although I do have one full-day band rehearsal in the final week of my holidays, this will not affect my activity on SWC at all. July continues into the start of my school term, where it will be relaxed as I will have no assessments.

Both months are pretty chill for me. With the occasional full-day event, nothing else will disrupt me from fulfilling responsibilities and jobs. If anything important or disruptive does occur, my first thought will be to reach out to the hosts and/or my leader.

With prior experience, I know and have experienced the responsibilities and the time you need to dedicate to becoming a leader or co-leader. I can actively ensure that I can carry out and fulfil these responsibilities to the best of my ability.

Time Management
After reflecting on past sessions, I’ve gained a more detailed understanding of where my shortcomings and skills lie in terms of time management.

Firstly, I sometimes delve from the task at hand. Whether it’s moving to a different task or just not doing it and going onto an entertainment app. However, this doesn’t typically happen to scratch camps-related tasks, more so school-related tasks, and I would be switching to a scratch-related task. But in case, I start to do it for scratch-related tasks, I’ve set a plan in place for me to avoid this. At the start of June, my sister will create a screen-time password for me, which blocks all games on my phone and laptop so even if I find myself switching to a game I will not be able to, even if I want to. One more shortcoming is that I can procrastinate like I set deadlines for myself but fail to complete things by the deadline. Not really for assignments and school stuff but for scratch things. I believe this is caused by my first shortcoming, so I do know how to ‘tackle’ this. By making sure I stay on task, I will be able to efficiently complete the tasks at hand, and complete SWC-related tasks quicker and by the deadline.

One of my main skills in time management is the ability to prioritise tasks from urgent to least important. I can efficiently discern which tasks need more attention than others and will be able to identify them and attend to them quickly. (I did learn this from a past SWC workshop which was super cool :0.) Another skill I have is completing tasks in short time frames with maximum effort. After having loads of band rehearsals and co-curriculars I’ve learnt to be able to complete tasks quickly with lots of effort, and without it being rushed and ending up a mess. This would especially be helpful in settings such as the Daily Team, MBC and any leadership task with a short time frame in general.

Strengths and Weaknesses in Collaboration
I am flexible in my approach to collaboration, and I can change my communication style and methods to suit the needs and preferences of different team members. This reflects one of my strongest strengths, adaptability, whether it is facing a small issue in the cabin’s leadership team or just something that may cause a ‘bump’ in our road. I can quickly adapt to this situation, by guiding the team around it and creating plans on how we can approach it.

Another strength I possess is active listening - I focus on comprehending the opinions and ideas of my team members before expressing my insights. This guarantees that everyone feels appreciated and heard, leading to more effective teamwork. Additionally, I am great at asking clarifying questions to acquire deeper insights into my team's opinions.

Being located in the AEST timezone can occasionally provide issues in working with team members in different time zones. While I endeavour to accommodate varied schedules and preferences, there may be cases where scheduling issues develop or communication is delayed due to time zone variations. However, I am proactive in identifying methods to reduce these issues, such as defining clear communication norms, employing asynchronous collaboration technologies, and being flexible with meeting times to accommodate multiple time zones.

In fast-paced collaborative scenarios, I sometimes find myself focusing more on the overall picture rather than the finer details. While this allows me to retain momentum and drive projects forward, it can occasionally result in forgetting tiny aspects that are vital to project success. To remedy this problem, I am planning to use measures such as regular checkpoints and regular team discussions on topics to guarantee that all elements of a project receive the proper attention and inspection.

I bring an effective combination of empowerment and strategic judgment to the team. Believing strongly in empowering others, I create an environment where team members are encouraged to take ownership of their work, grow professionally, and contribute their unique talents to our joint success. Alongside this, my strategic thinking skills help me to envision long-term goals, devise effective plans, and adapt strategies in response to evolving obstacles. By empowering individuals within the team and aligning our efforts with a well-defined plan, I ensure that we not only achieve our immediate objectives but also position ourselves for sustainable growth and success in the long run.

To me one of the most important qualities a leader must have is humility. Here’s a quick definition for those who want more knowledge on it: leaders with humility recognize their limitations and actively seek input and feedback from others. They prioritise the success of the team over personal glory and are quick to give credit where it's due.

I value this quality as I believe all leaders should embody it, this quality not only helps enhance their co-leader’s experience but the entire camp itself. But what is humility in a leader? Leaders with humility acknowledge when they do not know the answer to something. Additionally, they're open about their areas for growth and readily admit when they don't know something, and work to improve. They are open to feedback as they demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and create a culture of learning within their cabin.

In terms of enhancing the experience of others, leaders with this quality are quick to give credit to anyone who helps if something is successful, building trust and loyalty among the leadership team. They prioritise the needs and goals of the team above their ambitions or goals. Even if it means stepping back on a task if someone else’s skill suits that task more than themselves. This selflessness fosters a culture of collaboration and cooperation, where everyone feels invested in the team's success.

Most importantly, humble leaders lead by example, embodying the values of humility. They demonstrate humility not as a sign of weakness but as a strength, inspiring others and creating a culture of mutual respect and support.

This session I am actively going to work to be an example of humility. Following the examples I listed above, I am striving to embody all of them. Firstly, by getting to know my (co)leaders and campers. Learning their values, and their beliefs, building trust and friendship in the cabin. Being open to critique, and accepting if I make mistakes and then work to make it right or improve just like in my cabin atmosphere. Finally, stepping back if I need to, no matter what.

Cabin Atmosphere
is a place where campers will flourish and grow, where improvement is valued, and new friendships and memories are created, mixed with just the right amount of competitiveness. (184 characters)

To fully represent the atmosphere, I wish to make the cabin I will (co)lead to be inclusive, a home for campers. A community where campers shouldn’t be afraid to share opinions and talk to others. Whilst a competitive aspect is valued, I will encourage campers to improve and practice. This could be done by offering a cabin-wide critique system of some sort. To continue, I also wish for this cabin to have an interactive storyline, which could support the above two values or contribute to the community aspect of the cabin – so that friendships and memories are created.

3 Part Question
I am applying for both leader and co-leader
I am applying for only co-leader
I am willing to share a promotional project for SWC
There are not any responsibilities that I will not be able to guarantee, as always I will be sure to contact a host and/or my leader if this changes. The likelihood of this however is very slim.
In the case of inactive leadership by myself, I will be sure to tell the hosts if this ever happens, I will not go inactive without any prior warning, and I will always make sure to let the hosts know. If not I will let another leader or one of my cos know so that they can tell the hosts if I am unable to do so myself.

In the case of inactive leadership of another, such as my leader, I will alert the hosts if they do not already know. As shown in November ‘22, my leader went inactive and I was able to step up and persevere through this complication. I will do this again if the same issue reoccurs, I have already been through this type of situation, and I will know what to do. Of course, checking in with the hosts every step of the way, to prevent overstepping and to keep them updated with the situation at hand.

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”

#657May 17, 2024 16:37:43

New to Scratch
4 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

BurntFlapjack wrote:

Jackie's SWC leader app
It won't let me edit because I'm using a new account Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (47)

My SWC Leader Application
What is Girlguiding?
Girlguiding (also known as girl scouts) is a charity that was set up as the female equivalent of scouts and was started in 1909 when Scouts refused to allow girls to join. Girlguiding has five sections: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Senior selection. I have been doing Girlguiding for as long as I can remember so it has become a big part of my life and taught me many valuable skills. For my SWC leader application I have decided to theme it around the different badges you can earn as a guide. Enjoy!

About me
My name is Jackie, I use she/they pronouns and my time zone is BST.I love writing short stories and reading dystopian and mystery books. I am currently reading Escape which is the second book of the Territory trilogy. However, I think my writing is also influenced by books like The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna. In my free time, I sometimes play guitar - but not very well! I also do a few clubs during my spare time including Girlguiding, cricket and community theatre. At my community theatre we recently did a variety show and I sang a solo of “Swing low, sweet chariot”. I really enjoyed this and it helped me build my confidence.

[b]Have you previously participated in SWC?
I have previously participated in SWC on a different account (blu3coder) but I have never been a leader. In July 2021, I first started participating in SWC and I was in Adventure. However, due to things returning to normal after the pandemic, I took a break from scratch to focus on school. When I returned in July of last year I was a camper in Script Circus. My most recent session of SWC was in November when I was in illustrated fiction.

I have also been in a number of scratch camps other than SWC. My favourite out of these has to be SRC. It really inspired me to try new genres of books and to make reading a habit again. I was in the utopian sanctuary and tall tales treehouse.

Outside of scratch, I am my patrol leader at girlguiding, which entails organising activities and helping new members of the group feel welcome. In addition, I am my class captain at school which means I have had to lead class assemblies and voice the views of my class. I also have writing experience as I used to go to the creative writing club at school and I sometimes submit stories to school competitions.

Which cabins would you prefer to lead?
My first preference for cabins is script. For this I am planning it to be themed around a group of actors working at The Globe Theatre during Shakespeare's time. The rewards system will be lines and campers would have to “memorise lines” in time for opening night by completing tasks. There would also be mini storyline events where campers have to collaborate and write something to fix a problem in the Globe.

Another idea I have for a cabin is for Myth. In Myth the storyline will follow campers around the labyrinth. When campers reach a certain word goal, we will vote for which direction we should go next in the labyrinth and then there will be a task that campers must complete to face the danger in the labyrinth. At the end of camp campers will face the minotaur and have to collaborate to write a story.

I would also consider leading Lyric and the storyline of all the campers being “on tour”. Each week there will be individual activities based on an artist that is currently touring ( e.g. Taylor Swift or Olivia Rodrigo). Then on the last week the campers will collaborate to write a song for their own tour!

Apart from these I wouldn’t mind leading any of the cabins apart from realistic fiction, non-fiction or romance because I do not usually write or read in these genres. However, I would prefer not to lead the cabin that will not win as I find the competition aspect of SWC motivates me to write more. I would also prefer not to lead non-fiction or real-fi because I am not very experienced in these genres.

Writing excerpt

“Are you excited for today?”, my mother asked as she carefully sewed together a rip in my long white dress. “I remember my first ceremony so clearly now, I can’t have been more than a year older than you”

“I’m not sure I want to do this, it doesn’t feel right ”, I whispered.

“Come on darling, it's tradition for every girl here,”she replied as she finished sewing my dress. “All done, hurry up they’ll be waiting for you”

I took a deep breath and started to walk towards a towering, stone church that was so tall it could be a stepping stone to the sky. On either side of the church were two porcelain figures: on the left stood a divine woman holding an angel's wings and on the right was a man weeping on his knees. No one in the village knows much about the church but legend says that it fell from heaven with a book of commandments.

Arthur - my younger brother - stood at the door, “I’m scared”

“I know, just promise me you won’t look”

“I promise” , he said as he grabbed my hand and we walked into the church.

All the pews were cramped with women and their young children. As we walked further down the aisle, a deafening silence fell upon the crowd. I walked up to the stone slab at the front of the church and Arthur sat on the nearest pew. I’m doing the right thing, I thought to myself, there is no other way. After a moment, a priest emerged from the same door. Behind him was a boy not much older than me, I never knew his name and I never will. The boy lay down on the cold stone slab and the priest began to read.

“Commandment 121, the world must be cleansed so it will be pure once once more”
The priest chanted, handing me a blade.

A scream echoed around the church as crimson drowned my white dress.

Plans and activity

At the end of July I am going on holiday. However, I will make time to update the word count and complete any dailies. I do not remember the exact dates for this but I can give them if needed. I am still in school until the middle of July so I will have to fit in time to complete homework. Apart from this, I should have plenty of time to keep up to date with SWC. Everyday I aim to spend around an hour and a half on SWC and if I am not able to login one day, I will make sure to notify my co-leaders in advance.

Time Management
Currently I have to admit that I am a bit of a procrastinator. I tend to put off tasks until the last minute and I get distracted easily. However, I do have ways to improve. The first way I make sure work is done is by setting mini deadlines and reminders on my phone to create a sense of urgency. To stop myself getting distracted, I have space in my room that I associate with writing. In addition, I find it easier to complete things that I feel passionate about and SWC is definitely one of those things.

Working with others
Working with others is something that is more daunting than working on my own but I often find that I enjoy being in a team a lot more due getting to hear a wide variety of different opinions and you often see the best side of people when working in a team.

One of my strengths in a team is that I speak my mind and I share my ideas with others. In a group, I am usually the one who is able to organise the group. In the past this has involved making sure everyone has a part to play or deciding the best times to work on the project.

At the moment, I’d say my greatest weakness when working in a team is decision making because it can take me a while to decide on an idea. However, I will not let this impact camp as I can always consult either a (co)leader or the campers help me decide.

I struggled to pick one trait for this question. I was torn between creativity or compassion. Eventually I chose creativity because it can mean so many different things.

A creative leader will be able to think outside the box to find innovative solutions to problems that others would struggle with. Working creatively will mean that leaders are easily able to adapt to any unexpected changes. A creative problem solver wouldn’t be afraid to debate and discuss their ideas to solve this problem with their co-leaders.

A creative leader also means that they will be using their creativity to make camp fun for everyone. This means that the storylines will be exciting, engaging and interactive! In addition, the general cabin atmosphere should be pleasing. Creativity like this will help campers stay motivated to finish projects and enjoy camp!

A welcoming atmosphere where campers feel comfortable to be themselves and get to know others. This cabin will be focused on fun but with a bit of a competitive side!

Three parts
I am applying for both leader and co-leader
I am willing to share a promotional project for SWC

I am able to complete all of the leader responsibilities.

In this situation, if I was the one who is inactive, I will let my co-leaders and hosts know as far in advance as I can. I will make co-leaders aware of what responsibilities they will have in my absence and I will make sure that all responsibilities are shared evenly between the co-leaders so that they don’t feel overwhelmed. If it is my leader that becomes active then I will notify a host and make sure all responsibilities are fulfilled.

new account so I can't add a banner Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (48)

#658May 17, 2024 18:25:08

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

may's (co)leader app - text version, 923 words

─── ・ 。゚☆

  1. About Me

Hi there! I’m May – a writer, experimental cook, and night owl who goes by the pronouns she/her. My time zone is GMT, and you’ll usually find me huddled beneath the covers at midnight, reading by lamplight.

As an aspiring author, I find comfort in pressing pen to paper, crafting worlds that transcend space and time, characters who take you by the hand and whisk you away. Away to a better place.

Writing is, and always will be, my safe haven.

When I’m not up at 1 a.m., jotting down ideas in the dark, I’m always reading at ridiculous hours of the night. My recent favourites include The Book That Wouldn’t Burn by Mark Lawrence, The Survival Game by Nicky Singer, and Lockwood & Co. by Jonathan Stroud.

My other love is food, and I’m close to perfecting a special noodles recipe (which features diced onions and lots of Siracha). Recently, I’ve rewatched all the Bourne movies, fallen in love with cooking, and, for nostalgia’s sake, started playing Minecraft again.

  2. Previous Experience

As for participation, I’m grateful to have taken part in four sessions of SWC so far:
- March 2021 : Mythology (camper)
- July 2023 : Dystopian (camper)
- November 2023 : Steampunk (camper)
- March 2024 : Hi-fi (co-leader)

With regards to writing, I’ve dedicated my account to sharing pieces for the past four years – from poems and short stories to chapters of a novel. I finished writing my first book back in early 2023, which was an amazing experience.

I have also been placed three times in the SWC writing competition (third place in March ’21, fourth place in July ’23, and first place in November ’23 for fanfic). I have been a competition panellist for the previous two sessions, and it was wonderful to read so many great pieces.

In terms of outside experience, I volunteered at a primary school last July, and then took part in a work experience program at the same school this April. For a week, I stayed with a Year 4 class and had the responsibility of tutoring the children, marking books, and supervising. Teaching them to solve Maths problems and watching their eyes light up when they understood a concept was an extremely rewarding feeling.

  3. Cabin Preference

The cabins I’d like to (co)lead are Fairy Tales, Sci-fi, and Tragedy (in order of preferences).

For Fairy Tales, I’d love to incorporate a storyline idea that I’ve had for a while:

Snow White has bitten into the poisoned apple and fallen into a death-like slumber, her features dull and faded. The dwarves wait for the prince in apprehension. Unbeknownst to them, something terrible has happened to him, and the dwarves must find another way to wake Snow White before her heartbeat fades, and their world suffers for it.

For Sci-fi, it would be amazing to theme the cabin around the galaxy and taking campers on an adventure through the stars, journeying to different planets (both real and imagined), and discovering secrets that the universe has to offer.

As for The Cabin That Will Not Win, I would rather not (co)lead this cabin as I really appreciate the competitive aspect of SWC, both for my own motivation and encouragement for the campers.

  4. Excerpt

This is my piece that won fourth place in July 2023: <3

  5. Time Dedication

I have no important events taking place in July (other than the possible test or two). Outside of school and homework, I should be able to dedicate some time every day to SWC.

  6. Time Management

My skills with time management include the following: the ability to split large projects and prioritise those which are most important, as well as the capability to compartmentalise tasks and meet deadlines.

My shortcomings include: finding it slightly difficult to multitask, specifically when the workload is larger than expected, and the struggle with procrastination, tending to put off larger projects till later.

  7. Working With Others

I’ve always enjoyed working with others, and my strengths include: a willingness to give and receive feedback, listen to, and incorporate other people’s ideas, and build cabin morale.

When working with others, I sometimes feel overwhelmed when things aren’t going to plan, however I’ve prioritised being flexible and definitely aim to improve this.

  8. Valued Quality

The quality I value most in a leader is compassion; to be kind and considerate when in a position of authority is something I deeply admire and strive to be. I’ve always found that previous leaders who embody both of these traits have given me the best cabin experiences and enabled me to form close and lasting bonds with my (co)leaders and fellow campers, boosting cabin morale and helping us all achieve our personal and collective goals.

  9. Cabin Atmosphere (20 words)

A cabin geared towards personal goals and harnessing creativity, engaged in relaxed competition and the aspiration to better your writing.


✓ I am applying for both leader and co-leader.
✖ I am applying for only co-leader.
✓ I'm willing to share a promotional project for SWC.
B) None that I cannot complete.
C) In the event that another (co)leader is inactive, I will notify the SWC team and step in to take over their responsibilities. If this happens to be myself, I will notify the SWC team immediately and the campers, pass over my responsibilities to the rest of the cabin leader team, and create a forum post to briefly outline any important information that they are required to know.

Last edited by ap0l0 (May 17, 2024 18:28:27)

✎ hii! i'm May - an avid writer, reader and student.

“write what should not be forgotten.”

#hififtw #swc #march2024

#659May 17, 2024 18:58:47

1000+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

CJ’s July 2024 SWC Leader App

About Me (New England Aster):

Hello! I’m CJ, and I live in the wonderful PST, which in my unbiased opinion, is the best timezone. My pronouns are he/they and I’m transmasc! In my free time, I like hanging out with my friends and listening to music. My music taste is a bit all over the place, but two artists I really like at the moment are Conan Gray and Livingston! Additionally, my friends are trying to (unsuccessfully) convert me into a Swiftie Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (51)

My main sport is swimming! I’ve been swimming competitively ever since I was little and this summer I plan to start lifeguard training! Swimming this year has been a bit rough for me, as I’ve reached a plateau, but I’m hoping to move past it soon.

Recently, I’ve been getting back into reading. As I’ve gotten older, the amount of books I read has diminished significantly, with school taking up the majority of my free time. However, lately, I’ve been attempting to make time, even if it’s just a few minutes here and there. The last book I read was Orphan Island, and honestly, I have mixed feelings. I loved the concept of the book, but the ending didn’t quite resolve the plot as I hoped, with many loose threads left hanging. If anyone reading this has read it, I’d love to know your thoughts! Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (52)

Art! Ever since I was little, I’ve loved art. There’s something about the way it calms my thoughts and helps me relax after a long day. I used to be primarily a digital artist, but lately, I’ve begun to get more into traditional art, as it’s easier to focus on without distractions. My favorite mediums are acrylic and watercolor!

Participation (Chicory)

I’ve participated in seven sessions of SWC so far!

November 2021 - Fantasy Forest - Camper
July 2022 - Myth Maze - Camper
November 2022 - Adventure Kingdom - Camper
March 2023 - Hi-Fi Battlegrounds - Co-leader w/ Matty and Wave
July 2023 - Thriller Apocalypse - Leader w/ Vi
November 2023 - Adventure Island - Leader w/ Alia
March 2024 - Thriller Insect Academy - Leader w/ Rockie and Poppy

Last session was my first time leading with two cos, and it was an amazing experience. With multiple cos, the workload was a lot lighter, because the tasks were divided up across more people. Additionally, having multiple cos meant that I was able to get more input and ideas on our cabin’s storyline. After trying both, I’ve concluded that which you choose really depends on your priorities and goals for the session. With one co, communication is simplified, but with multiple, the workload is lighter and you can get a more diverse range of ideas.

In past sessions, I’ve often been overambitious with storylines, resulting in a lot of stress when things fell through, not being able to keep up with my storyline, and having an unsatisfactory end to the session. However, this session, I tried to keep things simple and fitting to my schedule, ensuring that things would progress smoothly. Thinking ahead like this paid off, and the storyline was much more clean, with less unexpected changes.

This storyline was something that I was genuinely excited about, and it made my day to see other people sharing my excitement. I think that experience is one of the real beauties of leadership and is part of the reason why I keep coming back to SWC.

Leading experience! Last summer, I spent a lot of my time volunteering at my local pool, teaching kids how to swim. I think this helped me get a better feel of how to communicate with many different types of people. I realized that not all people communicate the same way, and sometimes you have to take a step back and understand that. Additionally, doing this aided my ability to work with and instruct people in small groups.

Previously, I’ve also led for SAC (Scratch Art Camp) multiple times and even hosted a few sessions. This was my first taste of leading and gave me a great foundation! I was able to get a good feel for leading and collaborating with people I didn’t know that well, which is essential when leading in camps such as SWC.

Cabins (Bellflower)

I would love to lead Mystery this session! My idea for it involves a magical market. Campers are trapped within this mysterious market and must find their way out through a series of clues. Fantastical creatures lurk in the shadows, hiding within winding streets and alleys that lead to seemingly nowhere. Traps appear without warning. Suspicious vendors peddle their wares, selling hope and promise, but are they merely a distraction from the big picture?

While Mystery is my top choice, I also have ideas for Myth and Folklore! For Myth, my idea involves an ancient mining civilization and for Folklore it involves a ragtag traveling band.

I would prefer not to lead TCTWNW. The competitive aspect of SWC is one of my favorite parts and is a big motivator for me, so I don’t think it would be the best fit for me.

Excerpt (Queen Anne's Lace)

Time Dedication (Purple Coneflower)

On weekdays, I will be able to dedicate between 1 and 2 hours to SWC. During weekends, this will increase slightly, to around 3 hours. I will be the most active in the evening hours, after my irl activities have wrapped up.

During June, I will have morning swim practice on all weekdays besides Friday, lasting from 6 am to around 8 am. Additionally, I have school until the end of June, which will keep me occupied until about 5 pm every day. However, besides studying and other school related activities, I don’t have other commitments in the afternoon.

In July, I will still have swim practice, with the addition of a summer program at a local university. The program will take place Monday through Thursday from 9 to 3 pm. Afterwards, my time will be taken up with volunteering at my local pool as well as lifeguard training until around 7 pm.

Though these activities will take up the majority of my time, I’m confident that I will still be able to be active, with access to my phone throughout the day and my laptop in the evening hours. I don’t foresee any changes to these plans, but if there are any, I will notify a host and/or my leading partners immediately so that if necessary, we can discuss how to move forward.

Time Management (Meadow Cranesbill)

One of my skills in time management is organization. I’m good at keeping track of everything that I have to do, and I do this through a system of lists. At the end of every day, I go through all of my classes and write down the assignments that I have. Then, I organize them by their urgency and write down the tasks that I plan on completing today. Having a separate daily to-do list helps me be more productive, because it gives me a sense of accomplishment for doing each task. With a bigger to-do list, I often do a lot of work on a task, but not enough to complete it, leaving me feeling unproductive and less motivated to work on that task later.

Additionally, I write down the amount of time that I think a task will take, next to each one, and set a timer, so I don’t spend too long on one task. Often, I get stuck on a particular assignment and spend all of my time working on it. However, taking a break from that assignment and coming back with a clear head can help me get more work done in the long run, even if it’s difficult initially.

A shortcoming of mine is that I’m easily distracted. During online school, that was one of my biggest struggles. There are so many internet rabbit holes that you can go down, things that are far more enjoyable in the moment than doing your work. I often find myself switching over to other tabs to watch videos, message friends, etc. Sometimes, I look up and realize that I’ve been scrolling through social media for hours and hadn’t noticed at all. To manage this, I set a timer in another tab (usually for around 15 minutes), so that when it goes off, I can realize that I’m distracting myself from my work and refocus.

Assets & Strengths/Weaknesses (Oxeye Daisy)

One of my strengths in working with others is that I’m a very straightforward communicator. I’m honest and direct about my ideas/views, while still respecting other perspectives. This encourages my leading partners to do the same. I want my leading partners to feel comfortable being honest about their thoughts and speaking up, even if we have conflicting ideas. I find it very helpful to hear other voices and know that from past experience, having more different ideas is always better.

I take initiative in discussions. If nobody steps forward and makes an effort to keep a discussion flowing, it can become stagnant, as others put it out of their minds and move on. However, by being active and taking initiative I can ensure that this doesn’t happen, so that work progresses smoothly and we don’t fall behind. We will be able to work efficiently and use all available time.

Additionally, I’m adaptable. Often, unpredictable things happen and being able to succeed despite that is an important skill. Many changes can occur throughout a session and if people aren’t able to react quickly, something small can have a big impact. I’m confident that no matter what happens this session, I will still be able to succeed. I’m good at thinking on my feet, which is helpful when dealing with these issues.

A weakness of mine is that I’m a perfectionist. I want things to be done a specific way and when it isn’t, I end up feeling annoyed and irritated. This can lead to me taking on more work than I can handle, to make sure it’s done the way I want it to be, causing me to feel overwhelmed later on in the session with the amount of tasks I have. I’ve been working on this by attempting to realize that just because something is different doesn’t mean that it’s bad and trying to trust others more.

On top of this, I sometimes talk about too many different things all at once, leading to the people that I’m working with getting confused and not being able to follow it. This is especially common at the beginning of the session, when I’m brimming with ideas and not quite sure what to do with all of them. However, I’m trying to learn to take it slow and go through things bit by bit.

An asset that I bring to my leading team is my art skills. I can draw a variety of different things, for thumbnails, storyline projects, pfps, etc. I’m best at drawing animals and different landscapes, but I can draw people too. Storyline-specific art can give our storyline a unique feel and help it stand out. Matching pfps can promote cabin bonding and feelings of community.

Another asset of mine is my passion. I always put my all into anything that I’m passionate about. I will go the extra mile and do things even if they weren’t asked of me. When someone is passionate about something, it shows through in everything they do.

Quality (Black Eyed Susan)

The quality that I value the most in a leader is honesty. To me, honesty in a leadership position is clearly communicating with others your abilities and expectations. Additionally, acknowledging when you make mistakes and reaching out for help when you need it. If the people that you are working with better understand what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can work together more cohesively as a team. Honesty and openness builds trust that is necessary for successful collaboration.

If you aren’t able or willing to admit when you are struggling, things can easily fall apart. Nobody is perfect and assuming that puts a lot of pressure on yourself, leading to stress. Everyone makes mistakes and it’s important that you own up to them.

I will embody this quality by clearly communicating my ideas and vision with my leading partners early on. If they understand those from the beginning, we will be able to communicate more efficiently and easily. I will reach out for help when I need it and acknowledge when I make mistakes and work to fix them. For example, if I’m struggling with the code for a project, I’ll ask my leading partners for help, instead of doing it sloppily on my own. If I don’t finish one of the tasks that was assigned to me by the date that I said I was, I will acknowledge that and give an explanation, so that my partners don’t think that this was just me being forgetful.

Atmosphere (Wild Cosmos)

An atmosphere centering on having a good time and forging lasting bonds with others, with a competitive edge. An array of activities that encourage camper interaction. (167 characters)

Checkboxes (California Poppy)

- I'm applying for both leader and co-leader.

- I'm willing to make a promotional project for SWC.

If my leading partner(s) go(es) inactive during the planning portion, and I was informed of this ahead of time, I will shift my focus to my own individual tasks for the time being, instead of our collaborative ones. For example, instead of discussing storyline plans with them, I could work on a thumbnail. During the active session, I’ll likely do something similar. If they were managing the word adding studio, I can take a shift with that.

However, if my leading partner goes inactive unexpectedly, I will follow a different course of action. I will try to wait a few days and contact them in different ways, in case notifications aren’t going through in some ways (forum notifications can be finicky). If they still don’t respond, I will contact the hosts and choose a new leading partner after discussing with my other partner.

If I know ahead of time that I will be inactive for a period, I will inform the hosts and my leading partners, so that they can work around my absence. If I have responsibilities that require daily activity, I will plan to work around those.

Last edited by cb2jkl (May 17, 2024 19:48:01)

cj (he/they)
leading thriller swc march 24'
former sac host

#660May 17, 2024 21:10:01

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swc megathread ➷ march 2024

ave's leader app answers—text version
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.